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Conspiracies that are actually true

  1. #61
    Originally posted by RisiR † The only thing that makes me sceptic is that some couple trillions of dollars were reported as "lost" right before 911 happened and nobody talked about it since.

    I did basically no research. Is that even true? The shit I saw looked legit.

    it happened again. but instead of 2.3 I believe it was 9 trillion lost in the budget.

    like last Year? and then the 2008 collapse of the diversified AAA into BBB and CCC level loans. diversity helps everyone be equal.. except the hard working middle class who flipped the bill with taxes to pay off what was stolen in the preditorial loan scandal that collapsed.

    print more money.. rainse the ceiling. Well I guess I can say thanks, cause I'm working now.. even though I was deactivated (fired) by some bogus claim. they found I was telling the truth.

    People out to get you.
  2. #62
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Madman What I can't get over is how the hell does jet fuel melt steel beams?

    are you sure the only combustible in the building are kerosenes ???

    if not :
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #63
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RisiR † The only thing that makes me sceptic is that some couple trillions of dollars were reported as "lost" right before 911 happened and nobody talked about it since.

    I did basically no research. Is that even true? The shit I saw looked legit.

    how does it look legit if you didn't do any research and just saw something posted online like a youtube vid?
  4. #64
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Nine of these got lost....

    I realize a lot of "cash" isn't physical but that's just the physical representation of one trillion. You can see a grown man in the left hand corner. Those are all hundreds as well.
  5. #65
    Originally posted by RestStop Nine of these got lost….

    I realize a lot of "cash" isn't physical but that's just the physical representation of one trillion. You can see a grown man in the left hand corner. Those are all hundreds as well.

    That's approximately how much I spend in a good night out on the town.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #66
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Dunno how many times i have to tell you I'm not a dad but ok

    I bet you masturbate to the time when hydro's hubby told you to grab his dick.
  7. #67
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Daily princess diana was killed by mi6/royal family

    never looked into it.

    the US gubment knew 9/11 was gonna happen

    this much I can agree on. I wouldn't go so far as to say the US government had any direct hand in it, but it could've been stopped at any number of points. It was (at least) either gross incompetence or wilful use of a mass tragedy for political purposes.

    pharmaceutical companies are withholding cures to keep people buying less effective drugs for more money

    doesn't even make sense. they'd patent the cures for 100x the price of their existing drugs - if they didn't, they'd risk another company making the discovery or even, god forbid, Pajeet Pharmaceuticals taking out a patent.

    elite pedophile rings

    Way too many reports to dismiss, but they get dismissed anyway. It's like those paki rape groups in Rotherham and Derby; nobody wanted to touch it because they didn't want to appear 'racist' until it was far too late. In this case I'd hazard a guess that authorities are afraid to go after these people for fear of what it'll do to the economy - the US DoJ has already gone on record stating that they do not properly prosecute the big banks (or employees thereof) for major financial crimes for fear of what it'll do to the economy.
  8. #68
    9/11 was done by the CIA and mossad
  9. #69
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume 9/11 was done by the CIA and mossad

  10. #70
    Originally posted by aldra this much I can agree on. I wouldn't go so far as to say the US government had any direct hand in it, but it could've been stopped at any number of points. It was (at least) either gross incompetence or wilful use of a mass tragedy for political purposes.
    The strongest case I have heard has been Webster Tarpley's, that it was done by a cabal within the US government, which went so far as to threaten George W. Bush (for instance driving up to his ranch in Crawford, Texas and flying a white plane over DC). The Saudi connection is deep too, but the Saudis always appeared to be in with the Bushes. Just like the Cataline conspiracy in ancient Rome I doubt we'll ever know.

    They'd patent the cures for 100x the price of their existing drugs - if they didn't, they'd risk another company making the discovery or even, god forbid, Pajeet Pharmaceuticals taking out a patent.
    Some things, like dichloroacetate or fish oil or shiitake mushrooms, can't be patented, cos they're known chemicals and have been used for ages.
    Worse, most can't be made prescription only. Which means doctors have zero incentive to investigate them.
    The unholy duo behind the opiate epidemic.

