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Military Genius Zelensky wants Ukrainians to throw molotovs at Russian tanks

  1. Semen is batter, baby batter.
  2. Originally posted by Donald Trump Groceries is coming to Ireland!

    Are you guys getting married? :)
  3. Originally posted by frala Are you guys getting married? :)

    No, she's doing the refugee thing.
  4. Originally posted by frala Are you guys getting married? :)

    no, her security seal is broken.
  5. Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Because use of irritants is banned in warfare under the Geneva convention.

    It's humane. just keep hitting them with Bear Spray and stinky potato smells
  6. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ With a grimace?

    That purple guy from mcdonalds?
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Lodger Free It's humane. just keep hitting them with Bear Spray and stinky potato smells

    If you think chemical irritants are humane you should go to some Antifa rally without a gas mask and dance in the street as the tear gas canisters rain down all around you.
  8. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Looks like Finland has made a final decision about joining NATO asap...,nId,6019446

    ... another "success" of russian special retarded operation. :)

    number 13 whoever you are are absolutely retarded. please explain how putin unifying nato and making other countries join it was smart or a good act on his part and how denazyfying pople considering you yourself wre probably are a nazi is a good thing?
  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lol, weaponised tuberculosis

    probably getting DDoS'd, keeps timing out for me
  10. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    lol at believing a country russia that already used chemical weapons both in syria and ukraine on wepaons of mass destruction.
  11. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    from polishforums:

    The Scythians

    You are but millions. Our unnumbered nations
    Are as the sands upon the sounding shore.
    We are the Scythians! We are the slit-eyed Asians!
    Try to wage war with us-you'll try no more!

    You've had whole centuries. We-a single hour.
    Like serfs obedient to their feudal lord,
    We've held the shield between two hostile powers-
    Old Europe and the barbarous Mongol horde.

    Your ancient forge has hammered down the ages,
    Drowning the distant avalanche's roar.
    Messina, Lisbon-these, you thought, were pages
    In some strange book of legendary lore.

    Full centuries long you've watched our Eastern lands,
    Fished for our pearls and bartered them for grain;
    Made mockery of us, while you laid your plans
    And oiled your cannon for the great campaign.

    The hour has come. Doom wheels on beating wing.
    Each day augments the old outrageous score.
    Soon not a trace of dead nor living thing
    Shall stand where once your Paestums flowered before.

    O Ancient World, before your culture dies,
    Whilst failing life within you breathes and sinks,
    Pause and be wise, as Oedipus was wise,
    And solve the age-old riddle of the Sphinx.

    That Sphinx is Russia. Grieving and exulting,
    And weeping black and bloody tears enough,
    She stares at you, adoring and insulting,
    With love that turns to hate, and hate-to love.

    Yes, love! For you of Western lands and birth
    No longer know the love our blood enjoys.
    You have forgoten there's a love on Earth
    That burns like fire and, like all fire, destroys.

    We love cold Science passionately pursued;
    The visionary fire of inspiration;
    The salt of Gallic wit, so subtly shrewd,
    And the grim genius of th German nation.

    We know the hell of a Parisian street,
    And Venice, cool in water and in stone;
    The scent of lemons in the southern heat;
    The fuming piles of soot-begrimed Cologne.

    We love raw flesh, its color and its stench.
    We love to taste it in our hungry maws.
    Are we to blame then, if your ribs should crunch,
    Fragile between our massive, gentle paws?

    We know just how to play the cruel game
    Of breaking in the most rebellious steeds;
    And stubborn captive maids we also tame
    And subjugate, to gratify our needs...

    Come join us, then! Leave war and war's alarms,
    And grasp the hand of peace and amity.
    While still there's time, Comrades, lay down your arms!
    Let us unite in true fraternity!

    But if you spurn us, then we shall not mourn.
    We too can reckon perfidy no crime,
    And countless generations yet unborn
    Shall curse your memory till the end of time.

    We shall abandon Europe and her charm.
    We shall resort to Scythian craft and guile.
    Swift to the woods and forests we shall swarm,
    And then look back, and smile our slit-eyed smile.

    Away to the Urals, all! Quick, leave the land,
    And clear the field for trial by blood and sword,
    Where steel machines that have no soul must stand
    And face the fury of the Mongol horde.

    But we ourselves, henceforth, we shall not serve
    As henchmen holding up the trusty shield.
    We'll keep our distance and, slit-eyed, observe
    The deadly conflict raging on the field.

    We shall not stir, even though the frenzied Huns
    Plunder the corpses of the slain in battle, drive
    Their cattle into shrines, burn cities down,
    And roast their white-skinned fellow men alive.

    O ancient World, arise! For the last time
    We call you to the ritual feast and fire
    Of peace and brotherhood! For the last time
    O hear the summons of the barbarian lyre!
  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat lol at believing a country russia that already used chemical weapons both in syria and ukraine on wepaons of mass destruction.

    no, they didn't

    got any evidence?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    yes multiple dead bodies that were examined by WHo or whatever group that declared it a chemical attack
  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lol, you don't even know which agency investigated and you're going to tell me you know which side used them?
  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Wariat yes multiple dead bodies that were examined by WHo or whatever group that declared it a chemical attack

    Niggwr the FSA literally gassed people with evidence. Bashars dad used chemicals in Homs in the 80s, Saddam used chemical weapons provided to him by the US on Iran and the Kurds and the US looked the other way. You can say the rebels used cluster bombs but you can't say they used chemical weapons because that's hyperbolic fake news at this point
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    The world health organization: inflating covid numbers and dragging bodies from war zones to play with them and not much else
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. Imagine how dumbed-down stupid you'd have to be to assign the WHO any credibility whatsoever.
  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo Niggwr the FSA literally gassed people with evidence. Bashars dad used chemicals in Homs in the 80s, Saddam used chemical weapons provided to him by the US on Iran and the Kurds and the US looked the other way. You can say the rebels used cluster bombs but you can't say they used chemical weapons because that's hyperbolic fake news at this point

    when the 'rebels' were caught firing chlorine mortars, the official statement from the White House was 'just because they used chemical weapons doesn't make them terrorists'.

    I think it was Mark Toner
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    who are “the rebels”?
  20. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Imagine how dumbed-down stupid you'd have to be to assign the WHO any credibility whatsoever.

    as opposed to the kremlin and the state controlled russian media?
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