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The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition

  1. bling bling Dark Matter
    spontaneus combust wen u smoke a baccy of dust
  2. no pictures lol.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Just got half a gram of etizolam powder, pretty nice stuff. All sparkly and glistening like good coke.

    I bought like 5 grams of etiz at once and have it in a big ziplock with some other things like a bag of caffeine anhydrous. Pulled the bag down the other day to get something out of it and as I pressed the air out of it to close it again a plume of fine white power shoots up and gets in my face, eyes, breathe some of it in. It was an interesting couple of minutes waiting to see what exactly I had just accidentally inhaled.
  4. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    *buys bulk psychedelic in powder form*

    "Oh crap, it's supposed to me micrograms, not milligrams!"

    I've read multiple stories of chuckleheads missing being off by a decimal space when weighing something, memantine is the most memorable drug that this occurs with, particularly with its very long half-life. Did you know that ketamine is considered the most accurate schizo-mimetic? Originally it was LSD, which is unsurprising due to common perceptions, even among researchers at the time. You've said before that you can develop a weird feeling if you take too much, when you expressed some measure of surprise at my optimal daily dosage of 25mg. I've experienced adverse effects myself when increasing the dosage after a break, things can get rather...unnerving.

    Gah...I suppose I would describe the atmosphere I had entered into as feeling similar to a surreal film with horror elements. Picture something black and white, dissociative, a sense of self, coherence, integrity, begin their dissolution, a sense of..strangeness, fear stemming from it and very much from progression, what will occur if it progresses, the terror of the unknown when minds fall apart.

    Not fun, but fortunately it was mild, barely beginning, and passed after a day. You've already overdosed on opioids, hopefully one day soon you'll have an accident leading to a prolonged experienced of this nature. Certainly won't be able to go to work and pass it off. Suffering develops the soul. I've experienced nearly every form of mental illness there is.
  5. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I also found out about this sub today. It's amusing how many Hillary Clinton posts there are:

    Oh, the way she says "chillin'"...

  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    *buys bulk psychedelic in powder form*

    "Oh crap, it's supposed to me micrograms, not milligrams!"

    I've read multiple stories of chuckleheads missing being off by a decimal space when weighing something, memantine is the most memorable drug that this occurs with, particularly with its very long half-life. Did you know that ketamine is considered the most accurate schizo-mimetic? Originally it was LSD, which is unsurprising due to common perceptions, even among researchers at the time. You've said before that you can develop a weird feeling if you take too much, when you expressed some measure of surprise at my optimal daily dosage of 25mg. I've experienced adverse effects myself when increasing the dosage after a break, things can get rather…unnerving.

    lol, do you not remember those 'I eyeballed phenazepam and woke up in mexico a week later' threads?
  7. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Oh, the dawn of RC benzos! I wasn't really into drugs back then, which was a shame. Damn, I wish I had followed those shenanigans as they had occurred.

    I just came across this in a google search for "turned me into a pedophile", I wanted to see if anything amusing came up. The name of this place gave me a sadistic chuckle:

    Also, if you type in "why did god make" "me ugly" is the third suggestion behind "me" and "us".
  8. CountBlah Tuskegee Airman
    Well I'm smokin weed again
  9. Don't ever let a woman who gets seizures suck your dick.
  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    you're not my real dad
  11. CountBlah Tuskegee Airman
    Did PoC post after hittin the etiz?
  12. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    he ded
  13. Nah i'm fine, I only took one dose to test the waters. Weighed 20 mg and ate about 4-5 mg of it, got a damn nice benzo buzz that reminded me of the body buzzing of diazepam with a headspace like lorazepam. Like two hours later I was literally falling asleep as I ate Chinese food, went to bed at 7:30 pm and woke up 11 hours later. Only took like a few specks....I swear even phenazepam powder didnt hit me as hard as that. I plan to volumetric dose the rest, the local e-cig/vapor shop will sell me bottles of straight propylene glycol for cheap. Besides, I need something to ease the come down of the high quality glass im getting later today.
  14. What has occurred in your life? Anything interesting? Have you gained a fulfilling social life since you broke free of the totse curse?

    I'm in some kind of weird manic depressive breakdown stage, been trying a lot of new drugs I haven't before, mainly due to the bouts of depression that are now daily again. Still working too many hours and hating both jobs most days and staying home as much as possible in my free time because its just easier that way. Still flirt with suicide constantly but cant do it due to commitments and guilt.

    if I get my meth today come watch me smoke some on TC so you can make fun of how I look/act etc. and call me a deadbeat piece of shit or whatever. The negative energy feeds my rotted soul.
  15. Having meth feels like you have a bag of time travel crystals and whenever you do it you speed up and go into the future while everyone else is left behind.
  16. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    You sound very lonely, PoC.

    If you take enough etizolam you can rape someone and not feel guilty about it afterward because you won't remember.
  17. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Oh, hey, have you ever tried regular low doses of meth?

    Don't know if you're on any other ADD medication, but this would be superior. I mentioned selling your script on a darknet market before because of how outrageous the average price they sell for is. It would literally be cheaper, and there's a high likelihood of it being superior, to buy meth and sell your script, you would make a considerable profit from it. You know how it is, dumb rich college kids and overseas fags who can't get amphetamines prescribed in their country and think pharmaceutical drugs are worth such an outrageous premium due to the stigma of "hard/street drugs". Take their money.
  18. bling bling Dark Matter
    should i gt etilam powder or meth
  19. bling bling Dark Matter
    should i take mdnna 2nite
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. should i gt etilam powder or meth


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