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2016-10-02 at 1:44 AM UTC in LISTEN TO MY MUSIC
2022-11-28 at 6:12 PM UTC in I feel really weird now
Originally posted by Wariat after getting dick sucked at 38 by a 17 yr old i just have these weird feelings inside me. especially not knowing if she did it because she wanted to or to try it or for money like so i spend money on her since she knew if we were inf riend zone everyone spends on themselves.
If your inner little man (operative term being LITTLE) is quibbling over the moral implications of getting a suckjob from a 17teener, you need a job and/or hobby and/or 2nd job -
2022-11-27 at 1:53 AM UTC in Trianglism revamped(Written by J. Culkin)
Installment 3- Temple of the Morning Star
TOTAL BUNDY. Bundy is the literal psychosis dehumanizing drug. Good thing I'm nowhere near this depraved when sober.
"She's easy on the eyes but clorox on the mind"
Today I'm going to tell you a story about temples.
This is the Temple of The Morning Star
I used to smoke spice to semen entering a pentagram AIDS metal (DEVO is AIDS rock). Is the pentagram at the top or the bottom of the teepee? Like one of those Necker cube IQ perspective questions. It was like worshiping Figyarnus.
This is the Temple of The Sickness. BDSM babies create sigma AIDS metal.
We live in a society tiered by sigmas of both ethical and intellectual functioning. An +/- 85/115IQ thought by a 1sigma individual occurs 68% of the time, a +/- 70/130IQ thought by a 1sigma individual occurs 95% of the time. This also applies to EQ, emotional quotient. When I do a TOTAL BUNDY on a sigma I become approximately 6 sigmas and 6 coughgels from the mean, which is why the experience is so emotionally valuable.
Me to my mom: "Words"
My mom to me: "What were you guys saying"
"You're a hologram!"
Bobstulplob (Bah-Stall-Plav)
The awareness that almost all knowledge is outside of one's own experience
Now what's your tier and faction?
Consciousness fractal examples:
0 Bad -, Figyarnus, Deliriants
11 Good +, Bassyun, Opiods
222 Normie X, Oyhoy, Catholic. Human. Alcohol
3333 Lisserd Δ, Ahkmah, Trianglism. Psychopath. Stimulants
44444 Schizotype ::, OEOEOE, Square Joy. Animals. Weed
5555 AIDS is a pentagram of satanic insects, Rajahkmahraj would support this. Roach. Inhalehoys.
666 Schizophrenia is the star of david, ALL, Hebrew reptiles. Psychedelics
8 You're a hologram! Sigma achieved! Dissociatives are the drugs of humanoid demigods.
My ability to give fucks about things exists in all 8 tiers of the consciousness fractal. -
2022-11-28 at 6:10 PM UTC in Ya boy back on methadone
Originally posted by blaster master Hell yeah bro, I'm super proud of you. I'm stuck at work, I did some LSD yesterday and am not really feeling work one bit. I could definitely go for some heroin rn.
Dude with the advent of the smart phone it'd be pretty cool to be a heroin using street person. I'd just chill out and play pokemon Gameboy and take naps.
But alas, good heroin is long gone.
Yeah my homelessness stint from August until late December 2020, even without a phone, was great
I remember getting obsessed with playing a CVS handheld version of Oregon trail when on meth and my using buddy Caveman screamed at me saying "DUDE, THIS IS A LITERAL OREGON FUCKING TRAIL. NOW GET YOUR ASS TO THE DUMPSTER AND BRING US BACK SOME WAGON WHEELS" -
2022-11-28 at 5:24 PM UTC in Ya boy back on methadoneDay 1 back on methadone, would've been on it for a while now but I didn't even know SC had a single methadone clinic until I moved to this shelter and someone told me the clinic is only a mile away so expect regular posts
2022-11-27 at 1:49 AM UTC in Trianglism revampedRoshamvo here, still alive. At a homeless shelter and trying to get back on my feet. I was looking at stuff in old notebooks and found long lost core readings for trianglism. This is that holy thread
2022-11-27 at 2:03 AM UTC in What are you doing at the momentMouth dry. Nose clogged like concrete. 20 minutes ago a new fucker to the shelter, a bald headed angry little man, got in my face and completely disrespected me, looking for a fight
and then he gets in my face and says DO UOU FEEL THIS LOVE? HUH??. Probably methed up
All I could do is hold my tongue and let it slide because I can't be out on the street another winter. -
2022-11-09 at 7:04 AM UTC in 50 minutes of work left for the day.
