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  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    SYRIA - Jihadis in Ghouta are distributing gas masks. Here we go again...
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    BEST KOREA - US is reporting that they attempted a missile launch from Sinpo which exploded. Unverified reports that an (separate) SLBM test launch was also performed.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher Trump is now declaring that he will launch a preemptive strike on north Korea if he even suspects that they are going to conduct another nuclear test. Presumably he'll be relying on the same "intelligence" agencies that told us Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong.

    Fuck you, trump. We elected you to get us the fuck out of the rest of the world's business, not pick up where obummer left off.

    Especially since they've had the capability to strike the entire region with nukes for how long now? But only now that they "may be developing technology that could reach the US" do they give a shit.

    Post last edited by Hash Slinging Slasher at 2017-04-15T12:34:58.646248+00:00

    What? You mean the guy who campaigned on effectively no foreign policy has decided to maintain the status quo of military enforcement of US economic and penis-insecurity interests? How surprising!
  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    SYRIA - moderate jihadis' bus bombs yesterday have killed 220 so far and they're nowhere near done counting
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by aldra moderate jihadis
  6. Originally posted by Lanny What? You mean the guy who campaigned on effectively no foreign policy has decided to maintain the status quo of military enforcement of US economic and penis-insecurity interests? How surprising!

    Please don't shitpost here
  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher Please don't shitpost here

    it's actually a legit point - the fact that he had so many conflicting and nonspecific policies really couldn't have helped when he tried to go against the foreign policy institution, but I'm of the belief that there wasn't much he could've done without seriously risking civil war (even moreso than now)
  8. Originally posted by aldra it's actually a legit point - the fact that he had so many conflicting and nonspecific policies really couldn't have helped when he tried to go against the foreign policy institution, but I'm of the belief that there wasn't much he could've done without seriously risking civil war (even moreso than now)

    Yeah I was just messing with lanny. I already clearly showed that I was displeased with trump's actions, he was just trying to do the "I told you so" shit. Did trump not campaign on "were going to quit fucking around in the rest of the world's business?"


    Trump ought to have just left everything the way it was and pulled our forces from the middle east. The Syrians do not want us there, and the people seem to like assad enough, and there will be another ISIS formed if assad is overthrown.

    I could see him wanting to get rid of ISIS seeing as its a US creation. So focus on that, leave Assad and Russia alone, or work with them. Russia has done more to eradicate ISIS than anyone else.

    And looking at the number of times US intervention in middle eastern politics has caused much worse than what they were trying to fix (mujhadeen, al qaeda, ISIS) you'd think he'd know by now that it does more harm than good, but no, he continues the same dumb shit that got us into this mess.

    As for north Korea, they have, what, 10 nukes? Who gives a shit if they're setting them off in their own country? Everyone else does it. Let the others in the region worry about it, it's none of our business. Do we not have systems that can detect and disable icbms? So let them develop one, then blow them the fuck off the planet if they try to use it. If they want to worry about something they ought to worry about the submarines.

    I don't see china's angle in all this, though. Probably just trying to find some way of forcing trump to keep allowing US manufacturing to be shafted by them.

    Post last edited by Hash Slinging Slasher at 2017-04-16T06:31:42.698907+00:00
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Yeah I was talking to a friend a few days ago who voted for Trump.

    On voting day, he told me he's going from vote for Trump because he thought Hillary was going to start a war with Russia by getting involved in Syria, and Trump wouldn't, and that he was afraid of getting drafted for this war.

    I told him 1) Nigga, you're not getting drafted; you are a chubby goth with power calves typical of fat people who work standing jobs, 2) conscription ended 40 years ago, 3) the president doesn't decide jack shit with regards to who we bomb, at this point their control of the armed forces is ceremonial.

    So I was taking to him recently about this and the nigga was basically in denial... Bro, you got bamboozled, just admit it. Trump played your ass.
  10. I already admitted that. And I figured that would be the case from the start. But what else was I supposed to do, vote for Hillary?
  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher I don't see china's angle in all this, though. Probably just trying to find some way of forcing trump to keep allowing US manufacturing to be shafted by them.

    I don't think anyone can be sure, really. at this point Russia and China have accepted that US foreign policy is totally unpredictable so they can only really respond, forecasting is a waste of time.

    If the US do openly attack Best Korea, I think China may well sink the carrier group - they've been causing too much trouble in the South China Sea, and after that missile strike on Syria there's no way they can be sure the US won't pre-emptively attack those islands
  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Yeah I was talking to a friend a few days ago who voted for Trump.

    On voting day, he told me he's going from vote for Trump because he thought Hillary was going to start a war with Russia by getting involved in Syria, and Trump wouldn't, and that he was afraid of getting drafted for this war.

    I told him 1) Nigga, you're not getting drafted; you are a chubby goth with power calves typical of fat people who work standing jobs, 2) conscription ended 40 years ago, 3) the president doesn't decide jack shit with regards to who we bomb, at this point their control of the armed forces is ceremonial.

    So I was taking to him recently about this and the nigga was basically in denial… Bro, you got bamboozled, just admit it. Trump played your ass.

    I still consider him the lesser of two evils
  13. Should have voted for Gary Johnson or some other 3rd party Don't pick the lesser of two evils.
  14. Originally posted by Captain Falcon Should have voted for Gary Johnson or some other 3rd party Don't pick the lesser of two evils.

    You and I both know that wouldn't have made a rat's dick of a difference
  15. You know what might be the worst part about all this? Republicans and Democrats alike all seem to think his bombing syria and threatening north Korea is a good thing. And trump is probably the type that would continue to do shit that he knows is wrong because the people support it.
  16. Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher You and I both know that wouldn't have made a rat's dick of a difference

    As an individual, your vote ANY way doesn't make a difference. But the your mindset projected onto the entire American public is the problem.

    The two party system is propped up and perpetuated by the First Past The Post voting system in the US, and the psychological​trap that it creates, where eventually you end up going for the "lesser of two evils".

    Look at Ross Perot; exit polling said that he would have won by a fucking landslide in the electoral college if people didn't buy into the "throwing your vote away" horseshit. He was the original Trump, but not retarded.

    The only way to break this in the long run is to implement a preferential voting system. But that will never happen as long as the Democraps and Republicunts run the show. So someone needs to erase this wasted vote mindset and start voting for independents.

    They also need to work to allow third party candidates into the presidential debates; if you can get on the ballots, you should be allowed into the debates. That's how Jesse Ventura won Minnesota, he went into the debates, spoke truth to power and showed people that there was a person they could vote for that wasn't simply the lesser evil.

    As long as you (the collective) keep voting D or R, you will keep getting ass raped, and your choice will be between cactus or brillo pad. That's just the fact.

    Post last edited by Captain Falcon at 2017-04-16T07:12:01.526476+00:00
  17. We need to totally abolish the party system. Each candidate runs on their own merits and their own merits alone.

    All of our third party candidates this election were trash anyway
  18. You can never abolish political parties. Not only is it more impossible to achieve as a political end them changing the voting system, and less enforceable by far, and unconstitutional, but changing the voting system and allowing third party candidates onto the debates it they hit the threshold would effectively break the "two party dictatorship".
  19. Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher All of our third party candidates this election were trash anyway

    Speak for yourself. I voted for Joe Exotic

  20. Originally posted by Captain Falcon allowing third party candidates onto the debates it they hit the threshold would effectively break the "two party dictatorship".

    They already do this.
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