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Conspiracies that are actually true

  1. #41
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby My dad is a minister at a church and he's not corrupt at all. I don't think its right to make such a sweeping generalization about all church's. Sure they ask for donations, but for example my dad out of his own pocket built a playscape because he wanted to. He's got the time the money and the love, so why not?

    tell us about all of his pet altar boys...
  2. #42
    Originally posted by Daily princess diana was killed by mi6/royal family
    the US gubment knew 9/11 was gonna happen
    pharmaceutical companies are withholding cures to keep people buying less effective drugs for more money
    elite pedophile rings
    lee harvey oswald did not act alone
    protocols of the elders of zion are being implemented by banking families/jedis
    lids on jars are purposely made tight so women depend on men to open them and therefore uphold the patriarchy

    Can't tell if you're trolling or not.

    A: princess diana was killed by mi6/royal family.

    Perhaps true. Or perhaps just paparazzi assholes truly and partially blinded a slightly drunk driver. of course Prince Charles didn't want a scandal and wanted to marry that thing over Di. Poor Harry.

    B: the US gubment knew 9/11 was gonna happen

    100 percent true. Not the Entire Government but people in Government. Willy Brown(Former SF Mayor) absolutely admitted to be warned about not going into WTC on 9/11 at WTC7. Other reports admit this as well.

    C: pharmaceutical companies are withholding cures to keep people buying less effective drugs for more money

    One example, Bipolar meds don't work very long. so new ones have to change out old ones, often in the same family (so they're forced to change out a molecule or two) making sure research investments pay off (as well as waiting for FDA approval). none of these actually work better, they just replace the slide affect.

    Yet one of the oldest synthetic drugs for treatment (in the 1960s-sic) is Gabapentine. Often Doctors don't want to use this because it's a generic drug but many patients request it. It was originally used for spinal injury (which I have) and for Seizures but also is great for depression and mood swings. and it's also Used for treating alcoholism. It's also found to keep tumors from growing and spreading or keep them at bay during treatments. It's an all around drug that has no financial gain for the medical industry. they talked about placing this non-narcotic into the "controlled" group. It takes a huge dose to kill someone. yet the average person trying to get high off of it, probably wouldn't want more than 900mg at once. it never loses it's affect. It's very difficult to build up a resistance to its affect meaning (unlike Norco or Vicodin) you won't need more and more to get a "high" off of it. Also, Thanks for making it difficult for me to get Norco when I need it. fucking college-level druggie scumbags. You fucking scumbags.

    D:elite pedophile rings

    Apparently Pizza Gate was "proven" to be false. yet there is certainly a pedophile group in power of Government in the USA and abroad.

    E: lee harvey oswald did not act alone

    Deathbed confession by Howard Hunt?

    F: protocols of the elders of zion are being implemented by banking families/jedis

    Faux jedis. 2008 scandal. I miss WaMu, and go fuck yourself Wells Fargo management for forcing staff to take out fake loans in customers names.

    G: lids on jars are purposely made tight so women depend on men to open them and therefore uphold the patriarchy

    Is this true.. source? I mean many women go to health clubs (Men go to Gyms) and I'm pretty sure they can crack a jar of Koshier Pickles.
  3. #43
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Sometimes i wonder if totse is trolling or not

    Why, I stated a perfectly legit and valid remark.

    It's not that these young somewhat healthy people on corners are just lazy. shit, they move about pretty well. why not get a real Job? system is in place to get them an ID and Social Security card and a place to pick it up. and Social Workers often find places that hire (perhaps a dishwasher or low level road work) who have prior convictions.
    They just keep them away from valuable things and money.

    I saw an interesting pattern in collection of something else which would bring in shitloads of money by the truckloads. It's a lobby form for CIA and far left movement. it funds it.