Originally posted by slide22 We go to work, lose contact of ones we love or used to love, the world is in it's worse collective existance that it was since the dark ages with hundreds of years of pandemics and church oppression controlling the laws and we just say "Whats the fucking point" and just do whatever.
but it was interesting coming on here 5 years ago ot close to six now and things were better then now but everyone had some struggle in their lives and then as DH shows up, they brought the Pandemic with them and things just went south really fucking fast.
Honestly I saw the background of totse, and someone in my building or on my block posted the name as the SSID of their router
I wont say who but a certain bloke told me it was Lanny living here in the Berkeley Area before going to be withWintermute
One of the weirdest things was seeing one person die after another in such a short fucking time from drugs, suicide or suicide by drugs or because drugs were in them that they suicided.
5 people though someone said it's closer to 7.
yet no one really grasps that and it for a small population online as regulars, thats kind of News Worthy. like be happy the news didn't have a reporter be interested in a website that normally wouldn't be bothered with.
"They don't care about us" but in this time of hyperbole and Political Correctness suddenly we're all in jail by the new " Hate Speech" that's usually is thrown around this fucking site.
most of it troll bait but it goes on. they wont' question the fact it's not some white nationalist site (OR IS IT? )
listening to Rush Subdivision right now. Always a classic.
Rush "The Pass" is next
What the fuck. I literally played subdivision earlier today. Played air drums. Beast boss mode
Also air guitars wayward son while sprinting on the highway
Also a DONT STOP ME NOW as I ran as fast as I could until my heart felt like at least 270bpm and my muscles all just went stiff and I fell and couldn't break my fall. I convulsed threw up, went into target, guilt solicited a MTn dew and Gatorade. walked home, crestfallen -
2022-11-09 at 6:59 AM UTC in NIS NONCE list
Originally posted by Octavian All virgin cuck, child molesting fucking losers have to be proscribed on the following list that will be updated regularly.
Hiki (hunch back cock nose)
Dogs (cause they sniff childrens' arses)
Corona Virus
Diet Yellow
Ok thanks for spotting my normal, attraction to cougars and sugar mommas
My fiance is 13 yes older than me -
2022-09-18 at 7:19 AM UTC in Homeless saga- from rags to riches to bitches on their ragSo, I've taken suboxone semi regularly for recreation for a part of 2015, and having virtually no opie tolerance, it gave me the warm fuzzies, the taste and smell of a fresh camel like chromatic noise to be diffused into my tree of vessels and the pestles and the whole nine
Now, I had a bad prescription opiate addiction throughout 2016 to 2018 and I had a gift from the Holy Regulator, as a transmitted through colliegue to my mother about a methadone clinic nearby
Methadone was the cure. Just like as when I took my first Xanax dose at 12 that my dad gave me for flashbacks of my stage 4 aunts withering, jaundiced skin, a skull stretched tightly within a constricted brain and being 76 pounds... Anyway
First time with Xanax felt like everything was become like it was meant to, I felt the world through the eyes of someone who could actually, for the first time in his spaz autistic drone, color filled in a warm summer afternoon at the beach club with Charlie sneaking beers and hacking old soda machines for change
I was homeless from Aug 2020 till December 21 same year. I had thought escaping a completely unethical facility who abused elderlies ( I had them reported to dhec and last I heard all the old people were given settlements for they being victims. So if I was found out to be the leak, while I lived there. Frank the 350 pound quadristroke "self made top dog" aka, presented himself as being an actual house leader or whatever when he was just a junkie like us.
Frank, although who did pepper spray me for stealing 16 Xanax. This guy has loads of pistols dancing from antique revolver to a standard issue police glock 22.
But he then began paying me 4 Xanax bars a day to walk up the street to get him smokes and ice tea.
Problem was, the only place in the strip that sold his kind of smokes, I got myself a no trespass because I sang donald trump praise alt. Ska jams. Guess the sunshine store in summerville only shines to a future of monkeys raping women of the fairer complexion and of the more adept mind (aka, a black chick will steal your wallet when you're in the bathroom.. but only if youre white. All brothers get a pass.
Adept mind, by that I mean, white women are so good at the feminist card or hiding behind epstein's Bar and giving epstein himself a wet whistle for a free tom collins. I forgot my point
Oh yeah my doc refused to keep giving me subutex in exchange for suboxone. not only that, he cut my fucking dose in half
They gave me one week to prove that naloxone causes me intense adverse reactions or else they will start giving me suboxone.
