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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jesus is king

    fuck you're a weirdo.

    dude, stop drinking so much. you're becoming apart of that new Alcoholism related by Covid but you were already an alcoholic who didn't work and stayed home drinking all the time.

    Smoke more weed, drink less alcohol. Nurse a few beers and smoke pot and dont sit at home playing video games. go take hikes on trails, maybe meet a lady or something.

    get a job. lots of delivery jobs now. you dont even need a car. you can do uber eats on a bike.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jesus is king OP is a brain dead retard

    I slept all day yesterday. I couldn't stay awake. something is happening to my health.

    I didn't take a covid test but my girlfriend did and was negative. we're close to each other everyday and kiss so I doubt Im positive.

    today I have more energy. but once a week I feel like sleeping all day. depression might be why. yes, I am having problems. but at least at 30 I was active, married, being a dad, working until 2002 or so and couldn't find work for years (now I know why) and was always out and about living my life with family or friends.

    Hiki, your life is sad as fuck. you were a home body prior to covid. shutting your ownself in. whats your deal. do you have that disease were you get scared of the outside world?
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Macht Schnell (used by Shultz in Hogans Heros) means Hurry Up or Move fast but is more of a slang because the literal translation is Work Move or some weird shit. I forgot now


  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    I heard this thing will kick some peoples asses.

    I get a flu shot every year. never had an affect from it but then one year I got one and nearly passed out. it will do this regardless of virus. a small percentage will faint.

    also this is a new virus so more people will probably faint. in the 1970s a avian or swine flu vaccine was given and people were dropping dead all over the world from it.
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    13 days (12?) fotr NYE

    Remember when everyone said 2016 Sucked. I think that was a curse to do that. it was wrong. it was a bad year for musicians and fans but this is way fucking worse.

    the economy raped. our lives put on hold. having to wait to see if you get the vaccine before getting the fucking virus during virus season (which usually starts about now)

    So you catch a bad cold or flu this year, and you can't handle the coughing because you're short of breath. you say "Fuck, I must have covid.. fuck" and go to ER. and they just stamp you Covid but do a test non you and say "oh, you're negative, Bro/Bronette. and then you get sent home, but now you're really fucking sick. and you check your oxygen on your oximeter and it's bad. its in the 70s. and you go back to ER and they say, oh shit, now you have Covid. must have gotten it coming in last time.

    now they intubate you. you say the most common thing "I can't believe this is happening" and you die.

    its like the vaccine just came out, but you're not priority during the most virus hotpoint to date. and its like maybe you just got the first shot but it takes 3 weeks to kick in.

    so its like that song "You won the lottery but your plane crashes the very next day"


    I shouldn't laugh. because sadly this is most likely to happen to someone that everyone knows. at least one person will die that nsomeone you know
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    I'm already feeling it. I was hoping for a 3 more decade or 2.5 or whatever but I think many of us older ones are about to be thinned out. they'll help stop or slow down Covid19 but say CoVid29-30 etc will probably kill off most 50 plus year olds and a huge portion of 30-40 year olds.

    there was a covid03 but it wasn't called that because it was 0 Based. so it was Just Called SARS-CoVee or some shit.

    now they'll probably happen more frequent and instead of 18 year breaks it will be 10 then 5 then 2 and then months apart. each one requiring a speed up of the vaccine.

    It's amazing John's dream of Revelations in the Protestant Bible has been fairly accurate. I didn't know Catholics don't read that. they have the Macabees or something? I wasn't raised a Catholic, My Pops was.
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Imagine your teenager or 9 year old being tore apart like that. Because the fucking Environmentalist Extreemist want to reintroduce these into populated regions.

    fucking nuts. I love nature but this is a cycle and human greed mixing and Nature will thin things out and reboot. so one day, the Bears and Wolves will either be reintroduced, relocate naturally or die off.
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    So, here is why I think it's a huge mistake to reintroduce Grizzlies and Wolves back into Northern California (as was mentioned, as well as the Desert Sierrahs closer to LA)

    Between 1890s and 1920s they had a program to wipe out the Grizzly bears and Wolves because the Bison had been wiped out by White Folks (dumb move but it was to push Native Americans into government tribal land)

    So when the bison went, the wolves started to attack people, their pets, their live stock and so did Wolves.

    this is why People like Jack Karouack went on his little adventure as did Jack London and so on. the wiping out of species was reason many of these books were written about traveling to Canada or Alaska to see the wild pushed out of the plane states and western US states.

