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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Well I think you are a pioneer,a space shot Psychonaut.
    You are a FUCKING TRAIL BLAZER Man!!!!!
    mmm just don't die ok.

    How much xanax did you take before posting this?
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Either Loeys–Dietz syndrome, or late onset Tay-Sachs disease.

    Symptoms of late onset Tay-Sachs: Symptoms of late-onset Tay–Sachs – which typically begin to be seen in adolescence or early adulthood – include speech and swallowing difficulties, unsteadiness of gait, spasticity, cognitive decline, and psychiatric illness, particularly a schizophrenia-like psychosis.[6] People with late-onset Tay–Sachs may become full-time wheelchair users in adulthood.

  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    This ^^^^
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    post some of your mom and/or sister(s)….nude

    not a chance crackerjack
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Buspar 30mg after vyvanse comedown

    this thread is going to end up being over a hundred pages regardless of if anyone else replys
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    and heres a shitty one I found in my notebook from when I took 200ug of lsd with an unknown amount of T-PAIN

  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    post vyvanse comedown temporary alleviation from 1mg xanax

  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    vyvanse comedown
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut

    vyvanse 160mg (real peak)

    this one was hard because my only point of reference was the shaky image of my michael j fox hand holding my webcam sideview and the picture on the screen
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    The fire nation attacked
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    vyvanse 160mg (peak)
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    - Vyvanse 160mg (comeup)
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Just some advice, that *scratch scratch scratch* way of drawing contour lines is very amateur. When used right it can add style but in your case, it just looks like shit. Be more confident in your line drawing.

    I draw better than that when I'm not on shit tier drugs

    clonidine = if you stand up your vision goes black and you wake up on the floor with cigarette butts and nicotine juice all over your clothes
    buspar = getting skullfucked. Literally. Like someone is sticking their dick straight through your parietal lobe.
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I ordered a milligram scale after this experience
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Hopefully devo tours again, I highly doubt it since they toured heavily from 2011-2014, plus Bob 2's death, and I think Mark said he has no plans for devo ever to play again but Jerry, Josh, and Bob 1 said they might perform as devo without Mark
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    More to come tomorrow
    and every day since I do drugs 25 hours a day

    - Buspar

    - Clonidine
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Sometimes I just wanna thump a monkey
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    It's 3 days into 2016 and I don't even remember 2015 or 2014.
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Im in a rather positive emotional mood right now and I just wanted to say (yes, I know Im being a faggot right now, especially to you less than happy people here) but I appreciate a lot of you in this land of misfits. I dont have a family (besides my baby and the dogs), and very few friends irl (the only one I can honestly say is a irl friend I met here and is the whole reason I have a baby). Thank you, Lanny for allowing us to continue for this community (what is left) to continue. Thank you, countBlah, POC, HSA, crazy mike, even Midnight Sun (though hes not been here to post) for your support, kindness, and help in the past- I havent forgotten it, and it ment a lot to me. Thank you, Malice, for your words of wisdom, advice and suggestions, I could be suffering with chronic pain all through this shit if not for your suggestion of T-PAIN and besides that there are many things youve helped me with, and made life better not just for me, but for my dad before he passed and advice for my baby (hes still on the royal jelly and doing great). things may be tough but having a place here has truely made a big difference with people who can not only relate, but have a similar view on the world.

    Thank you too, those were some kind words you said about me.
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    You had the "utterly terrible members" from day 1, you didn't close the site until sigma thoroughly cucked you. Mind you he was a cunt-lord and you didn't deserve it but being honest it wasn't the userbase that broke the camel's back. There is nothing that was posted on sanc, rdfrn, or here that was above and beyond what got posted on totse in terms of objectionality or user obstinance. I'm not going to dick stroke too much seeing as I run a desolate fifth incarnation of a forum that went bust years ago but I've banned one user from here I think, and it was a spam bot. I'm yet to be arrested, ganked, raped or whatever else it is that admins fear. My PI has been in circulation since zoklet, I'm still looking forward to the day I explain to my boss how I pretended to be a girl for years on a drug/crime board. The userbase isn't half as "bad" as it's been made out to be and from an observer's perspective it had basically nothing to do with the sanc getting shut down. Like yeah, if the user base had all been singing your praises you might not have felt the need to take your ball and go home in the wake of the drama that preceded the end but is that a realistic expectation to have of any group of posters? What kind of users would you have needed to keep the doors open after the fateful backstabbing?

    You're delusional. I'll just leave it at that.
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