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Here u go it's u nutless retard

  1. #81
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Heavy Metals contamination, botulism, cross contamination, etc. Can harm (or kill) you if you eat a food that was processed by machinery that was contaminated.

    Failures of any individual processing method do not equate to processed foods being bad. Any third worlder can fuck up making bread and end up poisoning their entire village. Does that mean nobody should ever make bread ever? Just don't fuck it up, do it right and nobody will ever get sick ever.

    This doesn't mean every bread company in the world should have inspectors with clipboards doing health and safety inspections with GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT making sure every particle of yeast is free from dust. You can have quite a lot of rat poop and bug parts in any amount of food and still be perfectly fine. A lot of things taste better when you cut them with coffin ash and sawdust, it is what it is.


    yes that's why everything needs a child proof seal and should be locked behind a bulletproof glass so nobody ever takes anything ever and you need a manager to get a loaf of bread and you keep it on the TOP SHELF so your children don't get poisoned.
  2. #82
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    sorry but I drank from the lead hose and got ass molested by the babysitter and i'm perfectly healthy
  3. #83
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Meikai Buzzwords! I'm willing to accept that certain processes involved in the modern industrial supply chain for food do, in fact, result in products which are capable of causing harm when consumed in excess. However, if you're going to talk shit about a food product for being "processed" ("HIGHLY" or otherwise), I expect you to articulate which processes led to the product in question being harmful, and explicate the nature of those harms.

    If all you can do is scream "processed food bad" at people, you're retarded. "The genes are messed up" isn't much better.

    Nah. Humans are animals and human industry is both the natural product and ultimate manifestation of our natural animal drives. Papa Ted was a brain-damaged, psycho-spiritually fried, former tranny. "Just gotta blow up one more PC repair shop and the industrial revolution will come grinding to a halt!" Truly a man of exalted genius.

    I literally posted examples
  4. #84
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Iron Ree sorry but I drank from the lead hose and got ass molested by the babysitter and i'm perfectly healthy

    I used to play at a park with a 'rocketship' that was about 50 feet high. They tore it down a few decades ago and can't rebuild it due to insurance restrictions.
  5. #85
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    One of the park in my town had a sealed up tank in the playground. It was a smaller one idk what model. But it had the barrel and shit and we'd always try to get in but they welded everything shut
  6. #86
    Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by infinityshock HIGHLY processed foods

    how high.

    even dried meats are processed foods.
  7. #87
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina how high.

    even dried meats are processed foods.

    You're an idiot

    If you think dried Meat is on par with red40 you might as well Harakiri
  8. #88
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
    I haven't eaten in like five years and I can honestly say I don't have constipation, gas, or diahrea ever. That's kinda nice but I do miss the feeling of warm foods entering me and hot sauce.
  9. #89
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina how high.

    even dried meats are processed foods.

    you aren't wrong

    Originally posted by RIPtotse If you think dried Meat is on par with red40 you might as well Harakiri

    Azo dyes aren't processed food. I'd go as far to say it's not food at all. Doesn't mean you can't eat it though. Azo dyes are about as harmful as the fillers and buffers in pills so if you ever take a pill you will die, you should instead formulate the pure drug in a syringe and boof it up your asshole or you will be consuming microcrystaline cellulose and povidone. which is why ephedrine should be sold in pure USP grade crystaline form you COMMUNIST!
  10. #90
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina how high.

    even dried meats are processed foods.

  11. #91
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby's Ghost I haven't eaten in like five years and I can honestly say I don't have constipation, gas, or diahrea ever. That's kinda nice but I do miss the feeling of warm foods entering me and hot sauce.

    I can help you out if you have the hankerin' for some warm meat and hot sauce in you
  12. #92
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    OP gives me Bob vibes.

  13. #93
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by infinityshock I can help you out if you have the hankerin' for some warm meat and hot sauce in you

    Thanks but that's impossible. I do really miss hot sauce and warm meat.
  14. #94
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby's Ghost Thanks but that's impossible. I do really miss hot sauce and warm meat.

    Don't won't be the first to worry that it won't fit. I'll even bring tissues for your tears

    Both kinds
  15. #95
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
  16. #96
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Originally posted by Iron Ree you aren't wrong

    Azo dyes aren't processed food. I'd go as far to say it's not food at all. Doesn't mean you can't eat it though. Azo dyes are about as harmful as the fillers and buffers in pills so if you ever take a pill you will die, you should instead formulate the pure drug in a syringe and boof it up your asshole or you will be consuming microcrystaline cellulose and povidone. which is why ephedrine should be sold in pure USP grade crystaline form you COMMUNIST!

