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The Retardest Thread: Fashionably Late Edition.

  1. Hi Sophie
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by ohfralala Hi Sophie

    Hi lala.
  3. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Sophie Depends on how i'm feeling really. A lot of the new users make boring threads so meh. I jeditube or Twitter. Generally working on some cyber projects i got going.

  4. It's almost page 420
  5. Originally posted by Sophie Hi lala.

    I miss you. I’m going to message you.

  6. Originally posted by ohfralala I miss you. I’m going to message you.


    Don't forget to tell her how nice I am.
  7. Sophie is male.

    And I’ve already made it clear I don’t like you publicly :)
  8. Gender doesn't matter...I'm sure you would also message gerbils to bash me. I'm actually glad you don't like me...types like Pole are more your style. Enjoy.
  9. Then move on old man.
  10. I'm not old...but you are FAT.
  11. Ok Matt lol
  12. I'm not responsible for your cheese cake desires.
  13. Cheese cake is fucking delicious. Nobody but me is responsible for my desires.
  14. Any of guys been to a stand up comedy joint?
    I live in the middle of rural buttfuck nowhere, but if I get the chance to spend a couple days in bigger cities I wanna check em out.

    Just sucks that the scene is in kind of a bad spot right now. 5 years ago stand up was on fire. Now it's just awful political "comedy" AKA 35% of everybone's act is Trump jokes. Don't care what your thoughts are on the guy one way or the other, repeating the same jokes over and over is just bad, lazy comedy and why late night died after Craig left.

    Don't really wanna see people my age bomb, would rather see the 45 yr old vets kill. Stand up guys get better as they age it seems like.
  15. Originally posted by hydromorphone Oh and lol… I pulled a gun on my ex while he was there in the room and it never got pointed at him. I threatened while he was in his room I'd shoot him if he didn't get his shit and leave. Meanwhile it was hours since he first was told to pack his shit. I felt so bad with him crying I tried to give him the gun and that was the only contact with the gun he had but he was too scared to even take it. §m£ÂgØL is a goddamn drama Queen acting like he had a gun to his head. I'm tired of apologizing for shit that didn't even happen. I'm sorry I threatened him. I'm sorry he dealt with aall that stress. What I did regardless wasn't right but let me be responsible for what happened, not some over hyped delusion. I tried my best to fix it. I tried my best to make amends… What more can I do? I won't let it rule my life anymore. I won't live in the past just because he wants to.

    Fucking delusional. I guess you don't remember everybody screaming at you to stop pointing the gun around because you were waving it wildly. I guess the other two witnesses were wrong.

    You deserve every last bit of pain and suffering you endure on your way out of this world. You are a terrible human being who takes no responsibility for their actions. If I could, I would transport you into a Syrian slave market, because that's the only place in this world where you might ever be useful.
  16. Originally posted by gumbo Fucking delusional. I guess you don't remember everybody screaming at you to stop pointing the gun around because you were waving it wildly. I guess the other two witnesses were wrong.

    You deserve every last bit of pain and suffering you endure on your way out of this world. You are a terrible human being who takes no responsibility for their actions. If I could, I would transport you into a Syrian slave market, because that's the only place in this world where you might ever be useful.

    I wish she shot you
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. RisiR † 29 Autism
    ^traumatized! Lol.
  18. Now this is...this is drama.
  19. Maybe you shouldn't have ran away from home to a drug addict and her husband.
  20. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by DietPiano Maybe you shouldn't have ran away from home to a drug addict and her husband.

    I'd say these are the kind of choices that lead to growth as an individual, but it really only changed him for the worse.

    §m£ÂgØL... seriously bud, get over it.

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