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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Muzt zmoke znapz.

    Fuck after dropping the bong i have not made a noise. Do not move.

    this is fugged. I don't getit.

    I broke reality. Fuck this beer Im not drinking shit im just gonna zmoke a znap and have a cig and chill out

    Fuck the dropped bong, fuck gravity.

    i can zenze a life. muzt quickly hide all proof of exiztence and hide myzelf. no time for anything. Code Zed

    zoo much nozie cant hide beercanz

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2017-03-21T10:14:52.556404+00:00
  2. It would absolutely suck fucking balls to have to go to work like that lol
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Code Zongo. I dont tried to reduce the number of steps because its a really creaky floor and quickmove 10 beercans somewhere else but I ended up just knocking them all down and made more noise than the bong.

    I also can't stop coughing from that Znap. I will go to bed eventually.. Maybe.. But its impossible now.

    I just want to go damn the stairs and look for the god damn zimmy pipe. Where is it. As long as I'm up here that means its not here or I would have found it by now. I've been looking all night. I need to find it before I leave for work but I can't look for it and the window just gets zmaller and zmaller.

    I need another znap. And zome more iced tea. And a smoke. All tech must be hidden and I'm not gonna do tech at night during the week around people until i figure out this Big brother live stream zchedule and dont waste a night being a mongolroy of the highest order.

    I didnt even watch live feeds big brother tonight I just zmoked tech, got drunk, listened to music and fucked around. I started too late.

    I honestly dont care... I'm too high. My cat doesn't zeem to mind the noize either. I feel like puking.

    I need a znap and zmoke. Itz all downhill from thiz triangle zcronaldo∆

    Also. The gram is dwindling. I think I dont know theres no tinne I can't inspect or do anything. Can barely move. Only post.

    I'm in a vortex

    I hear noises.

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2017-03-21T10:29:19.768107+00:00
  4. I'm just gonna zay I got too drunk to walk down ztairz and didnt want to make noise. I will now open two beers quietly and chug one then go downstairs and sip the other as I dont zleep but pretend to sleep or something. Its The perfect crime.

    A clean getaway. I'm not even gonna try to clean the beercans fuckit

    Edit; I'm in bed now after doing another front page fail I dropped one of the beers and made a huge mess behind the couch. Didnt even clean it up I just grabbed my already open iced tea and now I have one beer and and iced tea. And I did a znap.

    Alzo all the noise went down and rjfbt when I close my door the furnace loudly turns on after being off all night. Top hah.

    I have no idea what the fug is going on. Maybe I can zleep.

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2017-03-21T10:46:54.908785+00:00
  5. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump A CAR JUST PULLED UP A CAR JUST PULLED UP!!!!

    Goodbye, scrawny. We love you, but...its for the better.
  6. I tried to use the sound of my neighbors coming home to open a quick beer qyoetly ended up spilling it all over my shirt and pants. Totally naked right now ;) lots of beer on the floor but its where nobody will notice it. I think I grabbed all the paraphanalia.
  7. bling bling Dark Matter
    whts goin on whts goin on whts goin onn
  8. bling bling Dark Matter
    if u wonna open beer can siletley juts stab the can 2x wif a razer blade an chig it
  9. bling bling Dark Matter
    my head hurt my jaw is rotting away to
  10. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I have social anxiety disorder I can't talk on phones without going into panic attacks.

    i dont talk on phones..

    LOL you just dont have the twenty dollars nigga.
  11. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I'm too sketched out to go to bed now.

    you forgot to keep up the lie about going to work and having a job.
  12. IF YOOU, Con't see mee, I con't see you!
  13. lol that nigga sploo be like "Idk, Im very unique, GABAergetics, blah blah, i went to the hospital and wastedmy family's racks over and over"

    BAM! close your eyes to sleep wake up at age 22 and still aint done shit nigga. depression.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. In my dreamz I was told "The Rulez of Zaint Zattex day have been revealed to you scrawny" apparently Zaint zattex day isn't a day at all, its the entire 90 day big brother Canada season.

    Also I found the Zimmy, its location was also revealed to me. I still need to find that zhard I dropped.. It was medium sized. I fear it may have been crushed in the heat of Zaint zattex lastnight. Hiding drugs always leads to such clumsy mezz. Thats right folks I gotta hot date with some eyeballs to the carpet action examine every particle in the room until I deem it unfindable.

    Happy Zaint Zattex day everyone!. Its blizzarding outzide which is perfect for Zaint zattex.

    As I approached the bus I saw it turn the corner and for a brief moment I considered quickly dashing away, skipping the bus, phoning my friend waking him up to drive me to work. I cannot take the bus when I am on polyzubstance abuse.. All I do I sweat and puke and spill coffee and make a huge zcene.. Too many people in a small enclosed space. It would be fine if it was just me I could zit in the back, open a window and ztealth puke but when its a fucking mobile rattex trap on wheels with people on every seat and people standing shoulder to shoulder you can not do a fucking but sit there like a rat in a cage

    I formulated some plan before I zlept to stop redosing until Friday but its still Zaint zattex day so I dont know anymore.

    Happy zattex to all. Zaint zattex day is the time of year when you are most likely to score tech. All you gotta do is walk around a bad area high on bundy with triangles on the mind. Its easy, if I can pull a front page flush out of my ass so can you!
  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
  16. Every time I try to plan a redose schedule I remember its zaint zattex day. The holiest of all triangle holidays, its like Ramadan for trianglists.

    A proper zaint zattex day zelebration zhould push you to the brink or mortality and evolve or kill you
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I tried to use the sound of my neighbors coming home to open a quick beer qyoetly ended up spilling it all over my shirt and pants. Totally naked right now ;) lots of beer on the floor but its where nobody will notice it. I think I grabbed all the paraphanalia.

    pics or it didn't happen
  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Scronaldo, why the hell are you so paranoid about people hearing you do drugs? This has never been a concern for me.
  19. It's not a big deal, Scron works a shit job where nobody cares about his performance, because it's not important. He's a zero.
  20. bling bling Dark Matter
    cops drice round if in vans wif special microfones wot can hear ur brayne matabolising diffent compounds thru up to 45 mn brick or 8 layer metal the tinniest crack for ur resonance to ascape they can pick it up and scan it for illegals

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