I would get some benzedrex but the last time I did that it showed up as meth on the hospital drug screen and now the insurance doesn't want to pay for it
(Your father is a cocksucker, to be clear. And since I am the suckee it ain't gay since my balls are touching his chin but his balls ain't touching my anything. So only he's the faggot. My position over him is one of power rather than kg sexual gratification. His position is one of submission, sexual enjoyment and faggotry.)
Originally posted by Common De-mominator
(Your father is a cocksucker, to be clear. And since I am the suckee it ain't gay since my balls are touching his chin but his balls ain't touching my anything. So only he's the faggot. My position over him is one of power rather than kg sexual gratification. His position is one of submission, sexual enjoyment and faggotry.)