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Posts by Incessant

  1. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson She doesn't have an victims, she's the victim.

    I mean true but you're ruining my joke lol
  2. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley ur ancestors didn't have a bunch of gay shit with pentagrams on it and a baphomet lookin skull, you dumb bitch. they hung out under trees and farmed.

    Haha how did I miss this one. Accurate post is accurate. Tell me why she has three pentagrams there pretty sure one would suffice unless if thats all you really associate or know about Magick.

    My alter has photos of loved ones who have passed, images of deities I associate with and relate to, crystals, lavender, my extremely rare tarot deck, and old religious regalia my family gave me that I don't believe in anymore but don't want to go to waste. It's a part of my story and journey so it belongs there. I don't try to eradicate things completely just because I'm paranoid it changed who I was lmao. I know who I am.
  3. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I've forgiven her killing spree it's part of wiccanism okay

    Scron you forgive everything that's why we love hate you.
  4. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka What's scary is Sophie could have killed me and been posting on my account this whole time and no one even considered that. That's not what happened though.

    He sure could have but you put yourself in that dangerous situation not us. So why exactly do you expect us to care?
  5. Incessant African Astronaut
    I give it T minus three days.

    It'll either be the poor suspecting dude she meets up with from the internet (I bet there's a few not just the chess guy) or herself if the hypnosis doesn't stave off the mental health crisis.

    Get your bets in ladies and gents er I mean gent and gents and Candy and Lala.
  6. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka I need to iron clothes, get food, figure out what I want to pack, do something about my skincare, figure out what time I have to get up at and if we're optimistic maybe do a few Dutch lessons. I need to put passcodes on the phones I'm leaving behind, take pics of passwords and lock everything away.

    Why does she have so many phones and why does she need to lock them with passwords so complex she won't remember them and hide them away from her family.

    Maybe because Sophie and who knows who else's phones are in this stash. She already said her own family think she's a serial killer.
  7. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka But I will kill her tomorrow no one gets away with disturbing my sleep

    Guess the vacation came at a good time to get out of dode after a murder.
  8. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka

    The brand you like were all hot in the early 2000s... Are you older than you say or is norther Ireland just super fucking behind?
  9. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra disregard this I posted it on the wrong account

    Haha omg I would be honored to be your alt
  10. Incessant African Astronaut
    Let me just put this here for law enforcement.

    I am diagnosed with depression but I am medicated and happy. If I am found unalived please look into this woman and her involvement with other missing members on this forum.
  11. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by UNSUB it’s not surprising that witchcraft appeals to people seeking to mend what’s broken in themselves and the world around them.

    Fucking this. Lol. I have so many books and tools and things I have collected over the years but I've never put much effort into it because I don't really need it or have time for it

    However I have tons of time now. And apparently I need to "protect" myself now from kafkunt.

    It appears little miss insane has taken another turn for the paranoid and now I'm public enemy number one. 😂 Let's hope she survives her trip abroad. This fake life of hers is the entertainment gift that keeps on giving.
  12. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley ur ancestors didn't have a bunch of gay shit with pentagrams on it and a baphomet lookin skull, you dumb bitch. they hung out under trees and farmed.

    I think I was reading a book about asatru. It was very interesting. I took furious notes I probably won't be able to read now.
  13. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked You guys should have a crystal battle who has the prettiest crystals n spookiest thift store finds winner gets to be goth prom queen for a week


    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked This is the new retarded thread

    Wow that's insane. I basically said the same thing but without reading your comment. I think you need and aldra had a mind meld or something.
  14. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka Whether or not you knew you were casting, you meant me ill harm which is the same thing.

    You're fucking retarded. If I meant you I'll harm you wouldn't be posting here anymore haha
  15. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo If u didn't get a sunburn today on the summer solstice you're not white

    I got a burn today get on my fucking level

    Can’t burn. Already got my base tan secured already.
  16. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka It's because some bitch here hinted that they were casting against me, so I am helping the consequences along.

    I don't consider myself religious but feel closer to paganism than any of the other religions. I think because my mind is pretty much a clean slate since it's childlike, that if that manifesting things is real then I will be good at it. Whenever I meditated on things I wanted to happen they happened, but for some reason I've only meditated a few times.

    This best not be about me. And also don’t ever try this with me or you’ll regret it. I lived through a near death experience and my spiritual team is pretty on it. Clearly I have a purpose here and you well…. You keep trying to snuff yourself out so. Stay in your lane and I’ll stay in mine.
  17. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra

    US military putting out tenders to reverse engineer parts for its own bombers because it's no longer capable of manufacturing then

    So fun fact and hot take incoming. Fun fact - pretty sure one of these stealth bombers was just hanging out over my house flying in weird patterns for over an hour in my early 20s. And I called it a reverse engineered government ship that I figured they were gifted by some aliens.

    Hot take, I don’t think they ever were capable of making this aircraft and I think it’s funny no one is batting an eye just believing them that they somehow lost the capability to do so? Like huh…
  18. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny why are you proud being black ?

    does it takes a lot of effort to be black ?

    how hard did you study to pass your blackness exam.

    how many years have you trainned to be black.

    what were you before you became black.

    as a warm-white person, it takes me a week of moderate sun tanning to become black. i consider it quite an achivement.

    You're such a little wierdo. Lol
  19. Incessant African Astronaut
    "Chin and jawline acne is often caused by fluctuations in hormones ,which means a disruption with your endocrine system."

    Girly you have to stop with the Ed shit. I bet your endocrine system is all kinds of fucked up and you said your periods are too
  20. Incessant African Astronaut
    Idk but I went back into the same dream 3-4 times. Slept about 12 hrs. I know it's a waste of time but I find it fun to see if I can go back into the same dream realm
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