    I only inject the white fentanyl tho
  17. #97
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
    That African beef jerky looks good, I would like to try that.
  18. #98
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by RIPtotse I only inject the white fentanyl tho

    the ironic part is you can find street drugs at a higher purity than USP grade formulations sometimes especially if you factor in all the GAAK. the reason sudafed doesn't work that well if you formulate it and if you actually purify your own and snort it you would notice it works 100x better

    that's because ephedrine is a molecule from GOD and it does not interact properly with synthetic manmade plastics waxes and fillers. When they switched to phenylephrine the drug worked 'properly' again because it wasn't trying to jam a natural substance into a plastic pill

    even taking pure plant epehdrine powder in a gelatine capsule from fish gelatine you extract yourself is harmful. Balance it with fish turmeric and syncans like our holy profit
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man 10 grams fish oil
    3 grams St Johns Wort (MAOI)
    One tablespoon turmeric (MAOI)
    Four bags of gingko tea (MAOI)
    Two bags green tea
    320mg caffeine
    6 white castle japeleno cheeseburgers with hot sauce
    Teaspoon of black pepper


    Originally posted by Ghost I only eat one meal per day, sometimes once every two days. Eating food takes a lot of time out of the day that could be spent better meditating on religion.

    It's a good way to keep thin, I have never weighed over 200lbs and it also teaches you to accept hunger and learn to suppress it which is an important survival skill.

    Let's take a look at the typical meals of a Buddhist monk

    Breakfast - Sweet potato, coconut with Lunumiris and desert watermelon
    Lunch - Rice, bread fruit, gotu kola, beans, red fish curry and a banana
    Dinner - yogurt and coffee

    The Trianglist diet is very similar and involves the use of nootropic superfoods like turmeric and fish oil.

  19. #99
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Meikai OP gives me Bob vibes.

    ______ ______ ______________
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    | ________ | ( {} ) | _____)
    /~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | \____/ | |______ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
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    | | | |
    | | Hogs of Entropy Text Files Present... | |
    | | | |
    | | "How be ]<001 Anarkustz" | |
    | | | |
    | | By: Mogel | |
    | | | |
    | | | |
    \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /

    Hello, d00dz. This is my first in the line of many parody articles
    that I will be doing for H03. You see, my entire life has been centered
    toward this very moment, where I will write a text file that will fully
    explain the technique of creating and running a T0T41 FUCKIN' 4N4RKEY
    GR0UP (Note: The 'FUCKIN' was added purly for dramatic affect!)
    At this very moment there are ka-zillions of text file groups that
    are floating around... some will prevail, but most will be miserably
    forgotten in the deathlands of the to Madonna's youth.
    Actually, to have a kewl An-ar-cust group you don't have to worry about the
    hustle-and-bustle about producing texts. Let me explain...
    First let me get one thing totally clear! The point of having a kewl
    aNaRkUsT group is to get famous. There's no other reason behind it...
    although there's the illusion of getting RAD fileZ, the point of it all is
    to get Distro sites all around the country. And the more important thing is
    to get repect in your area c0d3 f0r being Nati0nal. Everyone will think you
    4r3 r3411y ElYT3 and kiss your ass. But the first thing to do is to get
    writers. If you run a BBS, this is an easy task, you just do a massmail
    to every user on the board explaining that they must write for your AnAkuzt
    group or they will be deleted. If you don't run a BBS, you can still use
    this method, just find a really RaD board with /<0deZ. Then send the SysOp
    money only if he will e-mail all the users, and tell them that to write for
    your aNaRkuTZ group or he will delete them. Another method to get writers
    is my favorite. You pick out 3 or 4 userZ that are really RaD and you
    private e-mail them on every board they call every single time you call up.
    Now you have writers.
    The next thing you need is a name. The name is the most important
    part. Don't pick any LAMER names that have words like "Vaginal" or "Cow" or
    "Entropy". You need to have your group say what oyu are about!!!1! If you
    want your group to be RaD, you *MUST* have the wordZ "AnArKuzt", "Phreak",
    "Hacker", "Fuck", and/or "Anarkutz." I have some suggested kewl nameZ:
    UnhG = Underground Narc Hating GuyZ
    PooP = Phreakerz Operating on PhoneZ
    TfA = Total FUCKING AnArK3Y
    TpM = Total phucking moronZ
    KUP = Killer Underground PhreakerZ
    PHART = Phreakerz, HackerZ, and AnarkustZ Really Ticked-off.
    Making "ArtuKulz" is a little tricky. Remember, if you want to be
    kewl them you gotta look rad. I suggest you get professional help. First
    you should contact an ascii artist. Tell them you want really kewl GRAPHIX
    for a header. Since anyone that would actually bare the title "ascii
    artist" obviously has no life, they will be happy to get it done right away.
    The next part is the tricky part. You need to make articles that will
    interest people. Here's the part that many groups run into a snag with:
    everything you learned about AnARKkie iZ from other people and you don't have
    anything original to say! Most LAmeRZ give up thier group there... but,
    never fear, as I love my Entropy childern, I have the most ELITE solution to
    the problem. You know those miscellanious fileZ that are in peopleZ file
    bases about H/P/J....(oh, shit sorry.. I meant H/P/A.. my mistake!)? Well,
    we all know that NOBODY readz those fileZ!! I mean, why the frig would
    someone write something that is not affiled wiff a GROUP!?! All you need to
    do is download something that sounds really rad.... like "C4RDiNG iN TH3 PUSH
    0F TW0 K3Y STR0KZ!" and then just add your RAD new H34D3R and add your name
    to the bottom with a copyright and a warning. Actually the file might
    already have a warning on it for you while will make your 0UTPUt RaD!
    The next part to making your board ELYT3 is to name a Home Base
    board. Then you need DiSTR0 SiT3Z!! You get these by calling LD BBSs that
    you get the numbers of. Make sure that the board you are calling has LOTS
    AND LOTS of WaReZ on it. The reason for this is that WaReZ SysOps will
    not give you a hard time by looking at your text fileZ and will take
    virtually anything to get another affiliation to attach on thier boardZ
    StatZ so he can be just as ELITE aZ y0u. Plus, those sysops for H/P/A boards
    are all snobs anyway.
    Now you got the writerZ, you got the Distr0Z, is there anything else
    that I forgot? Wait, let's do a test to see how ELITE you think you are.
    Go on and guess what you think our RaD group needZ STI11*:

