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The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs Attention

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel xanax… once

    thats the key: 'once'

    you can take 10mg...40mg...hell, go for 200mg once or twice or three times even

    its when high dosages...and 8mg is a high dosage in this instance...are being taken over a very, very long period of time where permanent brain damage is done.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Xanax is a shit benzo, it has a short half life and its not very potent which is why bars are so popular even though they were designed to be broken up.

    I had no idea thats why bars were even designed like that until recently.

    I doubt anyone is breaking a 4mg bar unless they are really fucking responsible/ a pussy
  3. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    is that a tranny
  5. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by the pat-man is that a tranny

    That's Patricia Goddess.
  6. Originally posted by Something Squirrel I ate like 10mg of xanax once with a mild benzo tolerance and I only got a mild buzz.

    I know it must have been 10+mg because I had 20 1mg blue roche pills and it lasted me like a day and half.

    I like Kpin where I could take 2 2mg pills under my tongue and sip on some corona then I wake up on the floor and its 2 days later and I have to recount my pills again to see how many I ate when I was blacked out.

    That was a good summer.

    Roche doesn't manufacture Xanax.
  7. Originally posted by Solstice Roche doesn't manufacture Xanax.

    I could have sworn the little blue guys were Roche, I used to get the flat white 2mg kpins that said Roche on them

    My entire memory of benzo abuse is kinda foggy.

    I don't remember them looking like this at all.

  10. Originally posted by Obbe

    You could build a house on those tits and it wouldn't budge
  11. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Solstice Roche doesn't manufacture Xanax.

    I have a bunch of round 1mg blue xanax with a stylized R on them. Couldve sworn it was them.
  12. Originally posted by Obbe

    Look at her eyes, she's on more downers than me.
  13. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
  14. Originally posted by DietPiano Look at her eyes, she's on more downers than me.

    I watched a video once where the girl was clearly fighting a nod while she got fucked
  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Obbe

    herp derp slobber edition
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Obbe

    oh wow, she a real pretty little thing. shame she had to fuck it up with that boob job. the botox ain't too bad but she'd be even better without it tho.

  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Obbe

    oh she do be fly there tho

  18. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by NARCassist oh wow, she a real pretty little thing. shame she had to fuck it up with that boob job. the botox ain't too bad but she'd be even better without it tho.


    Stop objectifying women you sexist pig! She's doesn't need to change herself for no man!
  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Obbe

    what a lovely slobberingly wet kiss you'd get there, mmm

  20. Originally posted by Something Squirrel Xanax is a shit benzo, it has a short half life and its not very potent which is why bars are so popular even though they were designed to be broken up.

    I had no idea thats why bars were even designed like that until recently.

    I doubt anyone is breaking a 4mg bar unless they are really fucking responsible/ a pussy

    2mg in a bar. Bar is the highest dose except XR there is a 3mg but Xanax XR isn't prescribed because it sucks and defeats the point of Xanax.

    I've never used any other benzo except I think I found a kpin .5 in this kids truck one time but I never felt it nor did my non-tolerant friend.

    That being said, I have never personally witnessed anyone take a whole bar and be able to stay awake for very long. I stopped letting people try them after a while because I knew what was gonna happen.

    Originally posted by CASPER I have a bunch of round 1mg blue xanax with a stylized R on them. Couldve sworn it was them.

    That's the activis logo

    Originally posted by infinityshock thats the key: 'once'

    you can take 10mg…40mg…hell, go for 200mg once or twice or three times even

    its when high dosages…and 8mg is a high dosage in this instance…are being taken over a very, very long period of time where permanent brain damage is done.

    You're couldn't be more right. I only tried using more than 8mg one time and took like, I dunno, probably over 100mg and it didn't really feel hardly any different, just more tired when I woke up.

    The length is the big deal here. Like, you really shouldn't be able to work a patient up that far because by the time they're at 3 or 4 if they say "It's not working well enough" you should be saying "Okay, let's ween you off and try something else" because it should be at least 4 months of consistent benzo use at that point, and at 4 months 4/5 doctors would listen to the warning that says "Use beyond 4 months is not reccommended, long term effects beyond 4 months are not known." That's being pretty kind. What it should say is "Memory problems will likely develop after 4 months."

    Yeah, my memory is a lot better than it was a year ago, but still pretty awful (although some of it is withdrawal.) I have a ways to go though, then PAWS I'm sure, which with my case I'm planning on the full 2 years because I can't even find relevant data on people above 4mg for multiple years.

    This is the worst drug withdrawal I can fathom. It's maybe slightly less intense as far as sheer pain than heroin, but only slightly, and it just goes ON and ON and ON for 1-2 years instead of a tough month like opis. You can take a month off work, good luck taking 2 years off. I don't enjoy weed, but I may try CBD oil because I hear it's not psychoactive and pretty good for neuropathic/nerve pain, which is the brunt of my pain.

    You have to reduce So.. Slowly.. after 3 years. I've been in constant w/d for the last year and I still have the better part of a year to go. Used to cut .5 every 3 weeks, until I nearly had a psychotic break in April and started cutting only .25 (~10% of my dose) every 3 weeks.

    Anybody wanna buy some bars?

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