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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by reject "We just wanted to leave earth and go to space and do drugs". A dream we all share

    That's worthy of a banner for sure:

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I'm going back on spice
    might as well
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I've been playing a lot of melee lately and I'm getting pretty good with captain falcon. Sheik is still my main tho
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Originally posted by Lanny inb4 scrolnaldo doesn't post for 2 years

    Originally posted by Lanny inb4 scrolnaldo doesn't post for 2 years

    Originally posted by reject I'm willing to wear a wire and set Jesus up

    This was a bullshit story ran on
  6. Who gives a fuck, it's funny
  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I wonder if you hold a fresh open wound against a fresh open wound of another person, and maintain contact, if you would end up growing connecting skin and meld together.
  8. You pose interesting questions.

    I would think they'd end up connecting, but I guess they'd go gangrenous and reject each other?
  9. Originally posted by Lanny I've been playing a lot of melee lately and I'm getting pretty good with captain falcon. Sheik is still my main tho

    I'm a fucking faggot and abandoned my Falcon roots for Falco. Although I am still really good with CF (over 16 years of playing the same nigga doesn't go away so easily) but I am a straight up pugstomper with Falco. I went to watch a tournament hosted by some UCF kids recently and schooled some in money matches with Falco.
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yeah, it seems unlikely. I guess transplants do work although there's some criteria for compatibility, not all pairs of people can donate/receive organs. It might be possible if both people had the same blood type and were on immunosuppressants.
  11. RestStop Space Nigga

    This reminds me of that half chink guy who has a lambo and a book shelf in his garage(WHO TF keeps a filled bookshelf in their garage?)
    Looks like he's your Avatar too. LOL I got a laugh out of all of this.
  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by reject You pose interesting questions.

    I would think they'd end up connecting, but I guess they'd go gangrenous and reject each other?

    Originally posted by Lanny Yeah, it seems unlikely. I guess transplants do work although there's some criteria for compatibility, not all pairs of people can donate/receive organs. It might be possible if both people had the same blood type and were on immunosuppressants.

    Either way, I want to know what happens, with matching blood types and differing. I'd like to see the process of the skins regenerating yet still maintaining their separate boundaries if in fact it's not possible. If it is I'd of course like to see how strong of a bond could be created.
  13. Can't you just get a couple of mice and see what happens? Slice their sides and stitch them back up together, see what happens
  14. Fuck it, get a few, have contests between whichever mouse wins out of the pairs til you get an ultimate mouse resistant to everything
  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Call me a bitch but I'd feel bad slicing the sides off of live mice. I guess I could sedate them. I don't know much about mice sedation.
  16. Obviously you'd sedate them first. Do you know how much of a cunt it'd be to try to stitch live mice together? I don't know how either, probably like a grain of a benzo or hotboxing it
  17. i play god and feed snakes to mice
  18. I'll show you kids two years! *shakes fist*
  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I also admittedly don't know much about stitching mice together.
  20. Originally posted by mmQ I also admittedly don't know much about stitching mice together.

    Well, I guess you just stitch. I can stitch clothes, I can stitch mice

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