    Way too many reports to dismiss, but they get dismissed anyway. It's like those paki rape groups in Rotherham and Derby; nobody wanted to touch it because they didn't want to appear 'racist' until it was far too late. In this case I'd hazard a guess that authorities are afraid to go after these people for fear of what it'll do to the economy

    It's cos the pedos are jedis and the jedis come after you if you call them out. That's why #metoo has us all confused, it's been pretty much all jedis, and they've always been able to get away with it till now, we're assuming that it's part of some sort of clever fratricidal jedi backstab or something (the Weinstein case was publicised by his brother), but that doesn't really add up.
  11. #71
  12. #72
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra doesn't even make sense. they'd patent the cures for 100x the price of their existing drugs - if they didn't, they'd risk another company making the discovery or even, god forbid, Pajeet Pharmaceuticals taking out a patent.

    they all make billions upon billions a year in treatment. a cure would be a comparison.
  13. #73
    Originally posted by RestStop Nine of these got lost….

    I realize a lot of "cash" isn't physical but that's just the physical representation of one trillion. You can see a grown man in the left hand corner. Those are all hundreds as well.

    So this was 2.3 trillian.

    Say the man is average 6 feet. so there are two stacks. meaning they're about 3 feet in height each, making 6 feet total. not add another 2 stacks of 3 feet and another 1 stack but only about 2/3ds of the way back.

    that is a representation of "lost" or was it "Went missing". lol You mean like a dog?

    Now, as I mentioned, in the last year or so. 9 trillion "gone missing"

    that's 19 stacks plus, high instead of 2. plus the 4 and 2/3rds of this is 23-24. but what about other years we're they got away without stating this "Gone missing"
  14. #74
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Issue313 The strongest case I have heard has been Webster Tarpley's, that it was done by a cabal within the US government, which went so far as to threaten George W. Bush (for instance driving up to his ranch in Crawford, Texas and flying a white plane over DC). The Saudi connection is deep too, but the Saudis always appeared to be in with the Bushes. Just like the Cataline conspiracy in ancient Rome I doubt we'll ever know.

    I specifically meant from what I've read about the matter; I've not actually done any in-depth research into what happened. I mean to say that even just the common evidence and 'official reports' show extreme lapses in security and judgment which imply that it was 'allowed' to happen.

    Some things, like dichloroacetate or fish oil or shiitake mushrooms, can't be patented, cos they're known chemicals and have been used for ages.
    Worse, most can't be made prescription only. Which means doctors have zero incentive to investigate them.
    The unholy duo behind the opiate epidemic.

    What are they meant to cure/have they ever been clinically proven?

    Originally posted by infinityshock they all make billions upon billions a year in treatment. a cure would be a pittance…literally…in comparison.

    Most of that money comes from licensing, training, administration etc. (ie. exploitation of the medical system, and why a bowl of jelly costs like $50 on the itemised hospital stay bill) - all of which could be extracted in much the same way. Sure it seems like a one-off cost vs long-term, but their current business model wouldn't let it play out that way.

    Besides, if they did have cures that they didn't want to release, how would they stop competitors from doing so? You could argue that in many ways US and European pharmaceutical companies operate as a single entity, but what about the rest of the world?
  15. #75
    aldra.. who told you that you can't patent this? they're patenting DNA sequence to make medication. inb4U
  16. #76
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 that is a representation of "lost" or was it "Went missing". lol You mean like a dog?

    No. You're the one that made that claim. I was just showing what one trillion in cash would look like neatly stacked and put double stacked pallets. Other than that I have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
  17. #77
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I didn't say anything about patenting/do you mean the quote from 313?
  18. #78
    Originally posted by RestStop No. You're the one that made that claim. I was just showing what one trillion in cash would look like neatly stacked and put double stacked pallets. Other than that I have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

    Donald Rumsfeld stated this. "2.3 Trillion dollars has gone missing.."

    And you placed an illustration of how large stacks of 1 hundred dollar bills would look like? A Full grown Man in the USA, of average height is roughly 6 feet tall.

    So, I figured (and not that it matters how tall each of the 2 stacks are high) I would give you a mental image of what Donald Trumps figure that he claimed went missing would look like. times 2 of what you have plus 2/3rd of one of the two stacks on top of that.

    And then recently 9 Trillion went missing. that's a small hanger, completely filled with 1 hundred dollar bills.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #79
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by aldra Besides, if they did have cures that they didn't want to release, how would they stop competitors from doing so? You could argue that in many ways US and European pharmaceutical companies operate as a single entity, but what about the rest of the world?

    the drug feudal lords have their tentacles all over the world. their omnipresent all over either in their own form or in the form of their subsidiaries.
  20. #80
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby how does it look legit if you didn't do any research and just saw something posted online like a youtube vid?

    Because it was Donald Rumsfeld admitting it on national TV.

    Does this not look legit to you? Do you need a stuttering schizzo that lives in a car to explain it to you?
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