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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra Martin Bryant was too retarded to have actually been responsible for that shooting

    I'm not even using 'retarded' as an insult, the guy obviously has a severe developmental disorder and didn't even really understand what he was being accused of.

    You're saying he might be innocent and a patsy? or just he did something he didnt know he did?
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost Hey it's a picture of me :D

    wtf? what
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    OP Stop harrassing us. stop callng Gigis number and hacking into my computers you fucking Mongolian polacki
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost cock nose admits he's a jedi disinfo agent and you will still all vote for Bill Krozby on a poll instead of this cock nose retard.

    Fuck this forum i'm leaving forever, fucking retards.

    Go make a forum with all your other commie bacon friends. Like SpectraL and Sudo

    Good luck with your future in a dystopian Canada over ran by psychotic immagrants who know they wont get into trouble for some of the worse offenses except maybe Murder. and even then.

    Shitting up their Host country and spitting on the locals. ENJOY THAT LITTLE IGGY POP
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    They called Ted Gunderson a crazy old man. they said the same about former officer Michael Ruppert who told an entire audience about the CIA pushing Cocaine in LA back in the 1980s with Rick Ross Freeway Rick.

    Everyone forgot about "Fast and Furious" happening in Texas with military style guns given to Mexican cartel members by the US government. Documented. but if you give it enough time, people forget it. The flood the legal system with shitloads of new and overwealming evidence that it delays investigators for years and basicly back burner.

    How did Ted Gunderson die. Well he was old and had bladder cancer. but then his own doctor said he showed signs of Arsenic poison.

    How did Michael Ruppert die? Well, He apparently #METOO a lady who worked at his radio station (colorado?) and she sued him for everything he had which was like 250k so he lost his radio show and lived in his crown vic. and someone called him and said "hey come to Wine country and I'll let you crash in my trailer" which was a nice streamline trailer. but ohh.. he took a gun and ended his life in the back of the head. twice. first one and then the jerk of a death grip shot him a second time.

    The exact same method for San Jose Mercury News Randy Weaver who also did the story on Rick Ross and CIA scandal and the Mena shit.

    whatever. double tapped himself in the back of the head. Is that a real thing? I suppose it could be but Im not a gun owner or expert.

    Mr Gunderson said the FBI was hand picking new recruits through people out of DC.
    Zok in my Foia got a last second update and said something something Of interest and please contact another agency that I guess archives files for the FBI when they close out a case or have no room for hard copies. and then set a time limit for me. But i was in a bad way with maxed out credit cards at the time. I was going to have to pay research. but it was about Zoklet.

    Oh, And nothing found on
    I find that laughable as fuck. Hell they have information files from somehow archived on or some Gov site search engine. pdf files regarding political or other topics used on the gov site regarding totse's catalog of information on just about every topic.

    Over and over, everyone and their Communist Che posters with his commie brim. Oh my, HOPE campaign. Beto O'Roarke the great Socialist. hell he might get better next time he runs in 2028.

    And people glorifying Weather Underground Organization and shit out of the banana republic. a bunch of fucking third generation hippy, hipster wannabes glorifying commie take over with Totse Army of Destruction and GOAT (God of all things) including GOATSE ANAL PLUNGE

    "That really toatse my goats". Bill Hader.

    What happen to the Insurance company that protected the Military DoD including Coast Guard up on 91st floor. who visited that just months prior and the fucking Israeli "Art Students" allowed to bail out and bail back to Israel and the GW Bridge.

    yeah yeah.. Im bantering. I'm reading about this shit and it plays out one after another. the DA Boudin is the cherry on that cake.

    I was looking up his mom and Said "Oh I wonder if she is related to the Boudin Bakery in San Francisco. well there seems to be no connection. but then this Boudin guy takes over Kamala Harris' old position.

