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The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition

  1. Only one lung left before I have to wait 4 more weeks for weed :(
  2. Walk around and look for some on the ground.
  3. bling bling Dark Matter
    cut up the bag and use it as rizlas
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    That's a pretty weak critique of Marx. I mean I agree, Hegel has been a blight on leftist thought for a while and the notion that the socialist state is somehow a step on the road to communism is, uhh, at least not something I agree with. But reducing communism to "world-spirit takes care of it" is a really bad caricature of both Marx and Hegel
  5. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I've been drinking tea regularly lately, cheap kroger black tea bags, mostly because I like the taste, and am thinking about getting deeper into it as a short term hobby. My god is r/teas pretentious and cluttered with useless posts, but it did eventually lead me to these:

    Definitely won't be buying unnecessary expensive tea pots or other crap (middle class+ white people's penchant for kitchen gadgets, you disgust me.), I despise spending money on items that don't provide the highest adjusted utility-cost ratio available, it genuinely infuriates me, even if I find out I merely could have saved a few dollars.

    Particularly excited for that pu-erh tea. I generally like the effects fermentation has on foodstuff, and prefer stronger flavors, in part because I may have an unusually weak sense of taste and smell. There's also the potential beneficial effect of oxidation. Anti-oxidants are widely misunderstood and may have beneficial effects largely due to the effects of hormesis. More is certainly not better and since I plan to consume quite a few cups throughout the day, along with wine, teas that have undergone lower levels of oxidation, thus retaining higher amounts of anti-oxidants, could well push past the optimal point. Hopefully it isn't all hype, humans are incredibly untrustworthy, particularly when it comes to highly subjective judgements such as taste, which are regularly strongly effected by a vast array of cognitive biases.
  6. bling bling Dark Matter
    buy the strongest tea available and make black magic nd post results
  7. Astronauts should drink coca tea. If people chew coca leaf for altitude sickness why not drink the tea for the being at the ultimate altitude. I can't imagine coffee would feel too good in space.
  8. Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    "I wonder how much it would take to convince a donut shop to let you have an all you can eat buffet experience."

    PoC: "How high are you right now?"

    Ah, that was a good one. Came to mind because of prop 64. If it's reported that it passed I have the urge to call famous donut shops and ask them this. I'd start off by asking if they take special requests, and specify that it was for one person. Not sure what the best response would be if they asked why, it could definitely be funnier if I tried to make it seem like I was seriously attempting to play it off as being for no particular reason, something done on a whim.
  9. Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    East Asians have a higher average IQ along with superiority on numerous other measures of societal importance and support Trum more than Hillary. It's clear that he is the superior choice, whites have an unfortunate tendency to be incredibly self-destructive.
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage

    East Asians have a higher average IQ along with superiority on numerous other measures of societal importance and support Trum more than Hillary. It's clear that he is the superior choice, whites have an unfortunate tendency to be incredibly self-destructive.

    This honestly might be one of the stupidest things you've ever posted.
  11. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Brexit. I underestimated Trump's likelihood of winning. People are much less likely to admit to socially unpopular/unacceptable viewpoints, particularly with the intolerance of the left, the serious repercussions they impose on those who dare to support Trump. Trump's likelihood of winning is much higher than most will anticipate, I guarantee you the final results will be close.

    The opinions of Western Europeans don't matter because they're all set to become failed states. The future of the world fortunately is not influenced by Western media and leftist propaganda and has seen the glorious potential a Trump presidency holds for the salvation of modern civilization and a resurgence of the positive traditional values that were the true source of American greatness in times past.
  12. I'm getting laid this week
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Brexit. I underestimated Trump's likelihood of winning. People are much less likely to admit to socially unpopular/unacceptable viewpoints, particularly with the intolerance of the left, the serious repercussions they impose on those who dare to support Trump. Trump's likelihood of winning is much higher than most will anticipate, I guarantee you the final results will be close.

    The opinions of Western Europeans don't matter because they're all set to become failed states. The future of the world fortunately is not influenced by Western media and leftist propaganda and has seen the glorious potential a Trump presidency holds for the salvation of modern civilization and a resurgence of the positive traditional values that were the true source of American greatness in times past.

    Early voting numbers are looking good for Trump.

    Hey so, being a hikikomori and all, will you at least go out and do your duty to western civilisation and go vote for Trump any time soon muh nig?
  14. bling bling Dark Matter
    vote 4 my pillar bcus my pillar is good but the other pillar is bad ok
  15. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Hey so, being a hikikomori and all, will you at least go out and do your duty to western civilisation and go vote for Trump any time soon muh nig?

    Hell no, I've never voted and I never will, I've never even registered. I refuse to support or recognize the legitimacy of democracy, any form of statism/political authority. I will not have any part in this reprehensible abomination of a system.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hell no, I've never voted and I never will, I've never even registered. I refuse to support or recognize the legitimacy of democracy, any form of statism/political authority. I will not have any part in this reprehensible abomination of a system.

    Well i would agree, but i really would hate for Clinton to get into office.
  17. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I'm in fucking California! Are you familiar with the US electoral system? It will literally make no difference.
  18. "I won't make a difference by voting" -25% of the population.

    Also that "conservative news daily" site is not trustworthy. If you look literally ANYWHERE else, you will see that Clinton is winning. She's already bought the job anyway.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    "I won't make a difference by voting" -25% of the population.

    Also that "conservative news daily" site is not trustworthy. If you look literally ANYWHERE else, you will see that Clinton is winning. She's already bought the job anyway.

    It's not trustworthy because it's the only media that is reporting objectively? The rest of the mainstream has been shilling for Hillary for a while now. Did you even read the article? I am sure Breitbart agrees with the sentiment that Trump is leading in early votes. Or are they untrustworthy as well? Because they don't tow the company line? Kill yourself now, mainstream media has been colluding with the Hillary campaign since day one, check the leaked emails.
  20. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Woah, I just came up with a brilliant idea for a criminal strategy while watching anime. A surefire way to get out of any situation, do a dine and dash, or get out with valuables.

    Set yourself on fire. Think about it, think of the potential.

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