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5000 rockets hit Israel

  1. Originally posted by infinityshock that is why they try so hard to control the distribution of information and the narratives of available facts

    i used to be completely ambivalent on the j­ewish question but after deep-reading about world history…the history that doesnt show up in school text books…its flagrantly obvious these kikes are a menace to the planet

    one example out of countless ones…i was reading about deep civil war history…as in details of what actual individual soldiers wrote…and regular-joe troops from the north and south were talking about what devious, abhorrent beasts they are. fun fact: a US general literally banned kikes from certain areas in the south because of their degenerate kikery. they dont teach that in school…

    Did you ever hear about Judah Benjamin? He was the confederate finance minister, took money for a new fleet and gave it to his buddies in London (where he later retired to). When the confederate was collapsing he was in good form, cheerful and singing to himself as the confederate army desperately fought off the union to keep the conferate government running for a few more hours. He then made good his escape on a boat. The bit in wikipedia is insane, neither the dumb goy who wrote it, nor the dumb goy who describes being cheered up by Judah's happy mood seems to not realise Judah was so happy cos he never gave a shit about the dumbass confederacy and was happy with pulling off a profitable and successful scam.

    Again and again I realise that it's not that jedis are so smart, it's that the goys are so fucking unbelievable dumb.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ They've been banned from/driven from entire countries for millennia. It's because they attack the people by hijacking their monetary system, and they're very, very good at it. Even Jesus had to physically throw them out of the temple, because they had monetized it to enrich themselves.

    that is a minute fraction of the kike fuckery...

    for thousands of years they engage in diabolical and criminal behavior then bribe officials to overlook prosecution...conspire with the enemies of the cities/states/countries they infest...even in legal business theyve always partaken of underhanded and criminal practices...

    its one of those things people have to look into for themselves to find out how degenerate j­ews as a species actually are
  3. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    the vile antisemitism itt is honestly wild

    your hatred for good people is a sign of your own evil

    shameful behavior. and isn't it interesting how every smart goy has a great philosemitic respect for the jedis, but every antisemite is a mouth-breathing retard? blessings upon all the descendants of israel.
  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Meikai the vile antisemitism itt is honestly wild

    your hatred for good people is a sign of your own evil

    shameful behavior. and isn't it interesting how every smart goy has a great philosemitic respect for the jedis, but every antisemite is a mouth-breathing retard? blessings upon all the descendants of israel.

    this is what EXTREME CIRCUMCISION does to a man
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Did you ever hear about Judah Benjamin? He was the confederate finance minister, took money for a new fleet and gave it to his buddies in London (where he later retired to). When the confederate was collapsing he was in good form, cheerful and singing to himself as the confederate army desperately fought off the union to keep the conferate government running for a few more hours. He then made good his escape on a boat. The bit in wikipedia is insane, neither the dumb goy who wrote it, nor the dumb goy who describes being cheered up by Judah's happy mood seems to not realise Judah was so happy cos he never gave a shit about the dumbass confederacy and was happy with pulling off a profitable and successful scam.

    Again and again I realise that it's not that jedis are so smart, it's that the goys are so fucking unbelievable dumb.

    it sounds familiar. i recall someone who 'stole' money...then gave it to the confederate cause...and when they were buried their gravestone stated what a good little southern devotee they were.

    thats exactly right...americans have the full and total information that kikes control the laws the US makes through lobbyists, ADL, AIPAC, and literal bribed elected officials...and needlessly give billions of dollars per year to judenkikeland, and juden in general, with nothing in return, and they dont do anything about it.

    and the fucking 'kosher' scam...
  6. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by aldra further proof that women are annoying shit-disturbers by nature, who take great pleasure in irritating men

    potato potato
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Meikai the vile antisemitism itt is honestly wild

    your hatred for good people is a sign of your own evil

    shameful behavior. and isn't it interesting how every smart goy has a great philosemitic respect for the jedis, but every antisemite is a mouth-breathing retard? blessings upon all the descendants of israel.

    the truth is antisemetic

    you cant identify one single statement ive made that is not factually and/or historically accurate

    go ahead and justify the kikes destroying targets in palestine that are literally prohibited targets of war...or the tens of thousand of civilian deaths...

    go ahead, goy, justify your masters actions
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra this is what EXTREME CIRCUMCISION does to a man

    when the j­ews do it they add a free blow job to the deal

    true story...go ahead and fact check it
  9. Originally posted by Donald Trump Did you ever hear about Judah Benjamin? He was the confederate finance minister, took money for a new fleet and gave it to his buddies in London (where he later retired to). When the confederate was collapsing he was in good form, cheerful and singing to himself as the confederate army desperately fought off the union to keep the conferate government running for a few more hours. He then made good his escape on a boat. The bit in wikipedia is insane, neither the dumb goy who wrote it, nor the dumb goy who describes being cheered up by Judah's happy mood seems to not realise Judah was so happy cos he never gave a shit about the dumbass confederacy and was happy with pulling off a profitable and successful scam.

