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Military Genius Zelensky wants Ukrainians to throw molotovs at Russian tanks

  1. #1
    Donald Trump Black Hole

    Look at these shit tier molotovs. Who even makes molotovs from a beer bottle?

    90% of the time beer bottles just won't break. You can score the glass, but that's a guessing game. The rag is way too long and loose too. You're going to get petrol on your shoulder if you throw it wrong.

    These look like molotovs which were made by someone who has never thrown a molotov before. If you have never trained with molotovs, you should do it or you aren't a man. Halloween is usually a fun time to do it.

    Zelensky is worse than Hitler - preparing the volksturm of anyone dumb enough to go out and die for his dumb ass, while he cowers in his bunker.
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  2. #2
    hes a clown.

    what do you expect.
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  3. #3
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    didn't modern tank manufacturers specifically move and shield the air intakes and vents to counter firebombs after WWII?

    trying to get in throwing range of a BMP or IFV without your own armor isn't generally going to go your way anyway; they're specifically designed to fight in urban settings and suppress foot soldiers and guerillas
  4. #4
    Donald Trump Black Hole
  5. #5
    Donald Trump Black Hole

    "No age restrictions."

    They want your kids.
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  6. #6
    Donald Trump Black Hole

    Zelensky got in because of molotovs. In 2014 the Kyiv police were pelted with Molotovs. The police tried hard not to hurt anyone. A lot of the dead were shot by snipers - people say that the snipers were glowies.

    The Regime in 2014 was far too nice, even let people like John McCain visit. Imagine letting someone visit your country and foment violent armed revolution against the elected government and leave. That's what Ukraine did in 2014.

    Meanwhile Canada uses maximum force against some truck drivers honking their horns.
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  7. #7
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
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  8. #8
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Zelensky got in because of molotovs. In 2014 the Kyiv police were pelted with Molotovs. The police tried hard not to hurt anyone. A lot of the dead were shot by snipers - people say that the snipers were glowies.

    they were

    Georgians brought it by Saakashvili (the guy responsible for the war in Georgia) and organised by an intelligence head at the time; I think his name was Paribiy but I can't find anything searching it so I probably spelled it wrong
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  9. #9
    Donald Trump Black Hole

    Traffic in Ukraine has gotten really bad.
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  10. #10
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    looks like a BMP, also looks like it's toko drifting
  11. #11
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  12. #12
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra looks like a BMP, also looks like it's toko drifting

    Same scene, different angle. Looks like an ambush was taking place.
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  13. #13
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Groceries girl just told me about this. It happened in Obolon. She said that they had destroyed some Russian "saboteurs" in Ukrainian army uniform. In reality the dumbass untrained nervous hohol civilians they gave guns to shot up some actual Ukrainian army guys who happened to be passing by.
  14. #14
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Groceries girl just told me about this. It happened in Obolon. She said that they had destroyed some Russian "saboteurs" in Ukrainian army uniform. In reality the dumbass untrained nervous hohol civilians they gave guns to shot up some actual Ukrainian army guys who happened to be passing by.

  15. #15
    does anyone else pronounce donbass as donb-ass.
  16. #16
    Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump vid snip

    Same scene, different angle. Looks like an ambush was taking place.

    This was in the news here, they tried to claim it was just some old fuck civ driving and mentioned nothing about the fire fight happening 2 metres away
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  17. #17
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If you're gonna make Molotovs, better use Vodka bottles so at least you can get drunk before you get shredded by machine gun fire.
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  18. #18
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Sophie If you're gonna make Molotovs, better use Vodka bottles so at least you can get drunk before you get shredded by machine gun fire.

    The cheaper the better.
  19. #19
    Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    What does the news think it’s gonna achieve with it’s propagandist reporting? They think some western government is going to watch it and send troops? Fuck no, it’s an unfortunate evil. They might not want him there but they can’t do anything about it. Because if they go try to stem the tide it would be thankless and worthless, and as soon as bodies start coming home in bags, they’re done. A dead nineteen year old from Manchester gets more screentime than the death of the entire city of people he gave his life to protect. So even if NATO did give a shit, the very same media prevents them from taking action.
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  20. #20
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Groceries girl just told me about this. It happened in Obolon. She said that they had destroyed some Russian "saboteurs" in Ukrainian army uniform. In reality the dumbass untrained nervous hohol civilians they gave guns to shot up some actual Ukrainian army guys who happened to be passing by.

    it's happening a lot now; distributing weapons to everyone and telling them to watch for saboteurs was a terrible idea

    multiple people have been shot up for 'acting suspiciously'; often just walking alone
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