    [ Fill in your guess here: ________________________________
    __________________________________________________________ ]

    No, not "tips on Masterbation" you LAMER!!! It needZ it'Z own NET!!
    All the ELITE groupZ have thier own NETZ. That way you have control over
    all the boardZ by BL4CK-L1STiN' 411 L4M3RZ!!!! TH4T'Z R4D!!
    Well, that concludeZ my guide to making your own ANERKUZT Group!
    Coming soon iZ my most ELITE file EVER.. "How to Hack ALL Bank Computerz!"

    * = Note: i stole the "fill in the ELITE Blank" joke from Tequila
    Willie in CDC #71. Great 'ZiN3! R3411Y 31Y+3!!!1!!

    Now it's time for the GRE33TZZZzzZZZZzZzZZzzzZZzz section. This is
    the part where I grEEEeTTzz lots of people, and maybe 1/100th of
    them you have heard of. I wanted to do GREeeEEYiieEETTttZZzZz for
    everyone that I knew, so they are a little long. I hope you don't

    -*=*- GReeeEEeeeEAAAeEEeiiEEeTTZZZzzZZiieEieEZzZzZZZzzZZZZz -=*=-

    Defiant: Still waiting for the "How to rape your mother" t-file!
    The Wizard: Um. Er. Uh. Well. Uh. Ah. Er. Eh. Um. Uh. Er. Well. Um. Uh.
    Flagg: This T-File is dedicated to you.
    Wolverine X: You do ansi. It's time to move on now with your life. Accept it.
    King Blotto: Thank you for teaching me everything you know, dad!!!
    Guff: My penis is BiGGER. So THERE!
    Slater: You taught me all this and I *STOLE* it all and put it in a T-file!!
    Slater's Mom: Give this message to Slater: "HAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!"
    Shotgun Willie: SHHHH!!!!!
    James Bond: No message to you. I Just wanted to laugh at Slater: "HAHAHAHA!!"
    Phiber Optik: Is that Geraldo's real hair?
    Abigwar: Hey, man... you need /<0deZ s0Z you can call my b04rD!!!
    Dark Magic !: Hey, Do you like my "Slater/HAHA!" and "Hair" themes?
    James Dean: You're dead. Sucks to be you. Cool hair, though...
    Emmanuel: You're like, the like, inspiration, for like t-files and stuff.
    jUNGLE jIMMY: You are the "R" in your group. But a genious "R"!!
    Everlast: Go for the humor. Trust me.
    Ascii Express: your like trippy and that is like cool and like yeah.
    Wire Fashion: Parody is like, cool and shit. uhhh huhu huhu huhuh huh.
    Nate: I'm trying not to sound like Butthead.
    Swamp Ratte: I will kill you and take over cDc.
    The President: I will not kill you. (I'm legally bound to say that)
    Denture Boy: Want some? It'll make you feel good! "No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o"
    iNtR0: 3v3RyThiNg y0u d0 iZ r3411Y E1Yt3!1!!!!!1!
    Cyberelf: Sppeeelinz esss coll.
    Zen: You are the slowest, dumbest moron. But you're still k001.
    The entire Internet: The end of something great is near.
    Haywood: Hey, wood - how did you get your name?
    cDc: DAMMiT! I tried to not use your "00" D00d stuff... it just slipped out!
    Mom: You raised a fine son. Gotta light?
    CiA: That really wasn't a sarcastic comment to ACiD and iCE!! i SWEAR!!
    TRiBE: Oh, I forgot to mention that my "i" key sticks every now and then.
    PHRACK: What do you feel about the fall of communism?
    2600: There's nothing I could say that wouldn't sound "lame," so I bow.
    Obscure Images: You're really a good writer. Just wanted to mention it.
    All Bobs: You have the coolest name.
    All Mikes: You have the most common name! ASSHOLE!
