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Conspiracies that are actually true

  1. #21
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 I've been saying im not the dad for over a year, so you should probably stick to believing that one

    You're right im sorry, but other people on tc were saying otherwise and I guess I at that moment believed them. which isn't right
  2. #22
    I don't really talk to anybody in tc, and they're all drunks anyway who can't remember shit. Trust me if i was the father, hydro wouldve posted about it.
  3. #23
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 OK but why would i lie about it? Don't you think hydro would habe mentioned something? Check her post history. When she still had custody she posted about her son all the time, as well as my involvement. But now I'm a free man.

    Man, you know I don't care about that shit.
  4. #24
    Then go back to your cholo corner
  5. #25
    Originally posted by Issue313 Computers increased in speed kinda really linearly, didn't they? Like every year there'd be a slightly faster one out. There were never really any major jumps. That was deliberate.

    That’s not a conspiracy, that’s a known business technique called planned obsolescence.

    Why would a company want to jump ahead several generations with a completely revolutionary product that you only buy once when they could sell incremental upgrades over a period of years instead. Which also gives them extra time to plan out the next series of incremental upgrades.
  6. #26
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fox Paws That’s not a conspiracy, that’s a known business technique called planned obsolescence.

    Why would a company want to jump ahead several generations with a completely revolutionary product that you only buy once when they could sell incremental upgrades over a period of years instead. Which also gives them extra time to plan out the next series of incremental upgrades.

    I would just come out with some space age alien conspiracy supernaturally fast technology and charge an insane amount for it. Take an IPhone 5 in 2000, for example. The profit alone would probably make me a billionaire in a year thus resulting in me saying fuck it as I fuck a hooker and blow a ring of meth smoke as I ride off into the sunset.
  7. #27
    Originally posted by Issue313 The Iraq was pushed by neoconservatives to benefit israel (mostly jedis, some Christians who no shit thought God would do something or other)

    Computers increased in speed kinda really linearly, didn't they? Like every year there'd be a slightly faster one out. There were never really any major jumps. That was deliberate.

    Go on ..
  8. #28
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Daily pharmaceutical companies are withholding cures to keep people buying less effective drugs for more money

    fact. diabetes should have been cured ten years ago

    Originally posted by Daily protocols of the elders of zion are being implemented by banking families/jedis

    'protocols of...' is an actual school of thought practiced by the jedis that due due to its negative publicity der juden have denied any role or relation to it and instead place great effort into debunking its accuracy.

    Originally posted by Daily lids on jars are purposely made tight so women depend on men to open them and therefore uphold the patriarchy

    lids are overtightened due to der juden wanting to extend passive-aggressive revenge on the white man. look at the jar...its a virtual guarantee there is a jude 'kosher' symbol on it.
  9. #29
    Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    HTS was and can never be happy. He lives in perpetual tolerance for the moment, masking a sinkhole of depression and self-loathing.
  10. #30
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by infinityshock lids are overtightened due to der juden wanting to extend passive-aggressive revenge on the white man. look at the jar…its a virtual guarantee there is a jude 'kosher' symbol on it.

    Do you actually believe this?
  11. #31
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR † Do you actually believe this?

    dont be so know its the truth
  12. #32
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Certain celebrities have probably done some pretty horrific things to become as big and rich as they are. Not necessarily soul selling or killing and eating babies etc.. but I could totally believe them doing sexual favors to climb the famous latter. Look at Katy Perry for example, she looks exactly like the type of girl to suck P. diddy off for more radio play.
  13. #33
    Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    the findings of the Church Committee
  14. #34
    People only get Jobs with few skill sets over others who qualify much greater because A: Nepotism (Which includes Friends or people of interest) B: Very willing to only say what needs to be said. covering up corruption. more or less that falls under a new form of Nepotism.

    All churches today are a front for CIA

    All Churches are corrupted. you can't run an honest Church without proper funding. and people who come to these churches who have higher moral standards are also usually poor or lower middle class. mostly even Middle class. so for instance, My Church's original families of generations died off from future generations from attending. So some other Church came in, took it over but keeps the same name and uses a different way to get attendees. some people just go to watch people (like a watchlist.. cause religous people are considered fanatical or mentally ill) and others go to do business.

    much of the money is schemed and skimmed for black-op

    All those fairly healthy looking actors on street corners and highway exists may be an organize group to collect money and then perhaps occasionally some updated form or a package of some type.. that might look like someone giving a person food.

    So many of thee people.. imagine collectivly the amount of money they collect
  15. #35
    Sometimes i wonder if totse is trolling or not
  16. #36
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Sometimes i wonder if totse is trolling or not

    Unfortunately for those who live with/around him he really is that insane. Luckily for us he can't do any really damage with just a keyboard.
  17. #37
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock lids are overtightened due to der juden wanting to extend passive-aggressive revenge on the white man. look at the jar…its a virtual guarantee there is a jude 'kosher' symbol on it.

    lol ... i didnt know your jars challenged.

    and your local bottled water company is conspiring with your utility companies to make waters sedimenty.
  18. #38
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader lol … i didnt know your jars challenged.

    and your local bottled water company is conspiring with your utility companies to make waters sedimenty.

    and your daddy is conspiring with all of his friends to make your asshole into a floppy hula hoop.
  19. #39
    Originally posted by infinityshock fact. diabetes should have been cured ten years ago
    Its curable in most cases with a few weeks low carb diet/fasting. Most curable disease in the world.

    'protocols of…' is an actual school of thought practiced by the jedis that due due to its negative publicity der juden have denied any role or relation to it and instead place great effort into debunking its accuracy.
    Its sort of like one of those situations where the response tells more than the accusation. Innocent people laugh such things off, jedis destroy people's lives over it and make even talking about such things illegal.

    lids are overtightened due to der juden wanting to extend passive-aggressive revenge on the white man. look at the jar…its a virtual guarantee there is a jude 'kosher' symbol on it.
    The kosher thing is a protection racket, just like the mafia. Nassim Taleb and the Daily Shoah podcast have talked about it before. The least tolerant minority tends to rule.
  20. #40
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 People only get Jobs with few skill sets over others who qualify much greater because A: Nepotism (Which includes Friends or people of interest) B: Very willing to only say what needs to be said. covering up corruption. more or less that falls under a new form of Nepotism.

    All churches today are a front for CIA

    All Churches are corrupted. you can't run an honest Church without proper funding. and people who come to these churches who have higher moral standards are also usually poor or lower middle class. mostly even Middle class. so for instance, My Church's original families of generations died off from future generations from attending. So some other Church came in, took it over but keeps the same name and uses a different way to get attendees. some people just go to watch people (like a watchlist.. cause religous people are considered fanatical or mentally ill) and others go to do business.

    much of the money is schemed and skimmed for black-op

    All those fairly healthy looking actors on street corners and highway exists may be an organize group to collect money and then perhaps occasionally some updated form or a package of some type.. that might look like someone giving a person food.

    So many of thee people.. imagine collectivly the amount of money they collect

    My dad is a minister at a church and he's not corrupt at all. I don't think its right to make such a sweeping generalization about all church's. Sure they ask for donations, but for example my dad out of his own pocket built a playscape because he wanted to. He's got the time the money and the love, so why not?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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