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Coyote Attacks in Cali

  1. #1
    Bugz Space Nigga
    The County I used to live in before moving here there has been three Coyote Attacks in the past few nights. they're so fucking timid. that is what makes them more dangerous when they attack. you wouldn't expect it.

    suddenly one just decides to charge at you. Fucking kick it square in the fucking throat or sternum if you can. grab that fucker by the fucking throat and body slam him like a WWF

    they're so ratty looking but once in a while you will see some well fed ones running a pack that look alot more like worlves than coyotes. there is plenty of food for them compared to the desert ones. so they're large enough but when they have pups the mothers will go hunting for bigger and easier game. Small pets like cats and dogs or even raccoons.

    Hiki, how would you protect yourself from three raging Coyotes coming at you, Buddy ?
  2. #2
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I saw a coyote trotting by the other night. Was as big as a wolf, with a thick, shaggy mane.
  3. #3
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I saw a coyote trotting by the other night. Was as big as a wolf, with a thick, shaggy mane.

    Umm sure it wasn't a wolf?
  4. #4
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I saw a coyote trotting by the other night. Was as big as a wolf, with a thick, shaggy mane.

    my friend out here told me to look out for fishers as he calls them, he says "u see a fucken fisher bud, you get some space betweeen you 2, a fisher will FUK you up bud"
  5. #5
    Bugz Space Nigga
    So, here is why I think it's a huge mistake to reintroduce Grizzlies and Wolves back into Northern California (as was mentioned, as well as the Desert Sierrahs closer to LA)

    Between 1890s and 1920s they had a program to wipe out the Grizzly bears and Wolves because the Bison had been wiped out by White Folks (dumb move but it was to push Native Americans into government tribal land)

    So when the bison went, the wolves started to attack people, their pets, their live stock and so did Wolves.

    this is why People like Jack Karouack went on his little adventure as did Jack London and so on. the wiping out of species was reason many of these books were written about traveling to Canada or Alaska to see the wild pushed out of the plane states and western US states.

    One of the bad things about reintroducing wildlife into Nor Cal, Yosemite, pushing more into Yellowstone is that we're suffering from Global Temps rising and killing off the glaciers and this means less water and less grass so now the bison are dying off again. this time by nature and not man. this means Grizzlies are running out of food.

    this happened this summer . its really bad timing for enviormentalist to push these animals into areas now occupied by large populations of people. There are 300 thousand people who live in places like Redding Ca now where maybe 40 thousand lived when they were existing in large numbers

  6. #6
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Imagine your teenager or 9 year old being tore apart like that. Because the fucking Environmentalist Extreemist want to reintroduce these into populated regions.

    fucking nuts. I love nature but this is a cycle and human greed mixing and Nature will thin things out and reboot. so one day, the Bears and Wolves will either be reintroduced, relocate naturally or die off.
  7. #7
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Bugz Umm sure it wasn't a wolf?

    Actually, it could have been. It was about twice the size of a standard coyote. It quickly walked right below my back window, looking side to side as it walked, and headed off toward a farmer's field.
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