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Posts by WolfgangBladt

  1. Originally posted by Robert Mugabe I use to be a major coke head but now I OD on fresh air and H20.

    What bout u guys?

    tide pods before work, bath salts on weekends and jenkem on days ending with y
  2. thats so easy to see. u need to stick it up ur butt to pull it off.
  3. Originally posted by Kev theyre the same at that temperature, dumbass…

    no shit
  4. Originally posted by Kev THIS, it was -40 here for several days, i have no heating and im still here, how the fuck does a few snowflakes kill you? STEERS AND QUEERS

    -40? In celsius or faggenheit? please answer for me.
  5. Originally posted by Kev how do you mean?

    it's biggest strength was it's privacy, that's no longer there
  6. omg u fucking did u sick fuck. if it was a kitten ud be a wariat
  7. Originally posted by Bugz is that one of those awesome marketing concepts by the illuminati of pedo needs

    thank u fren
  8. Originally posted by Kev exchanged all my bitcoin for monero recently. like 80% of the bitcoin nodes are operated by one company, they could easily spoof transactions if they wanted to. at least monero sabotages the ability to mine it in silicon. equality kicks ass.

    monero is pretty dead unfortunately. good luck
  9. Originally posted by Kev fuck off if you wont contribute, britfag.

    has anyone rolled with a cat before? whats it like petting an already amazingly soft creature like that while rolling? im reluctant to do it because first of all i dont wanna subject an innocent creature to my drug use, namely that i might give it excessive affection and i end up getting clawed from overstepping its personal space.

    did u suk off ur cat while rolling?
  10. the man who made a play and put it in my hood
  11. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood depends…..

    i pmd u, u can vote yes now
  12. I want to count them
  13. ok bunny try some speed, ull groove all the way to storm the capitol
  14. Originally posted by Fonaplats The only people who like NY are stupid women anyways.

    the word stupid is redundant
  15. if there is a thing as global warming then how come texas is so cold? Checkmate Greta DURberg
  16. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Everything is bigger including their tantrums LMAO xDDDDD

    including their shortage of potable water
  17. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i dont get it

    oi dey dun haf 2 cool dair truxxx coz it so culd outside u fukkkk
  18. Cos they save money by not needing refrigerated trucks
  19. They got Dubya and they don't need to worry about their beer getting warm.
  20. Originally posted by Bugz come back and alisid prostitutes to hostess a party

    hahaha u fucking nigger
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