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The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition

  1. Having meth feels like you have a bag of time travel crystals and whenever you do it you speed up and go into the future while everyone else is left behind.

    I use it primarily for work and physical/mental endurance and this batch is so good that even as low as 15 mg orally keeps be feeling better through a 12 hour work day than any script stim I've tried. I can actually EAT on this stuff and it doesn't crack me out to where I fiend or can't sleep. Very easy to put up and pick down as needed for me, just another tool for now. Not that smoking a pinch here and there isn't fun of course.

    The etiz is strong as fuck-- I ate two little specks last night and fell asleep with Chinese food in my lap and slept for 11 hours.
  2. bling bling Dark Matter
    i think i mite push for 250mg*+ [FONT=times new roman][SIZE=16px]whos conning to match onn a splifff*+ WHARRE IS REJECT HE HASTN POSTED SINCE HIS GOVT BUX WEED COP DATE

  3. bling bling Dark Matter
  4. Yo I just been smoking and whatnot. That etizolam powder takes me back to better days
  5. bling bling Dark Matter
    yess rejectt dnt touhc tht sht plz
  6. bling bling Dark Matter
    [SIZE=24px]last year i do all the lorazepams but dident feel it but i found a bike on the streets pushed it back and did a fire on my garden here is the proof of that night[/SIZE]

  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [size=5]MAXIMUM RASPECT[/size]
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    [SIZE=24px]ldid a fire on my garden[/SIZE]

    almost as good as that 'do a rape' meme
  9. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I need to keep myself constantly distracted so I can forget how empty life ultimately is.

    This is why I had trouble with psychological addiction when using some drugs, it's always the nights that are the worse. Fortunately I'm going to acquire a wider array of drugs.
  10. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I've seriously considered doing some terrible, terrible things to occupy myself and derive some satisfaction from life, a feeling of immersion/presence in the inferior outside non-digital world.

    Campaign: Keep me off the streets by keeping me high.
  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    this would've been fucking amazing if it succeeded

    Jordanians tried to drop a cruise missile on Mecca
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I've seriously considered doing some terrible, terrible things to occupy myself and derive some satisfaction from life, a feeling of immersion/presence in the inferior outside non-digital world.

    Campaign: Keep me off the streets by keeping me high.

    No drugs for you. Make war not love. Also film it.
  13. Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    this would've been fucking amazing if it succeeded

    Jordanians tried to drop a cruise missile on Mecca

    Mother of fucking god I hope they try again. Destroying Mecca would be one of my dream goals if I ever became a terrorist/supervillain.

    aldra, you seem very knowledgeable on these matters. What would you expect the fallout/reaction/major effects to be if this succeeded?

    God, this would be like 9/11 or the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. I'd stay up all day just watching how it developed. Could muslims going batshit finally cause them to nuke/jihad each other out of existence?
  14. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Hey PoC do you watch anime or have you ever given it a try? Don't be biased against it, it's a medium, and you're already open to so many things.

    You should watch One Punch Man while high and on meth, it'll blow your mind. I'm definitely going to rewatch the series again while high.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [size=6]ONE PUNCH!!! REEEEEEEEEEEE[/size]

  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    BY THE BY, i would fugg JAM Project's token female.
  17. I need to keep myself constantly distracted so I can forget how empty life ultimately is.

    This is why I had trouble with psychological addiction when using some drugs, it's always the nights that are the worse. Fortunately I'm going to acquire a wider array of drugs.

    You'll never do real drugs you coward.
  18. malice, you do meth? wtf?
  19. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Meth is good for you, Enter. It is far superior to the standard forms of amphetamine administered for ADD. Even if you lack the disorder, it is an excellent narcotic for general augmentation, particularly the 2-fluoro modification of it, which was far more readily available and affordable before China banned it.

    If you search in the proper locations, you will find a wealth of information demonstrating that therapeutic dosages in actuality have a neuroprotective effect. There are countless myths about narcotics, people are completely unreliable as sources of information and untrustworthy when it comes to processing it, it is no surprise at all that the common perception of methamphetamine is at is it is. This applies to genuine meth that is unadulterated, of course, that is often a key factor that problematic aspects may arise from.

    I actually convinced Lanny of this and he started with 2-FMA, then advanced to standard methamphetamine in order to upgrade his productive capabilities.
  20. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Long-Term Treatment with Low Doses of Methamphetamine Promotes Neuronal Differentiation and Strengthens Long-Term Potentiation of Glutamatergic Synapses onto Dentate Granule Neurons (2016)

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