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AI Church

  1. #61
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Which denomination, if any, is correct in your view?

    Classic Reformed?

    I think "divinty" is too complex for the finite human mind to fully grasp. I also think each if us is at our own unique stage of spiritual development. With that in mind, I believe that divinity can reveal, to each of us according to our needs and abilities, the aspects needed for that individual at that time.

    In other words there are no right or wrong religions. They are all just men's ways of telling the masses what works for them. Or they are just power and money grabs like most major religions.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #62
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I think "divinty" is too complex for the finite human mind to fully grasp. I also think each if us is at our own unique stage of spiritual development. With that in mind, I believe that divinity can reveal, to each of us according to our needs and abilities, the aspects needed for that individual at that time.

    In other words there are no right or wrong religions. They are all just men's ways of telling the masses what works for them. Or they are just power and money grabs like most major religions.

    This is kinda what the Sikh's believe. That the idea of God is too powerful for a mortal brain to understand which I also agree with but I think there is some middle ground between that involving large amounts of LSD and or nutmeg

    Like maybe you can't know but certain denominations are better at reaching the Godhead of the Universe through various means which is why Mormons can build spaceships and city sized tabernacles without drinking coffee. But most of them just print flyers and help the poor

    If you knew you wuold tell people instead of being coy about it as truth is not esoteric but instead scientific , measurable, tangible and can be proven. Faith is that exactly but ultimate truths do exist

    It's not a you have to accept it into yur heart. Also how do you know theres one God and how do you classify soul/spirit in any quantifiable way that isn't sourced from historical spirituality

    hint you can't./ If you can't tell me why God does or doesn't exist than it's about as compelling as someone saying Astrology is bullshit "WELL BECAUSE IT IS OKAY , LOOK IT UP ITS BULLSHIT"

    What if God is a fractal plural and pantheons and native americans are actually ruight. Also Sikhs.

    nutmeg spirituality israel
  3. #63
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood This is kinda what the Sikh's believe. That the idea of God is too powerful for a mortal brain to understand which I also agree with but I think there is some middle ground between that involving large amounts of LSD and or nutmeg

    Like maybe you can't know but certain denominations are better at reaching the Godhead of the Universe through various means which is why Mormons can build spaceships and city sized tabernacles without drinking coffee. But most of them just print flyers and help the poor

    nutmeg spirituality israel

    Whatever floats your boat as long as it doesn't sink anyone who's not trying to sink you pretty much sums up my take on the whole thing.
  4. #64
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I dunno man I think violent extremists are necessary to keep the DAOIST order of morality in balance and harmony with the universe
  5. #65
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    They offer mass every day, not just sunday folx

    In general, when modern secular books reference canonical hours in the Middle Ages, these are the equivalent times:

    Vigil (eighth hour of night: 2 a.m.)
    Matins (a later portion of Vigil, from 3 a.m. to dawn)
    Lauds (dawn; approximately 5 a.m., but varies seasonally)
    Prime (early morning, the first hour of daylight, approximately 6 a.m.)
    Terce (third hour, 9 a.m.)
    Sext (sixth hour, noon)
    Nones (ninth hour, 3 p.m.)
    Vespers (sunset, approximately 6 p.m.)
    Compline (end of the day before retiring, approximately 7 p.m.)
  6. #66
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  7. #67
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    The situation surrounding Our Lady of the Runestone and the church named after this title is indeed intriguing. While the Kensington Runestone's connection to the Virgin Mary ("Ave Virgo Maria") is a historical curiosity, it has not been officially recognized by the Catholic Church as an approved Marian apparition or title. The church in Kensington, MN—Our Lady of the Runestone Catholic Church—seems to serve as a pastoral hub for the local Catholic community, with a priest celebrating Mass there, but this does not necessarily mean that the legend itself is formally venerated or accepted by the wider Church.

    What seems to be happening here is that the local Catholic community, particularly in a rural area like Kensington, has built a church with a title inspired by the regional history (the Kensington Runestone). It is common in Catholic practice to name churches after various Marian titles or local devotions, even if those titles do not have universal Church recognition. This church, however, still functions fully within the structures of the Diocese of Saint Cloud, and the priests assigned there, such as Father Jose Chettoor, perform regular pastoral duties like any other parish.

    The church likely serves a dual role: providing for the spiritual needs of local Catholics and preserving an element of local identity or tradition tied to the runestone. It could be that local devotees or community members find spiritual meaning in this regional legend, even if it is not part of the Church's official Marian theology. The fact that there is regular pastoral work and community worship there indicates a need for spiritual care in the area, but it does not necessarily imply that anyone is advocating for formal recognition of the runestone's story by the Vatican. Instead, the church name may reflect an integration of local culture and faith, which is not uncommon in Catholicism​.

