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Should I join the military folx

  1. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You make shit up. I point out truths you have already admitted to.

    that really rattled your cage I see. Knowing it's true. You feeling it every morning you get up. the decaying inside is spreading fast
  2. Meikai Heck This Schlong
  3. Kawkasian African Astronaut

    God damn half assed website...
  4. Originally posted by Kawkasian

    God damn half assed website…

    Fixed that for you.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Kawkasian

    God damn half assed website…

    calm down, fona
  6. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    mfw people say Canada is communist

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood It's okay, we will just sell our energy to China so they can make more nukes and wipe you fat fucks off the face of the planet. I better brush up on my mandarin before Canada becomes the newest province of the glorious peoples republic


  7. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Show Irans, Show State of Israel, Show Russias
  8. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    LOL Show Bidens new Military Hell's March
  9. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Chios Honey that really rattled your cage I see. Knowing it's true. You feeling it every morning you get up. the decaying inside is spreading fast

    Look in the mirror fatass. I'm up at every morning at 4 am and out the door by 6. My day ends around 8 PM every night in bed by 10. I sleep like a baby and run circles around people half my age at my business every day.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Look in the mirror fatass. I'm up at every morning at 4 am and out the door by 6. My day ends around 8 PM every night in bed by 10. I sleep like a baby and run circles around people half my age at my business every day.

    so that's why you're still up at 2am?
  11. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Chios Honey so that's why you're still up at 2am?

    That was posted at 8:03 PM moron
  12. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    2023-09-23 at 12:03 AM UTC

    So you were in Greenland when you posted it at 8:03pm?

    it doesn't matter what you set the time zone at it matters when I set mine which I left at default Greenwich or Universal Time

    let me guess.. Proxie
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    cant spell speedy without peedy, sussy baggers! you guys are lil cuzzins??! and related to hikki?
  14. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor cant spell speedy without peedy, sussy baggers! you guys are lil cuzzins??! and related to hikki?

    He's just triggering me

    fuck him

    You want to roll up to North Reno with me? My Car. Look at some land. 20 acres with road access for 15k

    My sell of the Doyle area fell through but I no longer want to live in Cali. Nevada has true 0 codes for recreational land. BLM is buying up Cali side for some reason. my guess is they plan on using it for more than park department. something weird is going on up in Lassen county.
  15. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    we can even drive up to the natural lava tunnels of Mt Lassen volcano.

    Gigi can't handle the ride that far. so just us two
  16. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Tonapah is another area of interest (nevada's Tonapah) halfway to Vegas. but closer to Carson City.

    you got Camping Gear, Waldo?
  17. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    sure, wanna go today? uhh not really any camping shit i just use my van as a tent, i have a lawn chair lel. u gonna pick me up
  18. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor sure, wanna go today? uhh not really any camping shit i just use my van as a tent, i have a lawn chair lel. u gonna pick me up

    No not today or tomorrow. I was thinking Monday or Tuesday. its best early week because traffic is easier than weekends. before the snow hits.

    Does your van have all wheel? because that dirt is slippery as fuck. I have AWD and want to test it. I want to drive over from Herlong to the Nevada side near Pyramid Lake. Paiute Country. there is an access road but it's dirt.

    California though has lesser property tax I think. I think Nevada is closer to 2% and 20 acres would be like probably 2400 a year vs the 120 I pay on 2 acres. but it would be nice to have 20 acres.
  19. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Also when you build in Cali the tax gets re-accessed and its more like 200-300 a month but Nevada I dont think does this. You can just throw up a "Recreational building" vs a house
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