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The Retardest Thread: Fashionably Late Edition.

  1. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Oh, good, I can still convey myself intelligently in conversation. It's a pretty simple change, I just have to speak slower and enunciate clearly or else I start slurring my words together and sound mentally handicapped.

    Spoke to a psychiatrist today. I was genuinely considered I may have suffered some form of permanent damage after the psych ward incident. I'm still concerned about what they may have done to me while I was incapacitated, though.
  2. Originally posted by Malice Oh, good, I can still convey myself intelligently in conversation. It's a pretty simple change, I just have to speak slower and enunciate clearly or else I start slurring my words together and sound mentally handicapped.

    Spoke to a psychiatrist today. I was genuinely considered I may have suffered some form of permanent damage after the psych ward incident. I'm still concerned about what they may have done to me while I was incapacitated, though.

    lmao its like you havent talked to anyone in 6 months
  3. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I'm looking forward to colder weather so I can wear cool jackets and jeans instead of developing an actual personality.
  4. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus lmao its like you havent talked to anyone in 6 months

    Baby steps.

    Just confirming I can still have an intelligent conversation, give the impression of a high IQ and being knowledgeable, is an immense relief.
  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Dploo why are you so intimitaded by site users?

    This is an answer that needs addressing.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Originally posted by mmQ Dploo why are you so intimitaded by site users?

    This is an answer that needs addressing.

  7. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    One day I want to earn the title "Philosophical Warlord". Ultimately we'll be forced to impose our views onto others in order to bring about an end to all sentient life.
  8. Originally posted by inb4l0pht Autism

    i dont have your birth defect

    Originally posted by mmQ Dploo why are you so intimitaded by site users?

    This is an answer that needs addressing.

    having so many stupid people totally convinced they're right is infuriating
  9. Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    Child prodigy: A novel cognitive profile places elevated general intelligence,
    exceptional working memory and attention to detail at the root
    of prodigiousness

    Child prodigies are unusual for their early and exceptional adoption of what are traditionally
    thought of as adult abilities. As part of an effort to better understand the underpinnings of these
    extraordinary individuals' talent, the researcher examined the cognitive and developmental
    profiles of eight child prodigies by taking their developmental histories and administering the
    Stanford-Binet 5th ed. full scale intelligence test and the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ). The
    collected data reveals a startling picture. While each of the prodigies demonstrated an at least
    moderately elevated level of intelligence, the prodigies' full scale IQ scores were not consistently
    on the extreme end of the spectrum. What was consistently extraordinary, however, was the child
    prodigies' working memory scores—a category in which every prodigy tested in the 99th
    percentile. Additional results suggest a previously unknown connection between child prodigies
    and autism. The prodigies' family histories yielded an unlikely number of autistic relatives. And
    the child prodigies received elevated AQ scores with respect to attention to detail, a trait
    associated with autism. The prodigies did not, however, display many of the other traits typically
    associated with autism. This result raises the possibility of a moderated autism that actually
    enables the prodigies' extraordinary talent

    Autistic genes can also enable extraordinary talent.

    Right now I'm far better able to function than you are and I'm not even taking medication.
  10. except the majority of geniuses aren't autistic, and the majority of autistic people have mental retardation. and i talk to dozens of people on a daily basis, something you could never even dream of doing, how in any way, shape, or form are you doing better than me?
  11. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Read this, it's really good:

    What exactly do you talk to people about? Let's look at other negatives: Why don't I repeatedly fuck up like you do if I'm inferior at functioning in life? I'm not engaging in the abhorrent and self-destructive behavior you regularly claim to.
  12. I don’t think functionality is always a good indicator of intelligence.

    I mean in a way it could be, but the inverse isn’t necessarily true, that being dysfunctional means you are automatically not intelligent.
  13. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I'm genuinely constantly improving. There's a distinct incremental increase in my mood and general well being. The right medications, nootropics, and supplements will greatly augment this.

    You show no such signs, sploo.
  14. Yeah sploo is definitely fucking retarded as shit by most accounts I’m just kind of playing devil’s advocate. Or degenerate’s advocate
  15. Originally posted by Malice I'm genuinely constantly improving. There's a distinct incremental increase in my mood and general well being. The right medications, nootropics, and supplements will greatly augment this.

    You show no such signs, sploo.

    i have no mental illness that according to psych except anxiety/depression, and i have no anxiety or depression since starting meds. im in college and will be applying for jobs through the school programs. i talk to people every day, have irl friends, and have parents who care about me. i dont do any drugs except weed and a few beers a week

    you will never have a friend and never have sex, and will always be neurologically dysfunctional
  16. Originally posted by Malice Why don't I repeatedly fuck up

    0 self awareness achieved
  17. Originally posted by Fox Paws Yeah sploo is definitely fucking retarded as shit by most accounts I’m just kind of playing devil’s advocate. Or degenerate’s advocate

    do you post on this website for some reason? you're so boring
  18. Originally posted by lempoid loompus do you post on this website for some reason? you're so boring

    0 self awareness achieved
  19. you have no personality. are you captain falcon's brother by any chance?
  20. fox paws is vizier

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