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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jesus is king My nose isn't big and no I'm not indulging in your idiotic fantasy by taking the time to post a photo specifically of my nose

    You won't even mention what your mental illness is

    Dude, I was trying to side with you for once. and just said You should Side Profile (photo) your nose and get it over with. your dick size nose might be a compliment in some cultures. fuck you crying about?

    You have time to make these hard to understand audio streams but not take a simple side profile?
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Repent. Don't be Godless like Athiest Communist China is. Repent. shits getting realer every day. The Shit Is Real. Covid19 is just the start of more crazy shit happening to us.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Hong Kong is being violated. I thought the agreement was The UK gave them back their automony after 99 years of occupation and then China was to get them in 2028 but Hong Kong had freedoms from China Rule until then. It seems China said "Fuck that, Take them now" and tolerated some protest for several years until the past 3-5 years slowly got stricter and now have taken prisoners and most likely the majority of them will never be release. ever. most likely are working slave jobs in a factory or sweat shop or just sitting in shitty conditions in a prison for speaking out against the Goverment which is still a potential death row conviction.

    not long ago they would take these policital prisoners and shoot them in the back of the head. now they will cut them open and sale their organs on the black market or to wealthy westerners who match the organ type and get surgery in China with a prisoners leftovers. It's not our place to speak out. boycott Chinese made shit if it bothers you. We have our own problems.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    the answer you all need is to repent. Jesus is coming to bring us home soon

    Aliens are probably fallen angels. if not, fuck them. they're not apart of our greater glory. and will be jealous
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Jesus Christ why are your posts so long! Shorten them damnit.

    I used to care about UFO and Aliens but we live in end times now
    John 11:11 , Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9 look it up we're coming to a endtime in one way or another. not that the earth will end. there is at least a massive battle then 1 thousand years of peace (Sabbath 1 day of God with Jesus) before the reboot happens officially. but the painful awaits many of us today. Soon.
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Also LOL

    Everyone has to go buy a Danish at their local coffee shop or danish bakery and do this attached to a note that says "NIS MEMBER" with your user name attached.

    do it or be another hiki loner loser guy.

  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Didn't read.

    Hiki needs to commit suicide for looking so Israeli.

    he makes it easy by not side profiling. I think it makes his day to be fucked with. But you're not helping him to getting out and making money to help his mom during this trying time.

    and he's not helping us for not side profiling his giant cock nose to prove whatever he needs to prove other than his giant dick looking nose.

    So have at him I guess.
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    We need to care for one another.

    Something big is about to happen. I know I am piggish and curse a lot and have been hating people more each day. so stupid. people are annoying and shallow af. including me but I can honestly say no way near as other people.

    I have tried to humble myself and have given donations to cancer research or related.

    I try and buy a danish or muffin and a water and hand it to a homeless person a few times a month. but no longer give them cash or change like I used to.

    but am I doing this because I care or afraid. I shouldn't be afraid and I have a problem lately with other humans. especially today. we're fucking with hiki because everyone here gets fucked with and hiki is making it easy to be that target recently. before that I think it was exclusively Wariot.

    Hiki likes the attention. I can tell
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    But we live in the days of John's Vision of Revelation.

    you need to know the Bible still pertains to us. Muslim, jedi or Christian or Buddhist etc.. this one book is becoming true. Repent and we all need to Love one another (as much as I hate people. I need to love them. not what they do but them)

    Now lets all Hug and Pray for the best.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    I think honestly he may have been hired and truly worked at groom lake, yet his duties were probably limited, perhaps temp service hired him so he doesn't show as an employee who worked there. He clearly pointed out its existance before it went public.

    he stated that what people saw as UFO (true in sense but not aliens themselves) was reverse technology from species not of our planet.

    it seems now that there are people coming forth and talking about Aliens are real. but we're not ready for contact. and then the former State of Israel Space Security has said something about Were not alone, Trump almost spoke of it but decided against it because the world isn't ready for this"

    I said this shit on totse 2 decades ago. i was saying this shit in the fucking 90s on dialup in the UFO forums. I said this shit on and got a response from Dr Mitchell (6th astronaut to walk on the moon) regarding it. and him agreeing. read his life story. Born in Rosswell NM, Witness the crash pieces personally as a kid, was told by personal friends at NASA we're not alone. moon base. all kinds of shit.

    State of Israel story reflects what people have believed. Were not ready. it would cause panic among the religious folks. Of course most of the people in charge of Israel are athiest communist from Russia. who would believe them.

    Satan spun a web of mostly truths with some lies to confuse the fuck out of the world.

    John 11:11 , Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9 look it up we're coming to a endtime in one way or another. not that the earth will end. there is at least a massive battle then 1 thousand years of peace (Sabbath 1 day of God with Jesus) before the reboot happens officially. but the painful awaits many of us today. Soon.
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Did you know that District Attorney of San Francisco (current, Not Kamala Harris the soon to be new VP) Chesa Boudin, adopted father (who raised him because Bodins mom and real dad are in prison) Bill Ayers was in the news paper in NY Post talking about how the WUO movement and their use of Bombing and killing was needed and a good thing. they ran the story on 9/11/01 the very morning of the attacks.

    now Bill Ayers adopted son is D.A. in San Francisco and pissing off former cops (some current and the Union Boss for the SFPD) because his mother's and Father's group had killed a San Francisco Cop back around 1971. possible link to Chicago 7 (which Chicago also had police killed by WUO) also they're responsible for a bomb that went off in NYC (that destroyed actor Dustin Hoffman's Apartment) and again, his real mother and father (Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert)were imprisoned for killing 2 NYC cops and 1 NYC Brinks Guard when they robbed a brinks truck and shot all three of the men

    I can't blame DA Boudin for what his family did. no one can. but the thing is, he was raised a radicalist and even worked for Hugo Chavez, Before law school, Boudin traveled to Venezuela and served as a translator in the administration of then-president Hugo Chávez.[16]

    He has an Interesting Family background
    He's related to Michael Boudine on the First Circuit
    His great-great-uncle, Louis B. Boudin,[12] was a Marxist theoretician and author of a two-volume history of the Supreme Court's influence on American government,
    and his grandfather Leonard Boudin was an attorney who represented controversial clients such as Fidel Castro and Paul Robeson.[13] Boudin is also related to Michael Boudin,[12] a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, and Isidor Feinstein Stone, an independent journalist.

    again, one can not accuse the son of their parents crimes. but he was brainwashed from childhood. it says he didn't even learn to read until age of 9. WTF?