    Though, They can't nor will not do anything about it, People in the CIA know about this other "compartmentalize" sector.
  4. #44
    Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Totse 2001: "can't tell if you're trolling or not"

    *proceeds to agree with everything in the OP*

    I'm trying to have a discusson about conspiracies, stop accusing everybody of trolling you paranoid schizophrenic what the fuck is wrong with you
  5. #45
    Originally posted by Daily Totse 2001: "can't tell if you're trolling or not"

    *proceeds to agree with everything in the OP*

    I'm trying to have a discusson about conspiracies, stop accusing everybody of trolling you paranoid schizophrenic what the fuck is wrong with you

    You're trolling I'm Trolling.. Are we all trolling?

    I let people know I'm trolling for lols. I don't troll to harm people. I don't troll with intent to ruin their life or commit suicide.

    I'll let you know when I'm kidding. I'll put an emote from now on as well.
  6. #46
    Originally posted by Daily I'm trying to have a discusson about conspiracies, stop accusing everybody of trolling you paranoid schizophrenic what the fuck is wrong with you

    Also I was adding to Conspiracy's about pushing real homeless away from corners with signs and replacing them with people collecting Black-Op fundings.
  7. #47
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby My dad is a minister at a church and he's not corrupt at all. I don't think its right to make such a sweeping generalization about all church's. Sure they ask for donations, but for example my dad out of his own pocket built a playscape because he wanted to. He's got the time the money and the love, so why not?

    I mean denominations have become corrupted. Not every single church. but if your father is replaced out and is not corrupted as you stated, who's to say they will ot get into that church next.

    It states near end times (Rev: 2:18-2:29. This is John's Vision of global chaos. that churches will become corrupted. The World will turn on the jedis (thanks to false rumors-Faux Euro-jedis fucking it up for real jedis) and the nations will accept Jerusalem as a center-point (Capital) as is happening now. Tel Aviv was chosen to calm the Arab nations because of the Dome of the Rock. Now the state of Israel (falsely called Israel by Faux jedis and not a state of) Will now move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, making the Most powerful nation on Earth, take president and maybe followed by other nations. Arabs are pissed off. Palestine has both Muslims and Christians. Christians in Palestine are attacked by jedi Soldiers as well. there are older jedi denominations that have never accepted "The state of Israel" because it is blasphemy that the "Zionist" movement took place. Not against Zion or True Zion (Which is like a form of Nirvana- to the top). So if someone calls you an "Anti Zionist" you say "I am not against true Zion, I am against the false Zionist movement". if someone calls you an Anti Semite" You say, "I do not hate real muslims or jedis. I do not hate all Arabs or jedis-False Narrative" This is a fucking stupid semantic game of false blame for decades.

    BTW I thought you said you were a Catholic.
  8. #48
    Madman African Astronaut
    What I can't get over is how the hell does jet fuel melt steel beams?
  9. #49
    Originally posted by Madman What I can't get over is how the hell does jet fuel melt steel beams?

    It weakens them. they could buckle. some floors could collaspe. but not total collaspsation as happened. a man who was above the fires with a group of people, got 2 floors beneath it, the lights were on and it was cooler. the walls were cool to the touch unlike above. even if steal heated up to be weak it wouldn't of pancaked the 2/3rd of the lower building. the core collumns got larger and thicker which means stronger. it was build with a redundency to carry 5 times the load.

    what would of made sense is if the top bent over, probably hung for a while. or partially collapsed. no one would of thought much about this. but the top leaned (on one of the 2 towers) and then magically shifts directions and drops straight down just taking out floor by floor as the 47 box columns welded in xy,z axis and surrounded by reinforced concrete. just pancake one after another like a monorail at a 90 degree angle. and not one, but both did this. this was a Edited:steel tree with Edited:steel fiber running on the core and the outside (like a bug screen that you punch a hole in, it's not going to make the rest of the screen dissolve to pieces)

    Building 7 caught on fire, it partially collapsed on the inside, this is to be somewhat expected. but then it free falls straight down.. this time taking one bottom floor to what is to be the next bottom floor, in a very fluid motion.

    "Hey Willy Brown, Don't go to work tomorrow and be in Building 7" . Not verbatim but apparently close enough. i wonder if Willy Brown will change his statement. I respect him for coming forward and letting the world know.

