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The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition

  1. wtf, it sounds so professional. He produced a whole fucking song about... about Bill Krozby?
  2. Captain Falcon actually hired somebody to play and sing to the lyrics he wrote. No joke.
  3. He actually hired two people but the other song was shit.
  4. Malice? :(
  5. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I'm alive, last posted only...about 3 days and 19.5 hours ago. Well, add an extra 20 hours to that since I never posted this yesterday due to a general depressive state, feelings of futility, insignificance The sites just been pretty shit, furthering detaching myself from my humanity and aspie'ing out. Continually losing aspects of my humanity whether I want to or not, such as people genuinely caring for me not evoking emotion, providing some positive psychological effect.

    I've said before that normally I don't dream, but I had one within the last few days where I think someone, a person who years ago was the closest thing I had had to a friend (online), or maybe it was just some random scenario. But I had moved in with other people, possibly having been invited out of altruism and concern, and there was just this incredible feeling of alienation and detachment. I'm not sure if this was during the same dream or a different one/segment, a different day, but at some point I had a thought/moment where I realized, somehow, perhaps due to not having a response or remembering clearly enough that at some point in the past things/this specific thing had felt different, that this wasn't the way things were supposed to feel, that I was (still) suffering from depersonalization/derealization. I mentioned before that I experienced that after my mental breakdown post-shroom trip (very mild, it simply brought things to the surface and augmented introspection) and I'm not sure I ever fully came out of it.

    I'll start with a few things: I present to you, gloop:


    I may recall some prisons, possibly having the same essential thing fed to inmates or POWs, as a form of torture. A google search brought to mind this, related to cruel and unusual punishment:

    I could go into details about why I chose each ingredient, how conventional views are false/inaccurate, keep chaining information, which I prevent myself from to doing to keep my excessively long posts from becoming even longer. The autistic mind; I'm not sure if it's simply depression and my extremely (psychologically, which leads to physiological effects (the mind is, is dependent on, matter after all. Intertwined, likely no fundamental separation) unhealthy lifestyle, but, and there is wide variation among autistics, neuroatypicals among neuroatypicals (me) (anomalies), due to mental architecture (hyper-systemizing, systemizing information, about life, humanity), differences in memory (which I've jokingly referred to as autism power, along with a common drive toward "truth seeking" (Wherever it may lead." "Reality is reality whether you like it or not." "You don't, in my experience almost never, find the answers you would have hoped to be true."(Although these have no inherent connotations, we ascribe, interpret themselves as such.), possibly even a role in synaptic pruning ( around 40% more synapses, 40% more activity/"noise" at rest) that the basal state of sentience/consciousness/thought, cane become genuinely painful.

    What is the greatest experience you can have? It is the hour of the great contempt. The hour when your happiness, too, arouses your disgust, and even your reason and your virtue.
    The hour when you say, 'What matters my happiness? It is poverty and filth and wretched contentment. But my happiness ought to justify existence itself.'
    The hour when you say, 'What matters my reason? Does it crave knowledge as the lion his food? It is poverty and filth and wretched contentment.'
    The hour when you say, 'What matters my virtue? As yet it has not made me rage. How weary I am of my good and my evil! All that is poverty and filth and wretched contentment.'

    Phase two: It's normal, at least above a certain general IQ range, to commonly have conversations/debates with the version of a person that exists in your mind (Something that reminded me of Evangelion: There are three yous, the one that is perceived by yourself (the one in your own mind, your mental image), the one by others, and the objective reality.), or just some generic shell that fills the need, I was thinking of the depth to which I could describe the decisions I make, my daily routine. Bateman's monologue to an extreme, and at some point it felt like a madness. So many thousands of hours, like a worm optimized to crawl straight to the highest quality sources of information, locating it optimized, interpreting/analyzing, integrating/cross-linking, actively having identifying biases and emotions that cloud judgement/perception, which became victims of a slow purposeful erasure.

    Thousands of pages, countless hours, and at the base, the act is so simple, most crude, but of biological necessity. And everything, ultimately futile, having been put to no significant use, having accepted long ago the basis of the state of man, of human nature, the myriad of flaws that lead to attempting to change the world to be a waste. Even for the greatest, tiny, crude, interchangeable.

    I was disgusted by my reason and knowledge. It was more of a compulsion.