I thought for a year it was my mouth wound healing wrongs vascularity sublingually but after my fentanyl OD and when I got off life support and told them my meds, they said they didn't have suboxone but they had locade. And even more surprisingly, they left me with 2 months worth of subutex along with a months worth of ritalin , like, not paper scipts but; the hospital literally let a junkie gone ded carry out a schedule 2 drug (which I've since ceased)
how do you guys feel? Based on firsthand or secondhand info, it seems to be general consensus that the naloxone will dull a great deal of the post acute WD levelling
Its like being given a shot of Ativan in a hospital room 4 years Ago and now all you get is droperidol
2015-08-23 at 10:02 PM UTC in Most butthurt spud on this siteSpektrul
2022-09-05 at 3:12 AM UTC in My 90 days in jail, felony, and fentanyl OD from my "just released" party
Originally posted by Sudo Roshambo was PC which is unsurprising but tragic. You should loud and proud let your freak flag fly, sharpen your comb and stab people up in the name of more open minded and triangle based prison politics. You weren't in for anything bad, you should have defended yourself the first chance you got. Instead you're playing pattycake with skinners. Come on you should have gotten a nickname and some new scars. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU??? You're like 21 going on 47 at least
I fought a nigger for calling me a cracker and got his head with a sock of irish spring bar.. he was pussying out like a nephrongoloid but he did give me a bloody lip. We were tased and then put me in maximum security in a turtle suit for a f****** 2 weeks -
2022-09-04 at 10:20 PM UTC in My 90 days in jail, felony, and fentanyl OD from my "just released" party
Originally posted by BeeReBuddy What part of that non sense made you think he is okay at all.
Clearly he is delusional still and very much a menace and burden on society.
Okay you don't know me and you don't know how much I thought about that stupid l crime and how childish it was and how I almost got 5 to 10 years in prison I realize how precious life is and how much there is to do on the outside
90 days of self torture withdrawal pains yearnings for things that I thought I would never see again and a lot of hours spent contemplating suicide but I am back from rehab..
going to rehab when the doctors thought I was going to have legs amputated being a wheelchair for the rest of my life be on dialysis and have brain damage.
The whole medical floor and the resident neurologist were watching in all as I took my first steps on assisted and walked across that hospital wing floor with only a cane.
The one who induce a coma in me shook my hand and was crying when he said "this is something I've never seen before God bless"
Obviously God wants me alive -
2022-09-04 at 11:59 AM UTC in My 90 days in jail, felony, and fentanyl OD from my "just released" partyI'm getting her a 24 k Gold ring with her turquoise birthstone, planning on proposing in a month once I have held down my Purdue food factory job for more than 3 days
2022-09-04 at 11:34 AM UTC in My 90 days in jail, felony, and fentanyl OD from my "just released" partySo if anyone knows I was staying in almost complete isolation for 3 months at that ranch which made me be losing my shit and at the in the middle of the night after shooting up Ritalin and being extremely pissed off that I ran out I started breaking cups and plates outside and rambling talking about how people that think heavy metals better than punk rock or are complete faggot mongoloids and then the owner of the place came up to me looking very concerned and annoyed cuz it was for the morning offered to take me to the hospital
I was brought to the hospital and in triage I was smoking my Delta 8 vape and using the metal chair as a drum set and singing George Harrison and Ringo Starr solo career songs very loudly to where they were probably going to commit me so I freaked out and left and they had security trying to escort me out but I told him I needed to use the phone in the waiting room they said I was trespassing and then I could use the phone in j Reuben Long when I got there I refused their b******* arrest and then I was brought outside and freaked out even more when the cops were called and what I was shoved into the police car I started completely freaking out telling them I'd autism and claustrophobia and that I did nothing wrong I wasn't about to let officers of the law abuse me or my rights but I was too high and stupid to properly advocate for my rights and looking back I would have gotten a PR bond from trespassing and even resisting if I hadn't freaked out
but stupidly I started kicking and flailing and they tased me once in the stomach and it didn't work they tased me a second time in the neck and that mildly worked I asked him to turn it off after about 10 seconds cuz I told them is burning my brain as soon
as it shut it off I kicked a woman cop right above the knee and she started screaming and apparently was very injured then the lieutenant cop on the scene he smiled at me and said oh I'm so glad you did that" he knew more than I did about how my life was going to change for the worst
I was brought to j Reuben Long jail put in the holding cell the lieutenant threw me on the ground where I hit my face ripped my clothes off and I said "what boy you don't get enough action from your wife at home so you got to take it out on the prisoners"
He got a very very pissed and stood me up and said well tough guy we're in here where no one can see us do you have the balls to fight someone who protects your right to freedom".