    Edited: I spelled Steel wrong

    Post last edited by Totse 2001 at 2017-12-10T15:20:34.310010+00:00
  10. #50
    Madman African Astronaut
    Yeah I was joking about that, there was some people saying weird shit after it happened though. I'm not really concerned about it.
  11. #51
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Madman What I can't get over is how the hell does jet fuel melt steel beams?

    in all can...technically.

    ive used propane personally to melt aluminum and copper into pourable liquid. (lead as well, but lead has such a low melting temp it will melt if you look at it funny)

    ive seen people use regular diesel oil and kerosene...which are related to jet liquify iron, bronze, and copper.

    the caveats here being:

    - the metals were in a very, very controlled environment, which was an insulated furnace to hold in the heat and keep out the external 'cold' with a focused heat source.

    - steel, regardless of the alloy used, has a higher melting point than any of those metals HOWEVER steel structural elements and the steel-rebar (rebar is shit-tier metal with the 'alloy' being whatever scrap/crap metals can be glopped together to produce the specs of bendability and strength rating of 40, 60, etc.) embedded in the concrete only have to get to a few hundreds of degrees above their 'normal' temps before they are no longer capable of supporting the structural loads they were designed to support at 'normal' temperatures with a bit of a safety margin for the occasional 'normal' fire.

    ive seen rebar reinforced walls...10-feet high or so...completely crumble when a tiny (1/32"...if that) crack allowed enough water in to corrode the rebar into triple or quadruple its size. and that was only a few feet of entire length of the stuff could never support the loads it needed to in a fire that size with that much heat.

    theres a video of a ford pickup truck made of aluminum completely disintegrating in a gasoline fire. steel may not disintegrate but it can soften enough to structurally fail

    edit: an instance of metal failure that may...or may relevant, i was first-hand, in the presence of, someone who was moving a container (called a 'crucible') of liquid bronze, that was slightly smaller than a 5-gallon bucket, and while he was using a crane-thing to tip it over to pour it into a the mold some of the liquid missed the hole and spilled down the side of the mold onto one of the metal legs. i dont know what kind of metal it was. the metal cracked/broke and the whole fucking thing fell over, shattering the mold into chunks. fortunately the majority of the molten metal was still contained in the crucible or it would have been an epic disaster.

    my guess is the metal failed due to a similar effect that happens when dropping an ice cube into a hot liquid.

    Post last edited by infinityshock at 2017-12-10T16:07:54.070840+00:00
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #52
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 It weakens them. they could buckle. some floors could collaspe. but not total collaspsation as happened. a man who was above the fires with a group of people, got 2 floors beneath it, the lights were on and it was cooler. the walls were cool to the touch unlike above. even if steal heated up to be weak it wouldn't of pancaked the 2/3rd of the lower building. the core collumns got larger and thicker which means stronger. it was build with a redundency to carry 5 times the load.

    what would of made sense is if the top bent over, probably hung for a while. or partially collapsed. no one would of thought much about this. but the top leaned (on one of the 2 towers) and then magically shifts directions and drops straight down just taking out floor by floor as the 47 box columns welded in xy,z axis and surrounded by reinforced concrete. just pancake one after another like a monorail at a 90 degree angle. and not one, but both did this. this was a Edited:steel tree with Edited:steel fiber running on the core and the outside (like a bug screen that you punch a hole in, it's not going to make the rest of the screen dissolve to pieces)

    none of what you posted has any accuracy to it whatsoever. ive seen steel-reinforced solid-concrete structures intentionally weakened to where the rebar is the only thing holding the weight and they still fall straight down UNLESS there are forces working to make them go a different direction. (forces being a crane or some such)

    5 times the load capacity is exceeded thousands of times over with the upper floors collapsing at 9.8 meters per second. this is the normal thing to happen when an upper floor of a building collapses onto a lower floor. go google it...there are many, many examples. hell, an AC unit caused an entire building to collapse (vertically) in some slant-eye country a few years ago.