    I still have not felt disgust at aspects of virtue. Oddly enough, many poorly defined, inconsistently adhered to, deviations made on a whim. Yet some semblances of an innate and powerful codes of ethics, or virtue, or rising above the common man and being unafraid to pass judgement (If all is without meaning, how is this action any more meaningless than any other?) I suppose if I ever attained the third stage it may be at a time when I fully lose my sense of identity, my mind. I thought I knew who I was, what I believed in, better than nearly anyone, but after that mental breakdown, and I learned that minds can indeed break just like bones, shatter, which is unusual when you consider the complexity of it, the various systems and defenses, abilities to repair.)

    Well, that's enough for now.
  6. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    A few notes, some of the components of the curry mix (curcumin/turmeric are of particular noteworthy benefit,) may be fat soluble, which is why I add a dab of coconut oil. And of course added to it is multivitamin(s) pro/pre-biotic, creatine, phenibut (seems to work better taken with of after meals), vitamin D3 ("recommended daily amounts (RDA) don't mean what the vast majority assume they do. In this case it was the minimum amount found to prevent bone softening (osteomalacia), which is not the same thing, and likely to be far from, as the optimal amount. Compare how much is produced via sun exposure within a certain period of time and the differences in the half lives of both forms.) and nattokinase, which I may switch out with an optimal K2 supplement (Very important to take with vitamin D, essentially "takes it where it needs to go" IIRC. May have made a mistake/an occurrence of a neurological malfunction and thought that nattokinase, derived from natto, which is very high in vitamin K2 contained sufficient amounts of K2, also in a form that was likely acceptable.).

    Some notes: Polyunsaturated fats and oxidation, which a state organization had been promoting, but later accepted that results showed a clear increase in negative health effects. Of course it should come as no surprise that they proclaim their error extensively or create and alternate campaign.

    Saturated fat seems to be largely benign and beneficial, which is why I prefer beef (patties are more convenient, since they can be kept frozen and then easily separated in 1/4lb segments.

    Vegetables are largely unimportant as part of a diet IMO. There are elephantine confounding variables with observational studies. If you have decades of campaigns, standardized information in education systems, that they are good for them, despite not tasting very good independently, particularly relative to other choices, food being of the basic hedonic pleasures and drivers, or course those that eat more of them are going to be health conscious individuals with a a myriad of on average differences relative to the general population that have very significant positive effects on health. For example, compare income, education, race/ethnicity (I prefer the term "genetic population", but the purpose of language is to convey meaning, and most would not correctly interpret this/lack the relevant data) ) exercise levels, amounts of smoking and drinking between vegetarians, and particularly vegans, to those which eat a standard American diet, which is a horrifically low bar to set. Well conducted studies on hunter gatherers, before massive shifts leading to temporally incremental confounders, showed very little, almost no, consumption, except for medicinal purposes, which is completely unsurprising when you consider the extremely low caloric density. Related to that, nutritional value per calories is extremely misleading as the caloric density is far lower than meat. For example, compare the volume of 1,000 kcals of ground beef to that of salad. Point being that you would have to consume a completely unrealistic amount to reach equivalence, and even then vitamins from plant sources are often in forms that either very inefficiently converted, if at all, and may lack the beneficial effects. An example with beta-carotene, which is oftne used interchangeably, but actually needs to be converted into the true form of vitamin A, although these studies may have needed a greater number of n's (participants/subjects) to have greater certainty. Regardless, results: On average 3% conversion, 45% no significant conversion at all:

    Any benefits from them, polyphenols/antioxidants, may be from hormesis, which could be put as, they're good for you because they're bad for you, because the body's response to them is strong enough to surpass any damage, similar to exercise, for example, weight lifting leading to micro-tears (microtrauma) and the repair leading to growth/hypertrophy:

    Starch from peeled potatoes (There's a certain class of toxins under the skin to protect against insects. Historically, with the way they were cooked, the skin wasn't eaten, which means unlikelihood of adaption. Any beneficial components, which are small due to the relative mass, can be better attained from other sources.) and white rice seem to largely be benign, just not nutritionally dense. Empty, but benign, calories. As for the glycemic index, as with most subjects introductory courses teach a simplified version with is later expanded upon, leading to disastrous widespread effects ("He who learns a little of everything ends up knowing less than when he started." Paraphrased from an alleged Japanese proverb I once came across, could be wrong.), this is also commonly misconstrued. Individually, the glucose spike is high, but in meals, it is greatly reduced, and food is absorbed for much longer than commonly thought, stemming from myths of the body building community about meal frequency and anabolic/catabolic states.