    I like his stand on prison reform. reforming Drug Addicts and decriminalization. and I dont like how Trump has focused on Hispanics being deported over other groups. clearly racist towards hispanics.

    I would also support such a person who wants to arrest corrupt police for their crimes against the oaths they have taken. and there are plenty of corrupt police in the bay area. both east bay and SF area.

    but Its clear that he might be working with corruption instead of against it. he's publicizing a cherry pick on corruption from the opposing team and no doubt is hiding shit. or protecting criminals in his favor?

    the world is seriously fucked up. and these people will take away from the older corrupt in power and become the new corrupt of power. that is all I am seeing.
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung His nose looks good, it"s what you call a 'Roman Nose'. Both sides are symmetrical, the bridge descends nicely at about a 45 degree angle, which is aesthetically pleasing. It's not crooked or pointy in the slightest. Stick to ribbing him about living at home, because the nose thing is simply not valid. It doesn't even bother hiki, either, because he knows it's a baseless accusation. Poor trolling.

    this coming from the Official Online Racist. that was actually very tame of you to point out. maybe there is hope for you afterall.

    My only hate is towards False J'ews. the ones that claim their J'ewish and many run the state of israel which is a false Israel. they also own

    I broke down one room on there pointing out they're Mossad running a channel pretending to be Nazi. Not that I have a problem with that in itself but they're creating a watchlist for their own profiteering. They were friendly towards me and then they stopped talking to me on that channel saying "now that you know who we are, whats your point"

    everytime I went in the room, when they were all laughing and chatty, they all suddenly shut down and dont say shit. LOL

    I dont think I'll be going in there anymore. the one guy who likes to talk conspiracy in there shut down real fast when I said Mossad helped in 9/11 suddenly they tried to spin their bullshit on me. calling me the crazy conspiracy guy yet they're all in there showing Pro-Hitler love and 88/14 or 14/88 or whatever it is.

    it's all a big fucking game for the elitist. Not just false J'ews but False Christians, Wahabist Muslims and so on. they're all friends. Saudi Arabia and State of Israel should be natural enemies like Cats and Dogs. but instead they're allies and both started the War on Iraq using Americans to do their deed. while they're the fucking people who Attacked NYC and help fund the fucking American WUO group

    SUCK A FUCK! totse related
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Also there is some Lost tribe of Israel in India. though I dont think gypsies of Romania were jedis. yet Hitler hated them as well. Hitler had some deep issues.

    its also weird that people in India love Hitler but again, there is a lost tribe from India.

    I wonder if there is a lot of racism among the tribes in India. you never hear about these stories. just India and Pakistan butting heads.
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian But according to the image, a bump is not semite, only a hook is.

    the bump is the hook. I always thought the bump was the top bridge and the hook was the bottom septum area but it's strictly the top. the hook and bump apparently are the same. so the hook on arabs (which are semite as well) and Punjab people and some asia minor people or fare Eastern Asia (again Punjab but not India's true natives) have this feature.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Nil would the best way to measure be from say bottom of the lip to the furthest point or would it be more accurate to start between the eyes and follow the curve?

    lol I dont know, I think the Germans got out their little tools and were doing just that for german propaganda machine.
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Nil Maybe its just that it looks Huge, perhaps the aspect ratio, or lens resolution distorts his massive nose to ever greater proportions.

    Too settle this we should all just measure our noses, and maybe our dicks too while we're at it.

    this madness is tearing the community apart.

    HIKI^ Stop being childish and show a side profile of your fucking nose already.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    BTW as you can see, If you have a Nordic Indian style (which is Romanian and the Punjab people of India) you have a far greater Hook than a classic jedi Semite has. even Lebanese, syrian and Arabs have this physical trait of a more defined hook.

    I will try to look for the youtube video which shows J'ewish people dont have the most defined hook nose as some Slavic Europeans or middle eastern/asia minor have.

    not trying to defeat your racist funtime but its fact.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    I was trying to find the more scientific terms but this will do

    I have a Nordic/Roman style nose with a mild bump or semite hook.

    we need a sideview of Hiki's nose to get a proper diagnosis. clearly he wont do this for us which makes me thinkk he's enjoying the attention and doesn't want to end this attention getter by showing us whether he has a hook or bump "Semite" vs more of an Asian flat nose.

  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal PYRAMID JAW PYRAMID JAW

    Dat massive chin

    The kid on number 7 could easily be in a movie about leno when he was starting out in comedy but Leno's life is boring af and his cars should be sold off at auction for being so egotistical

    I kid

    Leno was funny on tv but I always felt David Letterman got fucked over by Johnny Carson. I was always watching Letterman. one of his last shows was about the guy who tried to blackmail him and he said "Fuck this" and went on air and told the world he had an affair and wasn't letting this punk blackmail him which was bold and the right thing to do.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Nets' img related

    hahaha, GOatse Danish

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