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Coming out of retirement

  1. Originally posted by jerryb Here's a new fucking ideal Vinny. Why don't you tell us a little about your life. I don't need to justify my life to an internet persona.

    I can tell you alll about Van Voothy

    Originally posted by Meikai he is a cambodian twink named voan vuthy (possibly "van vuthy" im not sure which is correct). he currently works with his 14 year old brother as a "tour guide" by day, and gay prostitute by night. putting his broken english to use as a guide, his job is mainly inviting tourists to his pimp's jungle compound so they can shoot an RPG at a cow for $20 (he receives a 2.5% cut for every sale, but he's so bad at speaking english he mostly relies on his night job to survive). he's also responsible for cleaning up the mess on the rare occasion someone actually understands him and takes him up on the offer, and manually inseminating the cows on his pimp's estate so there's a constant supply of targets.

    when his day is done, he's bussed into Krong Siem Reap along with his little brother and sold off for $2 a pop at the brothel his pimp owns. i'm not gonna go into detail on this because i'm not a pedophile, but suffice it to say vinny is a piece of shit for letting his pimp take advantage of his own baby brother like this. actually fucking disgusted when i learned about it, which is why im fine with dropping his dox. fuck him.
  2. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny and i should ?

    You can do as you please but usually people asking about other peoples lives tell about their own. It's just NIS so nobody going to get ya.
  3. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by mmQ Sounds like you'll have a good time if everything else is already in place like you said. Some people are just built for that life. Are you gonna be like the hands on type of owner who knows how to do everything like if someone quit you would have no problem jumping in and cooking or bartending or serving or whatever?

    Yes and no. I'm bringing a managing partner with me. She has owned bars and been in the business 30 plus years. My son will also be involved. I will be there I'm an oversight role and to fill in if need be.
  4. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Yes and no. I'm bringing a managing partner with me. She has owned bars and been in the business 30 plus years. My son will also be involved. I will be there I'm an oversight role and to fill in if need be.

    Just as well. You'd scare the customers away anyways.
  5. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by β €β €β €β €β €β € Just as well. You'd scare the customers away anyways.

    I've never seen you jealous before.

  6. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Yes and no. I'm bringing a managing partner with me. She has owned bars and been in the business 30 plus years. My son will also be involved. I will be there I'm an oversight role and to fill in if need be.

    is your son ok ? does he have learning difficulties ?

    it seems like he cant go far without you.
  7. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny
  8. I'm appointijg myself head of security and vice tzar of propaganda.

    How many death lasers should I put you down for
  9. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by ⋅⋆*$Pβ‚³C3β˜†πŸκ’°-β– ^β– κ’±vπŸ‘πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈβ«·α”•πŸŒŸα”•β«Έβš‘5H33Pβ‹†Β°βœ©πŸͺ How many death lasers should I put you down for

    All of them +1
  10. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    I just watched that for about the 15th time earlier this year. One of my favorite scenes was the one in the beginning of this clip. I always enjoyed the choreography... The music...The violence...

  11. So why did you want to open a bar sir

  12. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by ⋅⋆*$Pβ‚³C3β˜†πŸκ’°-β– ^β– κ’±vπŸ‘πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈβ«·α”•πŸŒŸα”•β«Έβš‘5H33Pβ‹†Β°βœ©πŸͺ So why did you want to open a bar sir


    I'm not opening a bar, I'm buying a restaurant with a liquor license.
  13. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I'm not opening a bar, I'm buying a restaurant with a liquor license.

    yeah me too ill see you there

    reminds me of the time at the soler panel factory when i swam out to the bewwy and literary almost drrownd and figured out how life works
  14. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    brb buying a bar fuys

  15. Originally posted by Speedy Parker I'm not opening a bar

    BBOOOOOOOO!!!!! BOOO!!!!! BOOO!!!!! HISS hisssssssess what kind of passion is that?!

    NO!!! you are supposed to say LOETS!, OPEN A BAR! and then your loyal manservant Estevez Loets pulls out a Sears "BUild a bar" kit and starts hammering and framing the darn thing before your very eyes, and at the end he tightens the last nut , slaps the entire thing , spins a stool and says "Go ahead TRY HER OUT" and fills up a mug from the tap which is especially impressive as you never took your eyes off him the entire time and he somehow managed to fully stock the bar as well

    now THAT's how to open a bar

    Actually you should let me run the bar division as I have already designed lannyies menu and have a amateur background in mixology

    Originally posted by ⋅⋆*$Pβ‚³C3β˜†πŸκ’°-β– ^β– κ’±vπŸ‘πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈβ«·α”•πŸŒŸα”•β«Έβš‘5H33Pβ‹†Β°βœ©πŸͺ The concept of a salone actually started in the home nation of our dear admin LEONARDO aka Lanny

    what d o you expect from the people that invented democracy folks

    I can have you a CUSTOM HOUSE SPECIAL drink and it has to be CATERED TO THE LOCAL CROWD!!!! im thinking some kinda rattlesnake tears with a REAL SCORPION IN THE DRINK
  16. Originally posted by Ghost The japanese style is to use half club soda half tonic. It's supposed to bring out the taste of gin better, i am trying it and it's pretty good. They call it a Gin and Sonic (soda water + tonic = sonic)

    The blue Curacao and hard drugs can be substituted for any blue energy drink


    drink i invented
    Originally posted by Wariat it is called a aperol twist not sprint twist. Prosecco, aperol, gin, contra, syrop, marakuja, lemon. anyone have this? fuck its good.

    Originally posted by Ghost My combo cocktails are much better than his *energy drink* + *hard alcohol* like the Cotton Candy Fireball in a mega pint. I actually take mixology seriously. My variation of this drink uses blue Curacao because SONIC GO FAST THE HEDGEHOG is blue and contains either meth or cocaine. I think cocaine would actually be better but not like the purified alkaloid there is a better way like how coke made old coke with Coca syrup but good luck finding that stuff
  17. Originally posted by Speedy Parker

    fisting in the dark ?
  18. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    So today I got the fingerprints done at the sheriff's for the Arizona Department of Liquor Control, got the liquor license agent application and the liquor license manager application filled out and mailed in. Took the exams, passed, and got the certificates for Arizona Title 4 basic and mangers liquor "cards". And lastly electronic filed and created the LLC which operate the DBA that is the business.

    I'm meeting Thursday with the old owner who will sign off on my 3 month interim liquor license for the business and submit my good faith escrow deposit of $5,000. The loan for my down payment has been approved and will close on or before the 28th of August 2023.

    I also met with the current GM today and discussed the take reassuring him that he and the current staff will be kept on.
  19. jerryb African Astronaut
    Sounds like everything going smoothly, good luck on your new venture.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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