    CAFBL: Did you ever notice that your name is like "calf-bell"?..that's neat.
    Casper: The King of, I mean Shrooms. AHH!! *MUST* get it right.
    Mr. Self Destruct: Just say "no."
    Masher: De ja vu.
    The Professor: Life's an eskimo pie....let's take a bite.
    Tequila Willie: You're fucking halarious man...
    Tina Turner: I'm glad I added that 'fucking' to my comment. Makes me kewler.
    Dad: Hi Dad! (variation on "hi mom")
    The Terrorist: Did you ever like Vanilla Ice?!?! Just curious...
    Jeager: Suck my ham.
    Bobert: When you have a chance mention this to Slater: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"
    J.F.K.: I know who killed you. It was King Blotto... SHHH!!!!
    Corrosion: Like the way I mixed up all the nobodys with somebodys?
    Bio-HaZard: And I GrEEEttZZzzed people I don't even know! I'm SO RAD!!
    The Guest: COME BACK!!!! COME BACK!!!!! I NEED YOU!!!!!! COME BACK!!!!! ah.
    Socrates: Did you want a yellow or a pink carnation?
    The 'where's the beef' woman: What happened to you?! I *LOVED* you DAMMiT!
    Franken Gibe: You're like a good writer and stuff. Cool.
    Zorro: You have immortailzed the art of Spam Tossing. Good work, chap!
    AWA: You guys write some halarious stuff.
    Jhaixus: Nice to imagine being in an ELITE group like HoE, but you aren't.
    Wynoda Rider: I have had 3 sex dreams about you and I can't even spell you.
    Half-Baked: This greetZzzzZzzzZ is getting really long.
    BGR: Please ignore all this. Remember it's called "PAR-0-DiE"
    Swamp Ratte: DAMMiT! I already greetZzzzZZed you.
    VaS: Honky, Crankers, and other such hobwash.
    Violent Femmes: You guys kick butt. YEAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!@!@
    cRAnK: I'm running out of people to greetZZzzZZ. Oh, I almost forgot: "sex."
    Rann: I'm glad I can publically annouce that you LOVE Nirvana.....<g>
    Bill Gates: You're the anti-christ.
    The guy who made MajorBBS: uhhh huh huhu huhu huhu huhuh uhu uhuhuh uuhhu.
    Charlie: I wonder if he'll read this. I'd have more luck getting Bill Gates.
    Nikkie: I love you. I want you. Phreaker chicks are cool.
    FuzZy: I hope you get something done soon<coughcoughurslowasshitcoughcough>.
    Cott Lang: I have nothing to say to you. HAHA!!!
    Jay and Spiff: You guys can program your buttock muscle's off!!
    PeeWee Herman: You changed my life, man...
    Stan Lee: How many people am I capable of being sarcastic too?
    The Kitchen Sink: Did I get everybody?

    | Mogel-Land.[Home].2157323413 / \ Paranoia Subnormal.2153395831 |
    | Hacker Crackdown..2159451907 | )\._./( | Stellar Nights.....6108969140 |
    | T.E.K.A.T.........9088132738 | ( (o) ) | |
    | Mary Jane's.......2164616162 | <_U_> | the NEXT generation |
    | /<RaD-/<-/< House.8103480421 | BuUuRP! | of stoopid... |
    | Twisted Reality...6104590598 \ / |
    Copyright © 1994 HoE Publications and Mogel #16 --> 10/28/94
    All Rights are ELITE
  20. Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by RIPtotse You're an idiot

    If you think dried Meat is on par with red40 you might as well Harakiri

    hence ah x-ed how high.

    drying and/or curing meat is a process. any meat that have underwent a process or processes are processed meats.

    is english not your natjve language,
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