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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Fosters, get a couple oil cans and you're set
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Probably shit tier because huntington Tennessee is Hicksville shithole
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Considering I found a pretty good and easy to accomplish cocktail yes, I think I'm smart rodent
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    God damn I've been having the worst fucking insomnia for the past 2 weeks. Vyvanse makes it fucking impossible to sleep regardless of any sleep drug. No matter what I do I can't get to sleep until 4 am. I took 150mg of seroquel 2mg of xanax and god knows how many benadryl and melstonin at 9 pm AND I LAID IN BED FOR 7 HOURS WITH SEROQUEL IN MY SYSTEM HOLY FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH LIFE HOLY HANDGRENADES PLEASE SOMEONE MAIL ME SOME AMITRYPTLINE AND MIDAZOLAM SO I CAN END THIS SUFFERING ALREADY
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    That means 100+ putfits in a year, do you have 100+ outfits? If so are you a woman?
    You re wear them cause there 9smdm no one for th e laundry not that the clean laundry is out just that it's being cleaned
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Emotionally/mentally destroyed my dad permanently to the point of not being able to get out of bed

    but he can still beat up your dad
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I was only 12 years old when I first started doing drugs. Xanax it was, right above the refrigerator was where my dad left his bottles of xanax, 180 1mg footballs. I decided to take one to see what it would feel like, and it was amazing. Everything had meaning for once, I had motivation to play videogames, draw comics, and thought to myself that nothing could ever go wrong. I took these a few times a week and eventually I found another bottle and I was taking them regularly over the summer, which was one of the best summers of my life. Which is pathetic you could say, considering I was only 12. Well, that was the last time I actually had friends. They didn't know I was using drugs, but I was popping xanax whenever we would hang out. I also discovered the potential of adderall taking that out of my dad's pill bottles too. Now this is where the fun starts.

    Age 13, I met up with an old friend I haven't seen since we were like 7 or 8 years old, found him on facebook. One of my other friends, Matt, who happened to be autistic or some form of ADHD type disorder. He flapped his hands sometimes and at school he'd just look away all over the place and get excited. But when he got older the symptoms started to fade away. He was more excited than I was to meet up with my friend Bobby, because they were best friends early on, both having some form of development disorder. Video games, Matt loved. Had many retro consoles and such.

    Well, the day we met Bobby at an arcade that has many many retro consoles and all the shit that Matt liked, it was pretty trill. My best friend at the time Charlie was there, and he pointed out to me that I was the happiest he'd ever seen me, of course, I was on adderall at the time.

    This would be the same summer that I would go to Charlie's beach club, summer before 8th grade, on amphetamines of course because they made everything light up, euphoric wise. Since I was socially awkward at the time I would appear sneaky to his parents but on adderall that changed me from the awkward kind of anhedonic kid to a "normal one".

    So during the beginning of the schoolyear I was going in on benzos and amphetamines nearly every day, and back then I could tough it out with the comedowns so I didn't get wrapped up in any sort of spun out cycle like I get sometimes nowadays. Things with Bobby were going good, we discovered we had more in common than he and Matt did, and he strayed away from the video games and Matt who started becoming annoying to him. Things were going good until my mom discovered a xanax football on my nightstand in the morning when I woke up, and that is when my parents discovered my drug use. So the adderalls were gone and the xanax was hidden, but I could still get to it, but not until months later. I don't really remember if I was seeing a psychiatrist at this point, I most likely was, I remember taking concerta and other medications around 7th grade but I digress,

    At the end of the summer, Bobby and I were hanging out in front of my house at night, longboarding, listening to music, and shooting the shit while I was popping concertas and taking swigs of listerine. This might sound uneventful but it turned out to be a really good memory that Bobby and I share. Old enough to be doing drugs and being relatively mature, young enough to not have the responsibilities that would drag us down. [INDENT]The fall of 2012 became my "fall of 2012" because that is when I discovered you could get high from over the counter cough medicine. Bobby and I, and eventually Mattheus , an exchange student from Brazil who I met in 7th grade started hanging out regularly, going for walks, talking about how we would start a business someday and stuff like that. One day I stopped by the local corner store to pick up some coricidin after doing extensive research on it. I started off with around 120 or so mg and the high was incredible. I was seeing hairlike patterns on walls and tables, music was great, everything just felt like I was in another universe. I would end up doing this for a while until it spiraled out of control, taking higher doses, having slightly bad trips and cutting chillout sessions with Bobby short to go home and trip, even knowing it was going to be a bad one...[/INDENT]
    Atleast at that point in time I wasn't too far gone, but that would soon change

    more terrible writing coming soon

  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    How about new wave absurdist/classic rock crossover?

  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    My name is Shane Blaine and I am in disdain to mention that my great dane is in great pain. His bad lag from accidentally stepping in a hole that I dug in my yard. I dig holes in my yard to pass the time because I am at the end of the line, due to my cancer from smoking and as a result I am choking all of the day, my job I quit because they don't give disability pay is way fucked up. Although my dog takes tramadol and I take adderall it's irrelevant because the time it takes to wake him up for fucks sakes really raises the stakes.

  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    let my friends paul mccharmly, ringo stone, john lemon and george parasol explain

  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I'd join the common market but it's much too common for me
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    when I look at grasshoppers now, all I see is niggers
    Shut up
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    shut up
    You're so momless you cum at the sight of your own avatar because mommy isn't there to make your chicken tendies
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Lol I'm on 80 mg of loperamide after vyvanse comedown which caused causing extreme peripheral neuropathy/skin feels like vinyl. Plus prolongs qt and is cardiotoxic. Fuck
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Fuck beds. Got a new bed 2 or 3 years ago after the same bed with the same mattress for about 10 or so years and the springs and shit bend and pop out all different fucking ways it's terrible
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Good for your back Godmode:sleep on the floor on cardboard
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    60mg vyvanse shmuh msbllldj schluryyyyy
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    After the catastrophe or hazard of the soft sand conversion, you could say the onlookers would have a post-diffusion confusion delusion. Contusions even if the processes process topless stoppers were induced by rock to head on head at the county sinus damage. Once I told the Dean about taking another 30mg of vyvanse after the comedown, fearing for my life, three mind masters were called into the room, carried across the threshold by the minister. The nurse took my vitals and the counselor bookmarked some spark notes in her self appointed clipboard about post triage inpatient centers. My temples ached and as I arrived at the sand temple the schwah tessilatures took my blood pressure and other formalities. I was referred to eek Barba Durkell the third awaiting my lorazepam infusion
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
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