Every time this type of thing happens then we keep setting new high scores for playing Chicken with how far I can be pushed without snapping… But that's the thing with high scores. One day you reach one that can't be topped, you reach the human limit. One day I will hit that point, then she will push further and I will fucking snap. And then what do you think will happen? What is the best case fucking scenario prize that could be won from playing this stupid game? I have a million little canisters of compressed rage that I bottled up and stowed away in a dark basement. If one of them gets fucked around with too much and pops one day, how big will the resulting fireball be? I don't know.
Every minute of my life I waste comprehending things on your behalf, wasting the efforts of my brain cells on cleaning up your perpetual messes because you can't stay off the sauce long enough to stop bull in a china shopping everything in your life and mine, it pains me. Like someone took my skin and started separating it from my flesh just to run white hot pokers underneath it.. that's how much it pains me that I waste my time on her misadventures. And instead of feeling the anguish from that pain I bottle it up into glass bottles and stick them in the freezer. But that's the thing about beer in the freezer, eventually it will explode. The shards could nic an artery if youre not careful. In my case there's no game of chicken. The dumb cow isn't even trying to piss me off she's just that useless.
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Originally posted by cigreting
Hows that conditional relationship going for you? What percentage of your income do you spend on her and her kid a month?
What does it matter if someone chooses to spend their income on pussy? Doesn't that make them better than you because they aren't hurting for the loss? Lol
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The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
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2021-12-05 at 6:22 PM UTC
Drunk Fred
I got so drunk last night. Fought with everyone unnecessarily and swore I wasn't drunk. I was drunk
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Originally posted by Toxoplasmosis
Hahaha you were molested
Excuse me shit stain? You don't even deserve to speak to me
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What a fucking loser your grand father in law? Like that's not even close enough to you for you to know shit about the freemasons. Go play somewhere else little boy. Even those kid diddlers don't want to play with you.
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2021-11-30 at 2:12 AM UTC
Random Thoughts
Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Did they gurgle or anything when they went?
Did they reach out to you with both arms?
Was there a mess left behind?
Death rattles are real so sure if you want to call that a gurgle.
Nah they were dying of cancer, they where barely conscious in the end. If anything I might have sent them to death or released them from the need to struggle. They passed right after I held their hand and said “we’re all here. We love you.” Seemed kind of willing so there was no reaching out to be saved.
Mess left behind from the equipment that was used to attempt resuscitation. No one ever tells you when they stop trying that they just leave the body on the floor until the coroner shows up. Incredibly inhumane not to offer to move the body to a less visually jarring place to wait until you are parted forever.
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2021-11-15 at 1:59 AM UTC
Drunk Fred
Originally posted by Grylls
And do you know what you should do with the empty bottle faggot?
Forcibly insert it in your asshole while you say “yes, please LEGO Daddy!” ?
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2021-11-26 at 7:42 AM UTC
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2021-11-24 at 3:25 AM UTC
Att: Wariat
Originally posted by Sudo
Stop flattering me or I might let you ruin my pre ruined life 🙃 🥺
YES. a new crossover couple is being formed
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2021-11-22 at 3:09 AM UTC
Hey yanks recommend me a
I make smoothies with Kale, Spinach, oat milk, ice, a banana, and a scoop of peanut butter or almond butter.
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2021-11-22 at 2:10 AM UTC
Hey yanks recommend me a
I was going to say a Ninja.
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The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
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2021-11-20 at 5:25 PM UTC
Hey aldra
I can’t wait till your mom doesn’t pay the internet bill again
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Originally posted by mmQ
Sub:Culture tonight
have a good day everyone im going to work I love you
Is this a fonaplats style post or do you actually love us? Because I don’t want to say it back if it was a joke.
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Originally posted by larrylegend8383
PM me
You’re an idiot and a weirdo OP. I don’t know who Jake is, but I’m not him. And I’m not from DH. Apparently ignoring your PMs didn’t do enough so I’ll just say it here.
I’m not Jake, I don’t know who Jake is, and in case anyone’s wants to know who Larry is looking for I’m assuming it’s Jake.
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2021-11-15 at 3:43 AM UTC
Drunk Fred
You’re a sloppy drunk Nile
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2021-11-14 at 11:19 AM UTC
Drunk Fred
I was drunk earlier but forgot to post here. Thanks for keeping the dream alive everyone. I hope you all spend all the rest of tour days drunk as fuck.
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The year is almost over fuckers. How did you level up since quarantine began?
And if you haven’t changed a single bit in 10 months fuck you and kill yourself.
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2021-11-06 at 8:32 PM UTC
Drunk Fred
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