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Posts by Cowboy2013

  1. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    I want to finish off a bottle of vodka I have. Somebody talk me out of it 😟

    From what I understand it doesn’t stop ketosis but it doesn’t help and I’m trying to be healthy.
  2. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Gimme the tldr version?
  3. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Who is shilling for it? I’m sure Jewmerican propaganda like Faux and CNN but do you mean government agents pretending to be independent journalists? Just watch RT.
  4. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Has anybody made a shotgun like this? Page 100 for more deets.

  5. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Post them. Me:

    I moved into a house with my kids mother but we didn’t have kids then. If I had to guess the house probably would be built in the 30’s. It had a creepy vibe despite having light colors. I never mentioned this to anyone but thought it. Especially the back rooms which weren’t as bright where our bedroom was. The house was brick except for the back wall where our bedroom was. Idk if it was incased or it was built like that. I had a 4 legged bitch as well who was big and mean af if she didn’t know you. I put her kennel up against this back wall outside the bedroom.

    One night me and the 2 legged bitch were going to sleep and I heard this tune being knocked and it sounded like it was on wood. I was like “did you hear that” and she’s like yeah so i go outside with a gun and go out the back. My dog was acting completely normal. I let her out and she behaved like she normally would have. I took her around the house then I searched the house to be sure. No way could someone have done that on brick.

    Later when I was moving out (not long after because of other stuff) someone helping me was like “this place is creepy” and I told them I felt the same way and about what happened. I couldn’t find anything in the news about it but something had to have happened there.
  6. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    That too
  7. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut

    That’s recent and one of his best.
  8. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    You need a purpose.
  9. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by STD I have the screenshots but right now I'm too drunk to find them. I'm the one man, polydrug toxicity study that huffed raid online.

    I wonder if you’ll pay for it later. I sprayed it on weed once in high school before I found totse. I found totse through text files and realized they had a forum. And found stuff to occupy my idle mind.
  10. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Girl from the bar wanted me to come hang out on her boat today.

    Look at me. I AM DE CAPTAIN NOW.

    Where is this? It looks nice.
  11. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Going to jump rope too and work on my combination heavy bag double end bag. I’m really good at making homemade workout equipment. And maybe some of those rollouts with that wheel thing but I can only do like 2. On my feet, not like a girl.
  12. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Manson rules

    We’re all stars now in the dope show

    Seen him live with Alice cooper was good

    I was actually listening to that song while sober. I guess it’s an anti-drug song. His music has been pretty good lately too.
  13. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut

    I said I didn’t want to do a lot of weights but it’s the easiest way to burn calories. I did 2 sets.
  14. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by STD Missed you guys though. It's weird as hell to see some of these old usernames, I mean I started fucking up my life when I came to zoklet and now I'm still around and life isn't so much different.

    I’m probably older than you. I was never a mod but I found the same on totse.
  15. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    So if you didn’t know Marilyn Manson has been going through a lot of drama with exes. And RT reported on it too. It’s hard to always tell where RT stands on something but if they report in celebrities there is usually some political significance. And they’re pretty good on Israel. The article seemed to be critical but the comments mostly supportive when it was hard to do that anywhere else at the time.

    I like some of his music but he is a strange character who I believe has said some woke stuff about kikes despite being in showbiz and palling around with them. He’s also talked about his father being involved with jewmurcan military intelligence which is really weird considering his name and conspiracy theories about Laurel Canyon, Charles Manson and military intelligence.

    Evan Rachel Wood is a kike. I’m not sure what to make of the metoo thing because initially it was targeting a jew right? Is Hollywood trying to ruin him because they see him as dangerous? It seems like the time to do that was the late 90’s.
  16. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Ur threads suck but better than usual.
  17. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Idk if there is any user title past black hole but candy’s shouldn’t be changed. She’s three of them.
  18. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Cat killer.

    Cat killing is a form of activism these days.
  19. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cigreting J3ws in hollywood will present their agenda in the new movie like they always do

    Lebron James is a CPC agent. I would be surprised if there are as many jews involved in this movie as there usually are.
  20. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Average Jane I’m rolled up in a burrito of cozy blankets with my cat having a binge watching session. This is my version of heaven

    How old are you and how many kids do you have?
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