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The Retarded Thread: Get off that bus edition

  1. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by Sophie Did you dream during the nap?

  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mashlehash no

    Do you find dreams interesting?
  3. I’ve been having the weirdest, most vivid dreams lately. It’s great and awful.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by frala I’ve been having the weirdest, most vivid dreams lately. It’s great and awful.

    What about? I love weird dreams.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    My dreams are a horror show it's always about death and destruction for some reason.
  6. I had an apocalyptic dream episode one night where I’d wake up, go back to sleep and the end of the world would happen in different ways.

    I had a dream last night I was a member of this church and I was part of the choir (lol) and this government official kept texting me and was like you need to miss your choir practice or else you’re going to be late for you assignment. I was panicking bc I couldn’t choose between Jesus and the government. Then the pastor sneezed on me and I said fuck you, killed him, and left.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by frala I had an apocalyptic dream episode one night where I’d wake up, go back to sleep and the end of the world would happen in different ways.

    I had a dream last night I was a member of this church and I was part of the choir (lol) and this government official kept texting me and was like you need to miss your choir practice or else you’re going to be late for you assignment. I was panicking bc I couldn’t choose between Jesus and the government. Then the pastor sneezed on me and I said fuck you, killed him, and left.

    How did you kill the pastor, do you remember?
  8. I strangled him which is totally unrealistic bc a man could easily overpower me but I was pist.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by frala I strangled him which is totally unrealistic bc a man could easily overpower me but I was pist.

    At least strangling a person isn't bloody, because that would have defeated the point. If you were so worried about the sneeze. People tend to die bloody deaths in my dreams, me included.
  10. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    yeah i like my dreams
  11. I don’t usually have gory/bloody dreams. Every once in a while I will, but most of my nightmares are just anxiety laden.
  12. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Just ate MAD noodles
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by frala I don’t usually have gory/bloody dreams. Every once in a while I will, but most of my nightmares are just anxiety laden.

    One time i dreamed that i was in the room i grew up in in the house of my parents. And i was just standing there and some other guy was standing there as well, i felt very neutral towards him and then i realized i had a gun in my hand. The moment i realized that i lifted it up to the guys head and pulled the trigger. The gun went click as though it jammed or there was no bullet in the chamber. I looked at my gun and i noticed the guy standing there with me also had a gun in his hands. Instead of freaking out i asked the guy: Can i borrow your gun? And he said sure. As though nothing had happened literally 10 seconds ago. I got his gun raised it to the level of his head again and pulled the trigger. This time, the gun went off and the guy crumpled to the floor and he was definitely dead. And i thought huh, i guess i'm in trouble now. I spent the rest of the dream worrying about the police.

    Funny how my first instinct when realizing i had a gun was to shoot the stranger i was with dead.
  14. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
  15. Well I don’t really like strangers so I don’t blame you honestly
  16. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    i had a really unique dream where someone beheaded me and i sat there for like three seconds after it happened...shit was scary
  17. Yikes!
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by frala Well I don’t really like strangers so I don’t blame you honestly

    Yeah but i was literally indifferent to this person so for some reason i figured i'd shoot him, lol. Then there was this one time i dreamed i was on this abandoned paradise island that had old buildings strewn about. I figured they used to be hotels and i was walking around the decay taking it all in. When i came upon an elevator shaft, when i looked in there was sat a boy playing with some rocks, and i thought you shouldn't be here. But i said nothing and figured it wasn't my business then a short while later i heard all this commotion and i walked back, and the elevator had come loose from the top and splattered this child into a big blood stain on the sand and shit and there were people around yelling and in distress, then i woke up.
  19. Your dreams are terrible lol.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mashlehash i had a really unique dream where someone beheaded me and i sat there for like three seconds after it happened…shit was scary

    I had a dream where i got shot in the head once, and my God it felt exactly what i imagine actually dying feels like but in slow motion.

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