    One of the bad things about reintroducing wildlife into Nor Cal, Yosemite, pushing more into Yellowstone is that we're suffering from Global Temps rising and killing off the glaciers and this means less water and less grass so now the bison are dying off again. this time by nature and not man. this means Grizzlies are running out of food.

    this happened this summer . its really bad timing for enviormentalist to push these animals into areas now occupied by large populations of people. There are 300 thousand people who live in places like Redding Ca now where maybe 40 thousand lived when they were existing in large numbers

  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I saw a coyote trotting by the other night. Was as big as a wolf, with a thick, shaggy mane.

    Umm sure it wasn't a wolf?
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    I havn't learned shit. I suggested it too and saw an interview of someone saying everyone should. but I wasn't sure when this fucking thing would end. Like if it all started from the beginning and told us what would happen up front (if they could have. IF) then maybe the bass. I keep putting it off. Im too depressed most of the time.

    that being said, All of you can go fuck yourselves. Faggots!
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Sounds like a gay effeminate cock nose with cotton mouth.

    Kill yourself

    You want me to kill myself or cock nose?
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    The County I used to live in before moving here there has been three Coyote Attacks in the past few nights. they're so fucking timid. that is what makes them more dangerous when they attack. you wouldn't expect it.

    suddenly one just decides to charge at you. Fucking kick it square in the fucking throat or sternum if you can. grab that fucker by the fucking throat and body slam him like a WWF

    they're so ratty looking but once in a while you will see some well fed ones running a pack that look alot more like worlves than coyotes. there is plenty of food for them compared to the desert ones. so they're large enough but when they have pups the mothers will go hunting for bigger and easier game. Small pets like cats and dogs or even raccoons.

    Hiki, how would you protect yourself from three raging Coyotes coming at you, Buddy ?
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe

    Work Sets you Free

    But Macht I thought meant Power or Halt. how does Work and Halt work in the same phrase? :/

    German is so fucking confusing
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Can you re-record your story, Hiki

    You're hard to hear. I got my headphones and laptop speakers at high and I can kind of hear you. something about a black car with the car honking

    a fat bitch with 2 kids. my hearing isn't great but its not loss as of yet
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    getting maybe a last walk in before 3 weeks of shut in. unless Walking is allowed. I would think it would be

    Upside, Freeways being less busy at night.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Break free and simply walk out

  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    if it was these mini nukes then why did they explode from the top going downwards? I was going to accept this theory by you can't start a nuclear fission without having a certain amount of energy released

    however there is Dr Judy Woods "Dustification" theory in which perhaps an energy device (like a extreemly powerful laser) was shot downward at the buildings. or perhaps a combination of multiple things.

    they had people going in for over 2 weeks up to the day of them coming down (1 and 2) and I wonder if other lasers were installed that cut into the elevator shaft area (which is surrounded by 47 box columns and incased in concrete.

    so the out building didn't go as much as the core was shattered and seem to just turn to dust. some of the box collumns could be seen standing about 90 floors of the 110 original floors before falling and just turning into dust or a lack of them were found. not all of the column cores were found in pieces. and also they were pulled from the crimes scene as if it didn't matter. search and rescue doesn't remove everything. they remove specific pieces when looking for someone because they dont want to crush or harm people. these fucking people were loading up dump loaders and sending it off to China instead of bringing piece by piece after the rescue could be complete or a certain time frame of a few weeks passed knowing no one could survive and had taken every fucking piece of it to Central Park or to Battery Park and tried to re-piece it back together like they do with planes in warehouses.

    it was a bullshit story from day one.
  19. Bugz Space Nigga


  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    everyone of you

    you may be forgiven for your former sins by sparing more grief you place on society as a whole

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