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wut did u dream about last night

  1. Originally posted by Dirtbag I wonder if this is a sign I'm no longer me, is it normal to be repulsed by gingers then suddenly like them?

    I dunno. I always liked gingers, boys and girls. I felt like I really understood them, and I have always got along with them better than I did other groups. Pity they're so rare.
  2. Originally posted by Dirtbag I wonder if this is a sign I'm no longer me, is it normal to be repulsed by gingers then suddenly like them?

    It's normal yo change as you get older and hit different stages in your life. It's how out life cycles go. There's a time to seek out sex, a time to settle down to raise the kids conceived in that time, a time to become a grandparent and an elder.
  3. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump It's normal yo change as you get older and hit different stages in your life. It's how out life cycles go. There's a time to seek out sex, a time to settle down to raise the kids conceived in that time, a time to become a grandparent and an elder.

  4. Originally posted by Dirtbag Gross

    Really? Celtic women have three stages in their life, maiden > mother > crone. I think you've moved on recently from the maiden stage to the mother stage. You're growing up. Even if, like almost all the white women I meet, you don't have the familial reality to live it.
  5. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Really? Celtic women have three stages in their life, maiden > mother > crone. I think you've moved on recently from the maiden stage to the mother stage. You're growing up. Even if, like almost all the white women I meet, you don't have the familial reality to live it.

    It says something when you can't respect a woman's decision not to have children.
  6. Originally posted by Dirtbag It says something when you can't respect a woman's decision not to have children.

    On the contrary, I do respect someone's decision to be a genetic dead end. I am surrounded by such cases.
  7. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Okay well idc about pagen life stages that reduce humans to a single biological function. I have plans to be happy, and that means becoming rich, exploring the world and finding the right person. Maybe later in life I will create a clone of myself, that's possible even if I am no longer fertile. I have no plans to become a crone either, I will keep my looks by not having children.
  8. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    If I do pass 35 without a child, there's a good chance I will create a clone of myself, with all those decades to focus on becoming rich and getting away with it.
  9. Originally posted by Dirtbag Okay well idc about pagen life stages that reduce humans to a single biological function. I have plans to be happy, and that means becoming rich, exploring the world and finding the right person. Maybe later in life I will create a clone of myself, that's possible even if I am no longer fertile. I have no plans to become a crone either, I will keep my looks by not having children.

    You expel an egg a month until your 40s. Then you hit menopause (and pre-menopause long before that). Your hormones take over, and you turn into your mom. Doesn't matter if you have kids or not.

    Originally posted by Dirtbag If I do pass 35 without a child, there's a good chance I will create a clone of myself, with all those decades to focus on becoming rich and getting away with it.

    I've got to give you credit for one thing, you acknowledge the difficulty in having kids after 35. Doctors call mothers over 35 a "geriatric pregnancy".

    It's ridiculous how many women I meet who are 40 and all like "I'd like to have kids someday". The memes are real.
  10. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Menopause doesn't start til 50s. Idk what will be the case for me. My dad still had his black hair in his 60s. I stress a lot so if I start going grey in my early 30s I'll know I'm doomed.
  11. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I'm just not going to worry about it. If I had a child it would be taken off me. I don't want to be pregnant, never have. I've never had a boyfriend so it's extremely unlikely I will find the right person. I'm not the type to settle. So all I can do is become rich and if I ever care enough I'll see if I can create a clone of me, which I'd actually rather have than mix my genes with someone because I am perfect the way I am.
  12. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I remember when I was 14 my older cousin saying that she doesn't think I'll ever have children, wonder what it was about my personality that made her think that.
  13. Originally posted by Dirtbag I remember when I was 14 my older cousin saying that she doesn't think I'll ever have children, wonder what it was about my personality that made her think that.

    Just meanness.

    Originally posted by Dirtbag I'm just not going to worry about it. If I had a child it would be taken off me. I don't want to be pregnant, never have. I've never had a boyfriend so it's extremely unlikely I will find the right person. I'm not the type to settle. So all I can do is become rich and if I ever care enough I'll see if I can create a clone of me, which I'd actually rather have than mix my genes with someone because I am perfect the way I am.

    This is a mix of government repression and internalised stuff. I heard so many times parents and grandparents, especially in Northern Ireland, going on about how their kids would be taken off them if they didn't do such and such. It's not realistic for a mom to provide a perfect environment for a kid to grow up in for 20 years. They're going to want breaks, they're going to have problems, etc. That's when partners and grandparents should be stepping in. I was raised by my grandparents big chunks of my life. I'd have been taken into care if I was in Northern Ireland. And the sort of people who go into "social work" as a career - the guys are all pedophiles, the women are all dysfunctional woke headcases.

    When you hear people going "I won't have kids, TV and media have assured me I shouldn't reproduce - I should pursue woke neoliberalism instead" it's pretty obvious what is going on.
  14. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    My family actually doesn't want me to have children and I'm sure it's bcus they're demonic and hate me, not because there's anything wrong with me genetically. Anyway I wouldn't want them to look after my child, especially not my narcissist mum.

    I've also never trusted men in my life so it's extremely unlikely that will change.
  15. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    My mum said I can't have one bcus I'm like a serial killer. But I've had my cat since September and haven't snapped at it once. It's some narcissist thing she thinks there's something wrong with me if I'm angry at her.
  16. Originally posted by Dirtbag I remember when I was 14 my older cousin saying that she doesn't think I'll ever have children, wonder what it was about my personality that made her think that.

    Probably your unquenchable thirst for self importance.
  17. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Probably your unquenchable thirst for self importance.

    Is that an oxymoron?
  18. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    It's healthy to be self-important, everyone should be important to themselves, on their own side and it's good that I like my own company enough, can keep myself entertained.
  19. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I don't know if I want to try this because what if it can't be undone, if all my dreams are lucid. In the past when I've become lucid everything breaks down, becomes nothing.
  20. Elbow African Astronaut
    I don't know specifically what I dreamt about, but I remember... 2 things. Two conflicting things. One was that we should get a cross for... our shower. The second was the word "volva", etched indelibly into my brain. I'm pretty sure I've never heard or seen this word before. I say these are conflicting things because I googled it when I woke up, as one does when words from the beyond find their way embedded in one's consciousness after a nap, and "volva" is an old norse term for a seeress.

    A dream about putting a christian cross in our shower, which left the old norse word for a pagan witch floating around my head. This feels like a jumbled up blood memory.
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