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The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs Attention

  1. GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Hey hydro do you still believe in karma

    Because after reading your posts, I'm beginning to
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Soyboy III: The Quest for 911 Truth Tuskegee Airman [oppositely expose the hypermetropia]
    Originally posted by GGG Hey hydro do you still believe in karma

    Because after reading your posts, I'm beginning to

    You not slowly dying in pain at the bottom of a cold ditch right now is reason enough to suspect it's fake.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Loing African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost

    I think this image would give schplew nightmares
  5. Schplew Houston
    I would rape them all
  6. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Schplew I would rape the "stuck up Tavern Wenches" next time I roll D&D

  7. Loing African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Schplew I would rape them all

  8. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Loing Givers and takers… The selfless and the selfish. What a wretched way to live

    As a 13 year veteran of the club, I'm definitely not trying to speak from atop a high horse. But when you're being treated likely for free, and they're trying to stabilize you or improve your health, it's probably not the time to jack their shit. If the IR thermos was really that expensive, who's to say some nurse didn't take the rap for that, or for leaving it where a patient could get to it.

    Idk. I would feel bad.
  9. Loing African Astronaut
    Someone probably got popped for that. I've heard those inventory cucks are really strict in hospitals.

    What s selfish cunt.
  10. Tfw you probably think about stealing dilly dillies from the hospital pharmacy to supplement your T-PAIN habit.
  11. Just kidding, I really do appreciate you hydromorphone.

    thank you hydromorphone
  12. Schplew Houston
    hydro isn't even worth raping
  13. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Schplew hydro isn't even worth raping

    You couldn't even rape a fleshlight you maggot.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Loing African Astronaut
    He literally made a thread called "why can't I put pennis in vageen" back then, about how he couldn't put his dick in his girlfriend when he was trying to lose his virginity
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by GGG Hey hydro do you still believe in karma

    Because after reading your posts, I'm beginning to

    I think what's beginning to make the most sense to me, is karma is sort of like the ying-yang. For every action, there is an equal an opposite reaction. Our good deeds will bring about badness, and vice versa. There's some strange balance to it all, but we can't see it.
  16. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    It would be comfortable to believe in order. But there's just 100 trillion variables all guided invisibly by chemistry and impulse and animal urge, careening towards carefree or cataclysm in an undying spiral fever dream of mitosis and entropy.
  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    yeah but there's some strange balance to it all

  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietPiano I want you to re-read what you posted. Actually read it, please.

    I'd like you to get a hold of yourself. You can accept that your health is between fair and poor, and proceed to live your life with some dignity and make something of yourself; or you can feel sorry for yourself and play in around in the mud for the rest of your life.
    To be honest, the reason I cheeked my xeralto was because I knew they'd switch me to warfrin. Having warfrin, while, at least with my study of the drug, and in how I could off myself with it, isn't an instantaneous 'pop the script then die' way out, stock piling, and administering the right dose/kg over a course of approx. 6 days or so, would result in dying, and could be hastened wit the aid of other drugs in the mix. That was my goal, and I succeeded, and if I do so choose to end my life, well, I just have more options available to me. (FYI, don't bother trying to OD on xeralto, it won't work. I've read a bit on it and it's pretty worthless, even with high doses.)

    I don't feel sorry for myself. Just because a person says what has transpired in their life, and just because they may find their life to suck/the situation being told to suck, doesn't mean that they feel sorry for themselves. I know how I got here, I know it's my fault, and frankly, I want the pain to stop. I don't consider myself to be 'playing around in the mud', rather I consider it avoiding excruciating pain if at all possible. I get no joy out of IVing drugs like it seems most people do. It's just this minor blip where at best, most the pain has subsided, and I can walk around without constantly thinking about it. There's no fun, no joy. It's just exciting for me to have a few hours where I'm not curled up wanting to die instantaneously.

    Originally posted by Ghost I liked it better when she didn't know how to use paragraphs and every time she posted everyone was like 'hey there's this key on the keyboard that says Enter or Return you should try pressing it'

    It took 6 months for her to realize what the hell we were talking about.
    It didn't take me 6 months to realize anything, it was when I was posting from my phone, and I WOULD use paragraphs, but when I posted, it would just form into a wall of text, because Lanny had/has a shitty forum set up. He later fixed it. Sometimes I'd go back and correct it, but I finally said fuck it, and enjoyed you all bitching about walls of text.

    Originally posted by CASPER Eh….so you stole a bunch of shit from the hospital that was keeping you alive and treated you probably for free?
    I'm not so keen on wanting to be kept alive, but if I am to be kept alive, I wish they'd just do more to relieve my pain instead of being fucking kikes with the drugs, or at least get down to business and fucking amputate this fucked up leg that serves no purpose to me other than to cause pain.

    I hijacked the shit I did because I am often broke, but I have saved many a life with being able to set an IV to administer fluids/drugs with. That's why I like to keep them on deck. For me, they'd run 1-3$ each. The hospital buys in such bulk, it costs them pennies on the dollar. They charge a fortune when they set an IV, and make plenty of money off setting one IV, or even PICC to cover their costs of thousands of IV, and PICC sets.