    Obama Pardons friends of Boudins Parents and WUO members as did Clinton. Now Trump is abusing his pardoning powers so now it will be ping pong between the two parties that when their Man leaves office that president will Pardon SHITLOADS OF CRIMINALS on the way out

    My Unemployment deposit in the Government chosen bank of BoA was cleaned out. I thought if you rob a bank (which they did virtually from a bank card) that the FBI would get involved. they didn't call me back. the police said "Oh thats the next town over.. and again and richmond was spread too thinly to do a report. and I had to set up an appointment or some shit.

    YEAH tl;dr fucking try reading this shit.

    Jennifer Lawrence had her cell phone hacked and personal naked photos taken. The FBI was all over that shit. I mean she's pretty and famous and I guess that's Hollywood property so..?

    But I can go fuck off with what money I had left. I was lucky the Bank returned it.

    But I "killed 6 and seriouslly injured 6 others"
    look it up. happen the same week in the 70s that the 3 GNOME DNA researchers sued SFSU which SFSU eventually bought them a big green glass building named Genetech

    "Rock throwing Gang" not the 5 white kids with the same name who were charged for murder recently. no this was in the 70s. "You're lying to us, Our Lie Detetor says so"

    Oh but that was 43 years ago.. they're near perfect now.

    they raised these young folks denial of respecting the generation that proceeded them. blaming "boomers" for everything

    Dr Michael Aquino and Boys Town and The Presedio and Tunnels with Satanic Pentagrams and candles left inside. no doubt children murdered in ceremonies.

    San Francisco underground spring is the fountain of youth placed under the Army Armory on Mission which is an underground tunnel connecting to tunnels all over

    just like Big Trouble in Little China. based on the urban myths

    they created them in Seattle too. buried an entire town because of a natural disaster but its an extention to 200 hundred or more years of kidnapping children and enslaving women for sex trade.

    Hunter Biden hanging out where? With Who watching him naked smoking crack? no that was made up.

    Clinton Government House parties in Arkansas and Hilary hitting Secret Service and underage girls at cocaine parties with Bill while Hilary set them up like G-Max? MENA?? PLANE? "know how to work a camera" Banana republic. crash

    1988 was an interesting year. I hav been living in the now with you guys getting nowhere. I'm gonna 3D print me a plane and fly to the sun and never come back.

    Fuck off all of you. But FUCK YOU THE MOST
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy is a work in progress guys.
    Im coding more now.
    You can pre-register to this site by sending me an extra unsolicited mail in ballot with your requested username and password.

    why so you can start your former NIS user clique base and kick people. Don't be a fucking square and think you're Boss guy. Be mellow like Lanny and only kick douchbags like Finny when he likes to cluster fuck the threads with ick
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Nil thats quite the leap there, bud.

    i dont find most black women attractive, honestly….. native women>other dumb bitches. they're just crazy af tho. baseline.

    I do. I have dated some really beautiful and classy Women of color. very classy. You're judging Black Skin because of Ghetto chicks acting Ghetto'tey? which I find some of them funny and cute as well.

    anyways. I am attracted to lots of women. Yet I too don't like the way the world is today.
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by The Head Nigger In Charge Shut the fuck up.

    Oh, Look at Hollywood's Mr Hoity Toity.

    You clowns in Hollywood think you're so High and Mighty. Look at that Pedo Fag Kevin Spacey thinking he was like the clintons. never going down.

    Fucking devils. DEVIL
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Why would I be talking about you in my first top level reply of the thread you paranoid stoner

    Shut your lips, Fat man.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    And pretended to look the house over until everyone but the real estate agent leaves and just walk around knowing the agent is down stairs brushing over papers and use the Toilet because you had to crap really bad? I mean I know thats a scene in the film "I love you, Man" but it is things people do.

    They plugged up my toilet doing that. We came back to the house we were selling and it stunk like shit and the Real Estate Agent said some guy came in and used it. They Stick a paper over the toilet seat requesting viewers not use personal toilets.

    we had a guess toilet downstairs too. but they used the one in the master bedroom.

    Also I know this would not be professional

  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    You did this all wrong Zan.

