2015-07-27 at 12:53 AM UTC
Injecting wellbutrin.
Shits caustic as fuck, in any pill. also they are nasty as fuck purple, vomit covered sky blue (both sr) the XLs have fucked up shitty time release, instant release is cool
2015-07-25 at 6:03 AM UTC
why is it legal
bad idea because u cant handle guaifensin nausea? hell benzedrine inhalers are the first drug that the beatles did, polythene pam was inspired by it
wellbutrin will prob make u semi psychotic and nevar sleep but thats good.. make sure u dont get no dyskenesia from abilify because that shit sucks ass
12 shots of gordons is the best shit when u sleep deprived
also them 200ml bottles of southern comfort are cheap n good as fuk
"bald headed manc twat"
Post last edited by Dissociator at 2017-07-22T04:09:10.051300+00:00
I got too much los paranoias after a day of snorting huffraid starter fluid
I fucking walked 2 miles with an ipad stalking some shick at the store FORGOT MONEY.JPG
go home beg dad for 3 doll hairs because i spent all my money on bundy
then get starter fluid and go to spudland
whenevever you have access 10 to grams of syncans youll be hoping and waiting for the next bag half asleep in a shotgun shack
2015-07-24 at 9:43 PM UTC
The best kava is the tincture by far, cause I spent 2 years buying proprietary blend BS pills at the healthfood store when they was out of other shit and yogi tea or whatever but 5 dropperfulls of the tincture is 300% better than 24 pills that hardly work
all tastles like shit
Don't collapse in your own Diphen-ethanthylphenidate because my desk fell on me in my drunkensleep and I was too skullfucked so bloody leg syndrome just made me say uhhrgh and go to sleep
and then you CRACK
Damn,my dad saw a doc like that in 2005 and ended up with like 3 scripts of 100 tenuate dospans which are literally the most extinct phsrmspedd except for black beauties and prellies
I just fucking realized I huffed ether as a Xanax replacement cause no focal in, needed to wait 19 days cause controlled but they had 11 at the pharmecopocy for the whole time
Do it on Mars with a vacuum cleaner
2015-07-23 at 2:28 PM UTC
Roshambo for mod 2015
I have fucking, gazorpazorp major forum experience in terms of site design and administrations mod me as to turn this fiasco into an ordeal
Y33r know you're 3 writes to your left right eight fold pathhhhhhssympathotimetric asymptomatic rhabdom¥0lisis causes polis colostomy in sone fermented. Whisper once and twice thrice your cock grew to 10 pc headroom ich bin Haben? Es estal schmiedelwutz
Gerald casale carefully loaded his spud gun as to not obliterate bob1/2 to the ethereal ether ender plants plant clamps but OOPS you accidentally the promotion Telnet... Spider alfa romeo "" said bob. And before they/we knows knew, his nose grew. RIP bob casale, Bob mothersBaugh EXCLAUMED CLOUD LATS TOO MSN HEEDISONE KINTRAZENTRIC metrinomwtrix nigg op rabbit's 12345 54321 11311 33113 13131e 3.14159265 3589793 238462 "Roshambo" whispered viktor. And the tiny pink pills were never to be seen again
2015-07-23 at 1:40 AM UTC
dont spend drugs on money
i dont care about how i wrote it like that, if you lisxten late at night make sure the band pass frequency doesnt start at the ntoch
2015-07-20 at 11:40 PM UTC
internet security??
comodo firewall and iobit malware fighter with avg antivirus
also ccleaner for general cleaning shit