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The Retardest Thread: Fashionably Late Edition.

  1. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by stupid noob You gonna pity fuck him too? It's the only sex with a human he will ever get.

    Honestly I probably would but I know he's not interested and also I have a boyfriend.
  2. stupid noob VICTIM of farm equipment [the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
    I like how having a boyfriend came AFTER whether or not Malice would be interested. Those hormones are really workin.
  3. PAGE 69
  4. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by stupid noob I like how having a boyfriend came AFTER whether or not Malice would be interested. Those hormones are really workin.

    HTS has always been a lil slut.
  5. stupid noob VICTIM of farm equipment [the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 PAGE 69

    You know you can raise the posts per page from 20 to 50 in the settings right?
  6. Lol, I had the weirdest dream last night. I was the number 1 suspect for this chick's death (but in reality she just killed herself or something), and my lawyer ended up clearing me. But my bill for the lawyer cost 15,000 dollars for like no work and I was pissed.

    So I'm sitting at a bar and some guy's like, "can I see the 15,000 dollar bill?" and he starts rummaging through my stuff, and I grab his wrist and say, "Yeah you can see it, when I hand it to you. Unless you want to end up like that bitch who "committed suicide?""? and he stopped in fear.

    It was then when I realized everyone was afraid of me, thinking I could be a killer even though I legally got off. It was cool as fuck.
  7. Originally posted by Enter Lol, I had the weirdest dream last night. I was the number 1 suspect for this chick's death (but in reality she just killed herself or something), and my lawyer ended up clearing me. But my bill for the lawyer cost 15,000 dollars for like no work and I was pissed.

    So I'm sitting at a bar and some guy's like, "can I see the 15,000 dollar bill?" and he starts rummaging through my stuff, and I grab his wrist and say, "Yeah you can see it, when I hand it to you. Unless you want to end up like that bitch who "committed suicide?""? and he stopped in fear.

    It was then when I realized everyone was afraid of me, thinking I could be a killer even though I legally got off. It was cool as fuck.

    Near the end was where I thought you'd realize you were a monster, would've been a cooler twist
  8. Originally posted by Enter Lol, I had the weirdest dream last night. I was the number 1 suspect for this chick's death (but in reality she just killed herself or something), and my lawyer ended up clearing me. But my bill for the lawyer cost 15,000 dollars for like no work and I was pissed.

    So I'm sitting at a bar and some guy's like, "can I see the 15,000 dollar bill?" and he starts rummaging through my stuff, and I grab his wrist and say, "Yeah you can see it, when I hand it to you. Unless you want to end up like that bitch who "committed suicide?""? and he stopped in fear.

    It was then when I realized everyone was afraid of me, thinking I could be a killer even though I legally got off. It was cool as fuck.

  9. bundane
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. propane
  11. T-PAIN
  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    the rain in spain

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. when the rain in spain is always tian eptine, it becomes mundane like riding a choo choo train
  14. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
  15. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Enter everyone was afraid of me, thinking I could be a killer even though I legally got off. It was cool as fuck.

    That’s how I want everyone to feel about me when I go to college.
  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    why the fuck would anyone be scared of a retard? they'll prolly pity you tho.

  17. Originally posted by Malice That’s how I want everyone to feel about me when I go to college.

    i'll kill you
  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by lightray i'll kill you

    I’m going to usurp you as the king of edge.

    Let’s begin a competition where we try to one-up each other.
  19. except you've never done anything. your edge is just a product of dark autistic flights of fantasy, it means nothing
  20. RestStop Space Nigga
    Love me slut...LOVE ME!

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