and I lurched to him and he hit me in the face so hard to try to knock my nasal bone into my skull which honestly made me almost pass out from the pain and he's pretty clever cuz he hit me in a way that didn't that only caused mine or bleeding and did not need to be reset
I was brought into maximum security for that and then banging my head against the wall put in a turtle suit and given a suicide mat and over the next few days I was detoxing off phenibute GHB Ritalin cocaine Xanax weed and alcohol. They brought me to bond hearing the night after I was there where I learned that my charge is carried up to $10,000 fine and 10 years in prison. to be able to cope with the reality in my situation. After about 6 or 7 days yelling at all the nurses refusing all my meals they brought me to a2 the disciplinary unit. The withdrawal was unlike anything I've ever experienced in all of my life I was constantly seizing and would tell the nurses but they would not call the infirmary or bring me to the hospital. I was seizing because I I knew it because I would have very odd pain like even worse than the withdrawal pain and confusion along with extreme unexplainable anxiety and if I'm standing up I start to rapidly shake and fall into the ground and not be able to move but I was aware that something really wasn't right and then waking up with blood in my mouth pain all over the place and more confusion and I knew that I was actually having legitimate seizures but none of that mattered to me since the DTs had me hallucinating s*** like being in an El Camino in the middle of the desert being attacked by a pack of great Pyrenees dogs who are ripping my entrails out. And falling out of a helicopter at 7,000 ft
These first 14 days were so f****** bad but I bet you all know what jail is like and what DTS are like so I'm going to end this post as part one if anyone wants to give me any feedback or questions I'll wait for that before I write part two. I was in there 90 days so there are a lot of stories to tell let's give you a preview pedophile 18 year old with Harry Potter glasses, Mark knopfler's brother who was in a wheelchair and taught me music theory -
2022-09-04 at 11:53 AM UTC in Best & Worst User on this site (Opinions)I basically committed a mortal sin by not posting on this site more frequently than I should have been in the past 3 years and after sploo died I lost all motivation
2022-09-04 at 11:52 AM UTC in Best & Worst User on this site (Opinions)
Originally posted by Kafka Best: Ajax, Sophie, Donald, Aldra (for music), me (if you ignore the how are you feeling/thinking threads).
Worst: Solstice, Haxxor, Bradley. They’re all annoying.
Most intelligent: Wariat, Sudo, college professor.
Seems sane: Me, college professor, Oct, Candy, probably others.
If you knew me you'd know I'm autistically socially retarded to the point where I've been banned off of the tiny bltc chat room may be over 200 times for it
I am Mensa certified with an IQ of 143 and I test anywhere between 128 and 151 depending on my level of intoxication -
2022-09-04 at 12:02 PM UTC in WOULD YOU CONSIDER
Originally posted by Grylls Dating a woman knowing that her ex was black, like real black, PROPER AFRICAN NIGGER NIGERIAN BLACK
sry for caps i was mad and shit but then i calmed down then got mad again
when I was homeless and with this dude caveman and his wife Mary lynn, their daughter was chubby but redheaded and had a weird kind of like Marilyn Monroe mixed with a southern Mongoloid face, and on the roof of the Burger King I
I sweet talk to her said her eyes shine radiant like the most luminous diamond pinballs known to the arcades in my hometown of red Bank New Jersey, and her hair shines like the curly hair of the autistic Star trek character Tilly who as a matter of fact I do have quite quite the little crush on her, and I said I know you only fuck black dudes but I'm much better than them a much longer than them and you'll have much more fun and much more money if you go with me. she laughed at me and called my rest by keeping the Burger King window open from the street therefore alerting the police to knowing we were hanging out and it's abandoned state
Oh how bad of an opportunity she missed -
2022-04-11 at 6:19 AM UTC in Gabaergics causing timelines to mergeI've recently gotten my gabapentin refilled and tonight I've taken 16mg tizanidine, 3g phenibut total and probably around 2400mg of gabapentin doses staggered
As doses go up I I keep getting these pastoral old like king arthur and the knights of the round table memory flashbacks reminding me of a dream in which i was in a castle which led to a yard and a gate which you had to crawl under like a groundhog to get to the triangle temple
which contained the giant walls of oTaljiBahmaro with time telling scriptures dated on 300 year delays with sprites which did technically contain life but only at a microcosm of meaning levels. Basically satellite reviewers coded to pickup on certain delerium anthems and dialects spoken by the deranged children of Tried
Schplew, Roshambou, sfronasldoou, wcromfvontlaroyd, samoastigmatagaya datschundibaba and garundigadesh