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The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition

  1. Enter, the only good advice Bill Krozby ever gave was to start a tinder convo with "Just a small town girl....". I've done a little social experiment and the amount of responses I got was surprising. I know, it's stupid as fuck but you'll be able to score with each and every "I like puns, memes, lulz" chicks as you please. It is some kind of magic that beaner gypsy figured out. Seriously.
  2. I wouldn't be able to be a gigolo because I wouldn't be able to get hard.
  3. Yeah... true. Maybe there's gay dudes paying to fuck bear type straight guys?
  4. Do that thing with the song quote, though. Trust me.
  5. Yeah I was saying today how there's this guy I know who's really fucking awesome, and I, as a straight fucking WHITE MALE, would let him fuck me in the ass if he wanted to. I mean, the dude earns it for being so awesome.

    He rides a motorcycle. :)
  6. Does he have a son who also rides a motorcycle and a partially bitten of nose?

  7. No, I don't get the reference.
  8. TheDarkRodent. Buttfucking you. You know... TheDarkRodent.
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I swear to god if sploo actually posted a picture of his dick in that thread I'm done with this site forever
    was it a bundyroll or something,im not clicking it
  10. I masturbated to a curvy piece of driftwood today
  11. Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    Dance in the streets. drink, and be merry, my UK brothers, this is your independence day.

    Ignore and forget everything leftists and whatever other diseased mentalities lead people to support this, along with the standard share of politicians that are corrupt to the core and never had your best interest in mind. There is excellent writing from economists about how the idea was doomed from the start due to critical flaws. Realize this, you have just been the first to abandon a slowly, but unpreventably, sinking ship. Who knows what you may have been forced to do, to pay, suffer, for the stupidity of others.

    Enter, the only good advice Bill Krozby ever gave was to start a tinder convo with "Just a small town girl….". I've done a little social experiment and the amount of responses I got was surprising. I know, it's stupid as fuck but you'll be able to score with each and every "I like puns, memes, lulz" chicks as you please. It is some kind of magic that beaner gypsy figured out. Seriously.

    What does this demonstrate about the average woman? Do you ever reflect on human behavior and want to facepalm your hand through your head due to the resolute stupidity of humanity and crudeness of human life?
  12. 52% to 48%. Gonna be a lot of angry yahoos across the ocean in the coming nights.
  13. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I may get myself hospitalized. This is shit.

    Goddamn you RisiR, I had great concerns about your reliability due to your depression right from the start, and that's because I know it all too well and am bound to have reached depths of dysfunctionalty, unreliability, and states of being nearly bedridden than you have.

    The PM I tried to send you was this:

    Dammit, it wasn't even saved in my sent folder, but to summarize it was that I hate to impose on you, but I have serious recurrent seasonal depression and essentially have a time limit; there's a sharp drop in whether during October and that's around when it occurs. Added some info about a correlation found with neanderthal genes, evolutionary theory, how I can't prevent it because interestingly, and I'm quite sure of this, it's triggered by temperature,not levels of light, which aren't even particularly relevant to me since I go outside so little. Even if I constantly wore warm clothes and kept the heat up, it may still be enough because there are so many signs, even incredibly subtle ones, of the changing seasons that we've evolved to detect through eons of evolution. It causes a double dip effect in my unrelenting depression, and, interestingly, feels distinctly different, like hibernation. My energy levels plummet to the point where I can't get anything done, and it's been during that period the last few years that I've become seriously suicidal, the last year it frightened me enough to snap out of genuinely living like I had given up on life and ask for health, sign up for a case management program and see a psychiatrist.

    If I can't get Nardil again at the dose I need, I may need to be hospitalized as well, and I hate the loss of personal autonomy I may experience. I have backup plans, but I need to move fast.

    Another option is to avoid it by moving to Orlando temporarily until it's over, which is the only US city with average temperatures high enough, or vacationing south of the border (at least it can be cheap as hell).

    Another idea, create an artificial miniature sun indoors (just certain types of bright lights).

    But the main reason I need to act quickly is C.R.E.A.M. My experiences with psychiatrists and thoughts of the kind of therapy I needed made it clear that to get what I want I'll need to pay for that level of quality. If I were to win the lottery I would honestly spend it all on treatment and necessities.

    Last thing: Did you ever try to get a prescription for Nardil or Parnate? Are they available in your country? If not *slaps you across the face* you lazy idiot, even I managed to do it. Why did you wait until the crisis point?! I am acting as your father now. Unless there is some reason you can't, being the process now.
  14. I'm pretty happy that I got 6 tinder matches on my first night, considering a lot of guys complain that they never get any.
  15. 7 now, another one just came through.
  16. You're a pimp enter
  17. SpatianHaigency Tuskegee Airman
    Scotland is going to pull out of UK and join EU.
  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Nietzsche was right, you can reach a point where your own happiness rouses your disgust, or in my case, my desire for happiness.

    I was disgusted today, and stopped buying things simply bought for pleasure instead of health and sustenance. Fleeting pleasures, and there are far greater ones than the crudeness of food. I have an extremely strict diet due to medical purposes and have essentially been eating the same variation of a meal for years; although, the repetition, lack of novely, never really seemed to detract from it or make me weary.

    I didn't take pics, not much of interest, but it tasted surprisingly good (didn't go as far as to add in the sardines as well). It was my first time blending my meal for faster consumption, easier preparation. Mainly, eating and preparing take too much time that could be put to better use and I'm tired of it. Soylent is currently very far from optimal, this is easy to make and is essentially my version. You can drink much faster than you can chew. One more step along the way. I should buy a crock pot and just dump everything in there, then straight to blender when it's time to eat. Potatoes, rice, beef, liver, eggs, vegetables, seasoning. And of course various supplements taken with it.
  19. Just add lots of whey to your blended shit, thats what they use in Big Brother slop.

    You are talking about this stuff right?, I'm pretty sure its mostly whey.
  20. Where the fuck is everybody?

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