    I didn't steal them with the intention of using them on myself, fuck, IVs aren't that great for me anyway, I blow them left and right all the time. I really just wanted them in the event of an emergency with an animal, person in need, or possible myself if I'm in deep shit. Frankly too, they cost so little, nurses in training/IV techs practice all the time on each other BECAUSE they are so cheap.

    Originally posted by Schplew Better score some heroin while I have a young child at home!

    Kill yourself hydro you are a waste of oxygen and a blight on humanity. Nobody likes you and you are nothing but the butt of a joke to all of us.

    You belong in prison or a shallow grave for neglecting your child the way you do.

    How can you sleep at night? You chose drugs over your own kid. Why did you have a kid in the first place if you're just gonna abandon them and get high?
    Yeah, I scored dope because I was in pain, and yes, my child is being well taken care of at home while I'm here in the hospital, I don't see how that's relevant. OMG! I fucking went and got a soda, and chips out of the vending machine, and my child is at home! The horror! At least what I was doing was to mitigate pain since these kikes aren't doing a very good job of it.

    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH Hydraw fucked an old mexican dude for a pack of smokes
    nah, I haven't fucked anyone in a long time. As for smokes, I have smokes for days, and because of the holidays, I've given quite a few away just to be nice to the less fortunate smokers out there. I roll my own so it's a lot cheaper, so I don't ever have a problem having smokes.

    Originally posted by Loing Givers and takers… The selfless and the selfish. What a wretched way to live
    I keep a first aid kit like I do so I can help others who otherwise can't or won't go to a hospital, or animals who need treatment where they can't get to a vet. You definitely mistake me for what I am. If you knew me, you'd know I'm very much the giver. Fuckers charge enough anyway here, at least I get some goodies that I can do good for others with. I just like knowing I can help others, and do shit on the fly without needing this fucking place if I have to, and there are a lot of situations I've been in where it wasn't possible to get that person/animal to a hospital/vet.

    Originally posted by GGG Hey hydro do you still believe in karma

    Because after reading your posts, I'm beginning to
    I sure do.

    I know I've done wrong in my life. I know I've fucked up, made mistakes, and I own that, I'm not like you, and pretend it never happened.

    I've also had a pretty kick ass life at one point too. I had the world by the balls in another life. I've been on top, and I've been down low. It's just one big wheel that keeps on turning. I wonder what I did for the great, awesome shit that I've had. People are easy to point out the bad, but never bring up the good.

    Originally posted by CASPER As a 13 year veteran of the club, I'm definitely not trying to speak from atop a high horse. But when you're being treated likely for free, and they're trying to stabilize you or improve your health, it's probably not the time to jack their shit. If the IR thermos was really that expensive, who's to say some nurse didn't take the rap for that, or for leaving it where a patient could get to it.

    Idk. I would feel bad.
    I copped it from a drawer that had been wheeled out and brought back by multiple different people in my 36 hour stay in the ER. They couldn't ever pin one person down for it.

    At least I didn't steal it to sell. I stole it to add to my kit, that kit which has done a lot in it's carrier to help others, and save lives. It's pretty important to be able to establish an accurate temp on a person/animal when you're treating them, especially if it's serious (hence why hospitals use them.) Sure, I've doctored myself up here and there, but nothing too bad.

    As for the IV kits, shit, I've had them use 6 just on me alone trying to get an IV started, so again, they're so cheap, they really don't keep inventory on them like say they would PICC starter kits, or other more pricy shit they'd use on a person.

    Originally posted by Loing Someone probably got popped for that. I've heard those inventory cucks are really strict in hospitals.

    What s selfish cunt.

    Read above. IV kits are fucking pretty cheap, especially for a hospital that buys in bulk.

    As for being selfish, I can honestly say, my first aid kit has done more for others, and saving others lives than it's done for me. Is that being selfish? I'm just happy I've now got the proper tools to treat and care for those who otherwise couldn't or wouldn't get the treatment they very well might need to live. Medicine has always been a passion of mine. I enjoy helping others, it's given me purpose before.

    I know for fact, with so many hands on the shit I snagged, that no one would get in trouble for it. If I even thought there was a chance, I wouldn't have taken it.

    Originally posted by DietPiano Tfw you probably think about stealing dilly dillies from the hospital pharmacy to supplement your T-PAIN habit.
    If I'm gonna steal drugs, I'm going to the source, or at least do like they do in mexico, and go for the tractor trailer hauling all the opioids from perdue. My dad used to say, go big, or go home. Robbing a pharmacy is a one time thing, and you really wouldn't get all that much out of it anyway, in the great scheme of things.

    Why would I have to steal, when I can just fill my script and sell them? That would make far more sense and have far less risk.
  19. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by Loing Bling had heart of a loing

    lemmings shill harder
  20. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ghost


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