    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Building 7 caught on fire, it partially collapsed on the inside, this is to be somewhat expected. but then it free falls straight down.. this time taking one bottom floor to what is to be the next bottom floor, in a very fluid motion.

    i havent researched it but the videos and marginally valid reports ive seen/heard make me think 'wtf?' when that building fell.

    buildings falling straight down isnt unusual...thats called gravity. i see it/do it all the time.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #53
    Originally posted by infinityshock in all seriousness…it can…technically.

    ive used propane personally to melt aluminum and copper into pourable liquid. (lead as well, but lead has such a low melting temp it will melt if you look at it funny)

    ive seen people use regular diesel oil and kerosene…which are related to jet fuel…to liquify iron, bronze, and copper.

    the caveats here being:

    - the metals were in a very, very controlled environment, which was an insulated furnace to hold in the heat and keep out the external 'cold' with a focused heat source.

    - steel, regardless of the alloy used, has a higher melting point than any of those metals HOWEVER steel structural elements and the steel-rebar (rebar is shit-tier metal with the 'alloy' being whatever scrap/crap metals can be glopped together to produce the specs of bendability and strength rating of 40, 60, etc.) embedded in the concrete only have to get to a few hundreds of degrees above their 'normal' temps before they are no longer capable of supporting the structural loads they were designed to support at 'normal' temperatures with a bit of a safety margin for the occasional 'normal' fire.

    ive seen rebar reinforced walls…10-feet high or so…completely crumble when a tiny (1/32"…if that) crack allowed enough water in to corrode the rebar into triple or quadruple its size. and that was only a few feet of rebar…an entire length of the stuff could never support the loads it needed to in a fire that size with that much heat.

    theres a video of a ford pickup truck made of aluminum completely disintegrating in a gasoline fire. steel may not disintegrate but it can soften enough to structurally fail

    Right, it's the source to start it? the ignition? But like you said, it was in an insulated furnace (oven?)

    Yes, everyone agrees that under the right conditions (paper and furniture thrown in) the building heated up enough on top to weak and collapse but a full collapse? fuck no. it could of rolled off the fucking side in one giant chunk after snapping off from weaken steal and rebar and truss and cross and bearing loads in between and the outer mesh columns, and shaved part of the exterior as it's sliding off the side and dropping down. it would of slowed floor by floor and out into the street. Both 1 and 2 split in four directions like a Banana peeling and projecting floor by floor outward. so the majority of the top load is reduced by at least half, just by that. the guy above the fire and got below the fire said the building was nice and cool, it was as if nothing happened to that part of the building. 2/3rd of it. with thicker and thicker core as you go down, to carry the top load. with a redundancy capability of 5 times normal expected load structures. even if every column and every outer mesh and every floor with every truss and cross beam loads busted? it wouldn't of fell that fast. resistance would of stopped it. every single pound of the building. yet again, nearly half the load projected and peeled completely away from the structure itself. were is the magical energy doing this? They ruled out kinetic. they ruled out bow. it did not bow as much as PBS stated it did in their documentary and again, wouldn't of bowed 70 floors below. what happened?
  14. #54
    Originally posted by infinityshock i havent researched it but the videos and marginally valid reports ive seen/heard make me think 'wtf?' when that building fell.

    My understanding is it was basically insurance fraud. The owner (Larry Silverstein) didn't want the building surviving as the site was worth more as a total loss.

    Plus there was a small fire somewhere in/underneath WTC7, and the NY Fire Department didn't want to bother with firefighting, they were fucked off cos half of them just got killed playing hero while trying to save a bunch of buildings belonging to the worst sort of bankers.

    Apparently the CIA also had a branch office in WTC7, but demolishing a whole building doesn't sound like a way to keep your data secure.
  15. #55
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Right, it's the source to start it? the ignition? But like you said, it was in an insulated furnace (oven?)

