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wtf is goinf n in poland and belarus fuys?

  1. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    a state or period of active military operations.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat its funny how he didnt mention poland being also a shit country or them not wanting to stay here but why is everyone so focused on russia and putin and belarus on that forum? Kev?

    because its a polish forum, duh
  3. Originally posted by Speedy Parker a state or period of active military operations.

    so six million armor piercing rounds and a torpedo in 9 hours isnt 'military' enough for you.

  4. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny so six million armor piercing rounds and a torpedo in 9 hours isnt 'military' enough for you.


    We're done with this you wrong
  5. Originally posted by Speedy Parker We're done with this you wrong

    tucking your head under the pillows again, eh

    my litt'le boy.
  6. When high verbal IQ jedis get caught doing sick shit they just redefine words and invent new ones to weasel out of trouble.

    It wasn't "military operations", it was a highly kinetic police action against with expected collateral damage. Disagreeing is hate speech and racism too.
  7. Originally posted by Donald Trump When high verbal IQ jedis get caught doing sick shit they just redefine words.

    he who controls the dicktionary controls reality.
  8. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny he who controls the dicktionary controls reality.

    What is an American anyway? America is just a concept. What is a ship? A ship is just an idea. There is no American race, so why are you so angry? Some people got killed, it's not like you owned them or anything. And we raised awareness about the vulnerability to air attack of certain military assets. There is no rational reason to be upset. We only did good things.
  9. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Kev because its a polish forum, duh

    so youre not allowed to criticise poland on a polish forum?
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat so youre not allowed to criticise poland on a polish forum?

    you are not allowed to step out of line in any sectarian community, of which polaks are the least tolerant example of.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump When high verbal IQ jedis get caught doing sick shit they just redefine words and invent new ones to weasel out of trouble.

    It wasn't "military operations", it was a highly kinetic police action against with expected collateral damage. Disagreeing is hate speech and racism too.

    Its true, look how taliban went from being called freedom fighters to terrorists depending on whose side they were on, or how head chopping child rapist ISIS scum was once called "moderate opposition" by the media.

    makes me fucking sick.
  12. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    it seems theyre about to declare martial kaw in poland guys guys:,79cfc278
  13. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    why dont none of these fuks want to stay in poland and all head for germany doe?
  14. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    NObody wants to live in Poland. You got deported there, it wasn't a choice.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    lol true in a way.
  16. Originally posted by Donald Trump What is an American anyway? America is just a concept. What is a ship? A ship is just an idea. There is no American race, so why are you so angry? Some people got killed, it's not like you owned them or anything. And we raised awareness about the vulnerability to air attack of certain military assets. There is no rational reason to be upset. We only did good things.

    america is a continent that stretches from canada all the way down to argentina or something and anyone from that continent is an american.

    US american is a fake and imaginary construct.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny america is a continent that stretches from canada all the way down to argentina or something and anyone from that continent is an american.

    US american is a fake and imaginary construct.

    American is a culture not a race.
  18. Originally posted by Speedy Parker American is a culture not a race.

    Anyone can be American therefore Americans don't exist.
  19. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Anyone can be American therefore Americans don't exist.

    Anyone can be a human therefore humans don't exist.

  20. Originally posted by Speedy Parker American is a culture not a race.

    ok shlomo parker, lets see you define 'american' culture.
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