    Again and again I realise that it's not that jedis are so smart, it's that the goys are so fucking unbelievable dumb.

    i doubt any goy was involved in the writting of that and if they did none of it would pass the semite editors.
  10. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by infinityshock the truth is antisemetic

    you cant identify one single statement ive made that is not factually and/or historically accurate

    you mean like i did with the fake/misquoted contextless talmud quotes you posted?

    Originally posted by infinityshock go ahead and justify the kikes destroying targets in palestine that are literally prohibited targets of war…or the tens of thousand of civilian deaths…

    the state of israel has done some genuinely objectionable things, but that does not reflect poorly on jedis as a whole because jedis as a whole don't unconditionally support israel.

    Originally posted by infinityshock go ahead, goy, justify your masters actions

    i wish scron wanted me 2 call him master
  11. It's important not to conflate Israel, which is the jedi State, and the jedi people. Only about 95% of jedis support the jedi State as well. The 5% are presumably good people, like Ron Unz and Israel Shamir.
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Meikai you mean like i did with the fake/misquoted contextless talmud quotes you posted?

    the state of israel has done some genuinely objectionable things, but that does not reflect poorly on jedis as a whole because jedis as a whole don't unconditionally support israel.

    i wish scron wanted me 2 call him master

    nothing fake about anything i post. a favorite tactic of the kikes is denial when they get busted. ergo...'the protocols of the elders of zion'

    no, j­ews as a whole are a cohesive unit that reinforce each others degeneracy. the ones that arent physically active still vote how the kikes tell them to vote and donate money to j­ew causes. the individuals you say dont support other j­ews are rare and insignificant demographic.

    your posts are so insufferably supportive of kikes theres no other explanation than youre one of their good little shabos goy

    and stop saying 'jedi'...theyre fucking j­ews. using code words isnt fooling anyone
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Donald Trump It's important not to conflate Israel, which is the jedi State, and the jedi people. Only about 95% of jedis support the jedi State as well. The 5% are presumably good people, like Ron Unz and Israel Shamir.

    regardless, its the overwhelmingly overwhelming majority of the kikes that cause all the problems that they cause
  14. Originally posted by aldra this is what EXTREME CIRCUMCISION does to a man

    "A little off the top?"

    "Nah.. cut half of it right off."
  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    — 🇮🇱/🇺🇸/🇾🇪 Netanyahu to Biden: 'If the United States does not act militarily against the Houthis, then Israel will' - Kann

    Yemen's been bombed for like a decade solid, they don't give a fuck
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra Yemen's been bombed for like a decade solid, they don't give a fuck

    saudi has been HE-spamming them while the houthis rocket-spam the saudis
  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by infinityshock saudi has been HE-spamming them while the houthis rocket-spam the saudis

    I remember a few years back the Saudis were buying up as many African mercs as possible and just throwing them at the Houthis, the casualties were so horrendous there were a few countries (Ghana I think) that just flat refused to fill orders anymore
  18. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by infinityshock nothing fake about anything i post. a favorite tactic of the kikes is denial when they get busted. ergo…'the protocols of the elders of zion'

    the protocols is literally a made-up book intended to mock and demonize jedis i sincerely hope you don't believe it's real 🤭

    Originally posted by infinityshock no, j­ews as a whole are a cohesive unit that reinforce each others degeneracy. the ones that arent physically active still vote how the kikes tell them to vote and donate money to j­ew causes. the individuals you say dont support other j­ews are rare and insignificant demographic.

    there are orthodox jedis who are dogmatically, religiously opposed to the modern state of israel and oppose it in every meaningful way because they genuinely do not approve (i believe on the basis that the formation of the state of israel is prophesied to occur at the dawning of the messianic age - ie when the messiah is born).

    Originally posted by infinityshock your posts are so insufferably supportive of kikes theres no other explanation than youre one of their good little shabos goy

    i know 🤭

    Originally posted by infinityshock and stop saying 'jedi'…theyre fucking j­ews. using code words isnt fooling anyone

    its too much work to bypass the wordenhancement just to name the j­ew, im way too fukken lazy for that m8. i don't even know how u do it, i swears. im like sooooo dumb that i could only ever do it by going "jew" like totse2k1, but thats still soooo much work. haha. ha ha ha.

  19. jedis funded a fake hate crime (or whatever) against themselves.

    How can they be so fucking dumb?

    Like Michael Collins said when fighting the British, "how did these people ever get an empire?"
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra I remember a few years back the Saudis were buying up as many African mercs as possible and just throwing them at the Houthis, the casualties were so horrendous there were a few countries (Ghana I think) that just flat refused to fill orders anymore

    It's a good use for blacks...and the pay the sauids offered was exponentially more than they make poaching bush meat or burning down jingle to make charcoal pits.

    They used the ones that survived...with actual their own janissary forces.
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