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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    What if we're normal, and all of you are fucked in the head????

    Pretty sure we've already discussed this already though.

    ….called "Nature vs Dumb Ass Societal Rulings"

    you're a pedophile too?

    that explains a lot
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    sophie gettin blasted on them lines of powdered sugar whilst continuing his neverending quest to find vulnerable little girls on the internet to masturbate to

  3. Dissociator African Astronaut

    or is it just the cocaine
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    She's 18 sophie
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Omal ftw
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Honestly i don't think he is, why would he be? Even if he liked lolis he's got a daughter so that's pretty much win. I just think he gets a kick out of trying to rustle my jimmies.[/oh.bybhnknj
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    But seriously

    I was in my spergcave on the pixel box when I hear my mom screaming WHAT THE FUCK, turns out she left the sock full of my and her pills she keeps in her pocketbook on her bed, while the dog was laying there, left the dog unattended and lo and behold my dog got to the pills. Thank god she didn't take any of my vyvanse, clonidine, or my mom's percocets and oxycontins, but she ate atleast 5 or 10 lamictals and atleast 10 seroquels. The whole situation caused my sister to unleash a tangent of rage and psychotic anger the likes of which me and my dad have never witnessed from her, since she puts on the persona of being perfect and proper and all that, screaming at me and my dad that its our fault, right next to the dog. Shit happens, blah blah, eventually I get my sister to shut the fuck up because the worst thing you could do to a dog who just overdosed on antipsychotics is stress it out. Blah blah blah, my mom who's hysterical gets my dog to the vetinary ER, my sister gets in her car and drives to god knows where, and that just leaves me and my dad. He asked me if I needed anything, I said yeah, so he went to the car and got me a xanax and took one himself.

    tl;dr my dumbfuck mom causes my dog to get into pills while my sister has a breakdown and me and my dad are probably not going to beat eachother up/spew word garbage at eachother anymore because we realized bitches be crazy.
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    heres some nu metal
    you fucks

  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Bill Krozby it was the black subarus that would drive in circles around the abandoned parking lot when I'd go there to smoke because I was an edgy 13 year old back then

    I started running for my life

    turns out it was just some kid practicing driving.
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    You're funny
    well, I bet you'd be if I could feel emotions.
    Actually scratch that.
    If I could feel emotions I'd pity you.
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    To an extent. Not much.
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Blamf, God tier thread
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    That feel when social bonds are intact enough to get weed whenever I want, to smoke up with my old best friend from middle school, to have someone loan me 100 dollars if I'm in a bind, to call someone up to help me fuck someone up and someone to drink with whenever .

    6 friends irl and best friend thru internet feels good
    plus I no longer smoke spice, do bundy, do stupid drugs, drink rarely

    all I take is amphetamines for anhedonic depression/lack of motivation

    so risir next time you want to include me in your rage posts, get your shit together

    actually just get up on out of here
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    you are the living end.

    I'm pretty high right now :)
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Still not as depraved as pedophilia

    (I semi retract my retraction thread, I was on meth)
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    no you autistic fuck

    stop making these fucking retarded threads
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    So I bought 5 grams of 4-pmpd because I've been looking for a stim RC that I can easily acquire, because all the good ones are shipped from the UK, which takes too long/can be seized by customs, and don't accept prepaid cards/bitcoin only (I can't acquire bitcoins because of the huge ass fees that people charge on localbitcoins, and all actual bitcoin buying sites require ID/Bank account info which I can't give out for reasons I don't want to talk about)
    There are very few firsthand experience reports on this drug, the general thing is, either people think its placebo/inert, or get euphoric from it.
    I tried insufflation as my first ROA a few days ago, and damn, that shit burns. I don't know if it got me high because I only snorted 1/64 teaspoon (32.5-100mg).
    The next day I toughed it out and snorted an entire scoop (1/8th teaspoon) and HOLY HANDGRENADES it burned more than anything I've ever put up my nose, including prolintane, ethylphenidate, and bk-2cb). Once the pain wore off I started blinking uncontrollably and had to lay down, and nodded out similar to opiate nods, minus the euphoria.
    Both of these experiences were probably altered due to me being on a SSRI, and 4-pmpd being a mild maoi = complete clusterfuck/different effects even if I didn't have serotonin syndrome or a hypertensive crisis.
    So I took 2 scoops today, while on 40mg of vyvanse and after about a half hour I noticed a reduced effect in the vyvanse, which dissapointed me but 15 minutes later I noticed that same nod feeling, except it felt more like opiates.. When the vyvanse and 4-pmpd wore off, I took another scoop to see if it actually had an effect and wasn't the vyvanse + placebo effect, and once again felt the head high reminiscent of propylhexedrine but without the peripheral vasoconstriction and lavendar burp nonsense, with a tinge of opioid feels.
    Sorry if this report is scattered/hard to comprehend, I'm still pretty buzzed
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    its like TRT but without content
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Not even close

    let me rephrase.

    both forums are dead and the community is completely gone
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