    Beef liver is the best multi-vitamin, and contains no tyramine when fresh, making it compatible with MAOI medication (prepare it (seasoning, baking soda to neutralize whatever causes the negative taste (milk is another common recommendation, but I don't react well to dairy), meat tenderizer to break down the tough fibers, rinse (possibly beforehand as well to remove the blood), drain with colander, freeze.

    This was all done as an insight into the autistic mind. Oh, and don't scoop the rice into the blender above all else, it is the hardest to blend. It also needs hot-below boiling water added.
  7. all you need is Whey to feel full, nutmeg and parsley oil to get high and meth to make it the most super drink ever. you could compete with Rob Rhinehart
  8. Malice. :)
  9. I'm fed up with my life so much. I want to come to the US. Then I'll live with you and we can teach eachother crazy stuff.

    I'll eat food, though. Non of that Gloop shit.
  10. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Drunken philosophy time. Hopefully I'll fully remember the main tenets, I think there were 4, of how my, albeit shallow ("I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing." paraphrased and allegedly attributed to Socrates. I could go on a rant about conditioning of having opinions on every matter from society/culture and the educational system, and how as a strategy for improving perceived intelligence it works wonderfully, despite the effects being disastrous.) understanding of Buddhism lead me to believe that the Buddha would be an anti-natalist if he had ever been questioned on this, pondered it, or if I could somehow go back in time and have a discussion on him.

    "All of life is suffering." is inaccurate. It's more that humans are born predisposed to suffering.

    It takes great effort to free yourself from this. Think of the lifestyle, time, and effort of monks.

    Not all are fortunate enough to come across his works, the knowledge, if it is the "true", or at least most effective, path to liberation from suffering, Let alone the questions of psychometric thresholds, past experiences, psychological profiles, neurological factors (reasoning over emotion), disabilities (mental retardation, severe mental illness).Then there's human nature and cultural conditioning, with the likelihood of a very strong impact of genes for some (The Buddha likely would not have known of this and if discussed, may have led astray by his insufficient understanding into not fully comprehending the significance and limitations of biology. But back to the first point, it brings to mind the idea of the implications of many theistic religions of uncontacted tribes in the Amazon suffering eternal damnation when there was no possibility to attain the means to salvation; some just god. And from real world, modern, data, the vast majority simply accept what is common for their in-group. Nation, tribe, family. Look at the absurd adherence rates for some Muslim countries (Recent human evolution, divergence, selective pressures, mutations/genetic variations having actually accelerated at an enormous rate over a period of around 10K years and the very real probability that propensity toward religiosity, mediated by genes, could have increased inclusive fitness due to strong cultural/societal factors.)

    The ultimate goal being Nirvana, liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth and cessation of all desire.

    You really need to only understand the endpoint to lead to, what seems to me to be the clear conclusion, that Buddhism should be in concordance with anti-natalism, and that breaking part of the cycle, birth, the creation/bringing forth of sentient beings into this world, is one of, if not the, most noble things you can do.

    On the subject of anti-natalism, I love the morbidity of the title of this book and potential psychological impact (Just imagine it being it on shelf at a store that caters to the parenthood, pregnancy birth, infanthood/young childhood cluster. Or on shelf at a library, at a workshop, some place dedicated to people making the decision on whether or not to become parents.):
    And didn't know it had been written by this blogger:
    First came across her site a while ago here:

    I also really want a high quality shirt with this quote printed on it:

    In simple, but refined, bold, and clear, font, possibly with a light morbid characteristic, and with just "- Camus" below the quote. It would be fun to see the reactions you'd get, especially if you wore it to a meeting with psychiatrist, psychologist, or some other mental health facility, just for kicks. Even if no one said anything, just knowing you're bound to unnerve some people and have a strong psychological impact, certainly stronger than the mundane drudgery of standard life, would be pleasurable. And, of course, it's a quote that really means something to me.
  11. Let's pool our money and buy one of those cheap $5000 houses in Detroit or Baltimore. It can be HQ like in fight club.

  12. 5 grand for that shit? In Niggermore or Coontroit? No thanks, fam.
  13. Actually they're 500, not 5g's
  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'd be down to housepool in Detroit. Forrealz.
  15. Actually they're 500, not 5g's
  16. How do you quote two posts at once for fucks sake. This site is driving me nuts.
  17. This is dogshit.

  18. Is this Kim Kardashian porno real? I have never seen or given a fuck about it. I'm about to whack of to this just because.
  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    How do you quote two posts at once for fucks sake. This site is driving me nuts.

    Copy and paste and refresh the page I think is the only way. I've never noticed a multi-quote option on this site.
  20. And the porno?

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