    There are other cases where local Catholic communities have built churches or developed devotions based on regional legends, cultural traditions, or local Marian apparitions that are not officially recognized by the Vatican. These cases illustrate the Catholic Church's flexibility in allowing local expressions of faith, even when they are not formally sanctioned as universal devotions.
    1. Our Lady of Good Help (Champion, Wisconsin)

    The story of Our Lady of Good Help is tied to a Marian apparition that allegedly occurred in 1859 in Champion, Wisconsin. Adele Brise, a Belgian immigrant, claimed that the Virgin Mary appeared to her and instructed her to pray for the conversion of sinners. While this apparition remained a local devotion for many years, it was only in 2010 that the bishop of Green Bay approved the apparition, making it the first Marian apparition in the United States to be officially recognized by the Church. Prior to official recognition, however, people had been practicing devotion and attending Mass at the shrine based on the local legend.
    2. Our Lady of Knock (Ireland)

    The Knock Apparition occurred in 1879 in Knock, Ireland, where several villagers reported seeing the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, and St. John the Evangelist appear on the gable wall of a church. While this apparition is now widely recognized within the Church and a shrine was built in Knock, it initially grew as a local devotion before gaining broader recognition. The local bishop did not officially recognize the apparition until several investigations and significant devotion had developed.
    3. Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Cobre (Cuba)

    The devotion to Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre (La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre) in Cuba began with a local legend involving fishermen who found a statue of the Virgin Mary floating in the Bay of Nipe. This devotion grew among the Cuban people for centuries before the Vatican officially recognized it in the 20th century. The Church initially allowed the veneration without formally endorsing the legend until it became an established part of Cuban Catholic identity.
    4. Our Lady of Walsingham (England)

    Our Lady of Walsingham is a title based on an apparition that occurred in 1061 when Lady Richeldis de Faverches claimed that the Virgin Mary appeared to her and asked her to build a replica of the Holy House of Nazareth in Walsingham, England. Although the devotion became very popular during medieval times, it fell into decline after the Protestant Reformation. It wasn’t until the 20th century that the Catholic Church revived the devotion, and it remains a major pilgrimage site today. However, its early years were characterized by local and popular devotion before gaining formal recognition.
    5. Nuestra Señora de Coromoto (Venezuela)

    The story of Our Lady of Coromoto involves a reported Marian apparition to a native chief, Coromoto, in the 17th century. Although the apparition became widely venerated in Venezuela, it took many years before the Church officially recognized the apparition. The shrine and devotion continued to develop locally for centuries before gaining broader acceptance.
    6. Our Lady of La Vang (Vietnam)

    The La Vang apparition is based on a legend from 1798, when Catholics in Vietnam sought refuge in the jungle to escape persecution. They reported seeing the Virgin Mary, who comforted them and urged them to boil leaves from the surrounding trees for medicine. The devotion to Our Lady of La Vang grew locally, even without formal Church approval, and today it is a significant part of Vietnamese Catholic culture, though the apparition has never been officially recognized by the Vatican.

    In all of these cases, we see a pattern: local devotion grows based on a legend, sometimes with no immediate Church recognition, but over time, the Church may acknowledge or even canonize the devotion based on the faithfulness of the local community and the broader impact of the legend. In some instances, the Church allows these devotions to exist without ever formally declaring the associated apparition or legend as "approved" but still providing pastoral care through priests, Masses, and sacraments.

    The case of Our Lady of the Runestone fits within this tradition, where local cultural history—whether or not it is formally recognized by the Church—can inspire the naming of a church and ongoing Catholic practice. The Church respects local faith expressions while being cautious about officially endorsing or declaring the supernatural nature of such stories.

  8. #68
    Far McFar Tuskegee Airman
    Vikings don't exist anymore.

    the rage is gone
  9. #69
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    wait so if this runestone is a fake than why do people want to build a church there called "Our Lady of the Runestone" seems kinda disingenuous

  10. #70
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  11. #71
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood wait so if this runestone is a fake than why do people want to build a church there called "Our Lady of the Runestone" seems kinda disingenuous

    Maybe for the same types of crazy reasons people have made all the other wackadoodle religions throughout human history.
  12. #72
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I can verify that this Runestone church is indeed a legit Catholic church

    The Most Reverend Patrick M. Neary, C.S.C., Bishop of the Diocese of Saint Cloud, after presentation by the Reverend Jilson Mathew Kakkattupillil, V.C., Provincial Superior, St. Joseph Province, Vincentian Congregation, makes the following appointments in the Diocese of Saint Cloud, effective June 28, 2023:

    Reverend Jose Chettoor, V.C. from parochial administrator of the Church of the Holy Cross, Harding, and the Church of Saint John Nepomuk, Lastrup, to parochial administrator of the Church of Saint Olaf, Elbow Lake, the Church of Saint Charles, Herman, and the Church of Our Lady of the Runestone, Kensington;
  13. #73
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    This argument is retarded. They just used sub pixel font and a reading stone.Pretty sure it even mentions a reading stone in the Mormon texts

    argument: The book of Mormon would never fit on those plates

    Now watch as I fit the entire Book of Mormon into this post with a 19k character limit including all of the above text explaining this post

    284 lines


    ^they just did something like that on the golden plates
  14. #74
    Far McFar Tuskegee Airman
    why did you turn on the church, Scron
  15. #75
    Far McFar Tuskegee Airman
    I mean against it. Why did you leave the Mormon Church
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