Originally posted by Sudo
Least rn. You have to build strength by being clean so you can have a foundation to deal with lifes stressors. Finding things to do helps you move in another direction away from dope and forge a new path.
Casper is there any advantage to methadone over box? I really can't think of any
I've talked to a lot of people about that. People who've been addicted for a couple years seem to do really well with suboxone. Long timers (> 5 years) seem to gravitate to methadone. I only took subs for 3 months, and they kept me well, but I remember being constantly antsy and anxious. Like the mental part of the withdrawal wasn't being sated. My mind was still racing all the time. I def don't like feeling all sluggish for the couple hours after dose, but have had no cravings since I crossed the 140mg threshold. Methadone is cheaper.
And if you're someone who's transitioning from a street opiate to suboxone, like most of the people I know , you don't have to wait quite as long to dose.
Originally posted by DietPiano
Why does every heroin bitch look and talk like this. My old H girl amber looks just like that lemme find a picture real quick