    Yes, everyone agrees that under the right conditions (paper and furniture thrown in) the building heated up enough on top to weak and collapse but a full collapse? fuck no. it could of rolled off the fucking side in one giant chunk after snapping off from weaken steal and rebar and truss and cross and bearing loads in between and the outer mesh columns, and shaved part of the exterior as it's sliding off the side and dropping down. it would of slowed floor by floor and out into the street. Both 1 and 2 split in four directions like a Banana peeling and projecting floor by floor outward. so the majority of the top load is reduced by at least half, just by that. the guy above the fire and got below the fire said the building was nice and cool, it was as if nothing happened to that part of the building. 2/3rd of it. with thicker and thicker core as you go down, to carry the top load. with a redundancy capability of 5 times normal expected load structures. even if every column and every outer mesh and every floor with every truss and cross beam loads busted? it wouldn't of fell that fast. resistance would of stopped it. every single pound of the building. yet again, nearly half the load projected and peeled completely away from the structure itself. were is the magical energy doing this? They ruled out kinetic. they ruled out bow. it did not bow as much as PBS stated it did in their documentary and again, wouldn't of bowed 70 floors below. what happened?

    regardless...inside the fire that size would be the equivalent of a furnace.

    you have no clue on structural elements, much less what the the effects of a catastrophic failure of them would produce. everything you typed is pure fantasy.

    you missed the part where i said 5 times normal redundancy is irrelevant when the loads being exerted are thousands of times the engineered design loads.
  16. #56
    Madman African Astronaut
    The other half died from cancer.
  17. #57
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    The only thing that makes me sceptic is that some couple trillions of dollars were reported as "lost" right before 911 happened and nobody talked about it since.

    I did basically no research. Is that even true? The shit I saw looked legit.
  18. #58
    Originally posted by RisiR † The only thing that makes me sceptic is that some couple trillions of dollars were reported as "lost" right before 911 happened and nobody talked about it since.

    I did basically no research. Is that even true? The shit I saw looked legit.

    The Department of Defense reported just over a trillion dollars, spent over a number of years, could not be accounted for, which happens from time to time in any large organisation. Even though back then a trillion dollars was regarded as a lot of money.

    Some people claimed that the part of the Pentagon that got hit was the part investigating that, however in reality it was mostly empty and under renovation.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #59
    Originally posted by Issue313 My understanding is it was basically insurance fraud. The owner (Larry Silverstein) didn't want the building surviving as the site was worth more as a total loss.

    Plus there was a small fire somewhere in/underneath WTC7, and the NY Fire Department didn't want to bother with firefighting, they were fucked off cos half of them just got killed playing hero while trying to save a bunch of buildings belonging to the worst sort of bankers.

    Apparently the CIA also had a branch office in WTC7, but demolishing a whole building doesn't sound like a way to keep your data secure.

    I don't think he's on facebook anymore. But if you an get a hold of Rudy Dent. He told me personally that FEMA refused to allow him in the first 2 buildings when he arived to help out. his boss said "Don't go down there, while people were screaming in the garage area.

    And Silverstein got wind of the matter. He also owned the Marriott below building 1 and 2, which collapsed on top of it, but the part that had to be rebuilt (Marriott was damaged in 1993 by the bombing and reinforced) had stood and saved lives. much of building 1 and 2 fell on the fucking thing and people survived in a stairwell.

    there is so much more to this story. these people knew up front, and they wired shitloads of money out of building 1,2 and 7. there is phone records showing wire data and they found the HDD in the rubble.. the ability to do forensic on HDD was just starting off.. it took I believe 2009 before they prove this to be fact. Millions of dollars were transferred as phone record showed.

    and their was in fact tons in gold bars and coins below 5-6. a security guard stopped one of the trucks. but the others got away. there was 1.2 billion in gold, stolen.
  20. #60
    Originally posted by Issue313 The Department of Defense reported just over a trillion dollars, spent over a number of years, could not be accounted for, which happens from time to time in any large organisation. Even though back then a trillion dollars was regarded as a lot of money.

    Some people claimed that the part of the Pentagon that got hit was the part investigating that, however in reality it was mostly empty and under renovation.

    Sometimes the best way is to hide shit out in the open, And then FUCK IT the next day till nothing is left that hides in the open.
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