    Everyone should have made accounts behind VPN and then another one. posted like you were blended in with them. embeded in with your Trojan Horse powers. be brought in. used the secondary puppet alts to blend in with them but not as much. a few disagreements lightly. then the third wave. blinding in a bit. and not do it on the same day by everyone. One here and One there. talk about shit of what its like to live (where your proxy is from)

    blend in. waited 3 weeks or so. Then use wave 3 first to post arguments against each other. like just start a massive online fight and then when they start silencing or kicking a few off then use wave 2 slowly to question why they did that and then at one specific moment you time everyone to smash them on shit they're wrong about. just wait for one thing and act triggered and everyone just humiliate the fucking Admin and Mods. just sync an attack of demoralizing the Admin and Mods until everyone of you is thrown off.

    I'v seen it before. I wont join in because I dont spam forums. but I know this is the way it should of been done. they're already suspicious of you guys. you have created a wall for any new members for probably several years.

    tl;dr? you're all lazy cunts who offend me by not taking the time to read how much heart I tried to put into this post with the best articulative way I could possibly do.

    Who are you to judge me?
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

    Lanny please ban his account so his ghost doesn't come back to haunt us.

    Me or Living?

    All Pedos (if serious and not trolling that weird shit) should be dropped in a hole in the arctic somewhere and flash frozen until there is a cure for their sickness.
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Yes I know John Candy was a Canuck. but they're an exception.
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    RIP John Candy :(

    Brilliant SCTV member. Which TORONTO STOLE FROM CHICAGO

    Go eat waffles or something. Maple Flag AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHA A Fucking Leaf? WTF
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost take psychedelics and take the pyramid journey to free your soul from all desire

    Man I hate you fucking Canadians. everything about you is bizarre as fuck. I just watched Videodrome and fuck. kind of like uhh Naked Lunch?

    You fucking ripped off American Beat Poet an writer William Seward Burrough who wrote Naked Lunch in San Francisco North Beach in the 50-60s.

    and you're all mongaloidal looking fucks. and you believe in sucking off the teet of the system.

    David Cronenberg corrupted and bastardize a classic film "The Fly" with Vinent Price in the original and that got damn Apartment Dot Com weirdo who murdered Charles Bronsons wife and got away with it.

    I bet David Cronenberg and Lorne Michaels and all the other fraternity types who came to America to work for the agenda G0dz of FollyWood

    False Faux Athiest decendents of David pshhhhhh

    Oh sure they'll call me an Anti-Semite but they are. How can you be a J'ew if you're an atheist. If you're an atheist then you don't believe in Shem. you're not a Semite then.

    Make your stupid films in British Columbia and pretend you're filming in the North Western part of the US.


  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by RIPtotse I spent over 4 years living on the street shooting fent and h all day everyday..what u need is a jail sentence or go to a rehab for a bit..6 months to a year..i know that during my active addiction I would have told u to fuck off if u even mentioned rehab or anything so I get it.u need to be grateful that your not physically addicted to something and only mentally..imho do a transporting style detox except with ur im assuming just sleep for days? that's what all my meth head cellys did ive only dont meth like 3 times so idk fr

    anyway ur young man, and i didn't stop shooting dope everyday all day until I was 28..spent 15/16 until now physically addicted to opiates with no clean time..

    I'm not perfect tho..evdn though I spent a year locked up I still fucked up when I got out. the difference is I recognized the problem and sought treatment( methadone) before I went totally down the tube, im not losing a 37 dollar an hr job. not this time.

    it just takes a while to grow up basically…if I wasn't as mature as I am now I would've str8 fumbled everything when I got out of jail…now I have my house I own, a car, a beautiful fiance, and basically anything I really want.

    what I am saying is nothing is permanent and your life will change. suicide solves nothing man. my best friend hung himself withdrawing from fent and meth. didnt solve anything, now his family doesn't have a son and his daughter doesn't have a father. suicide causes more pain and solves no problems. there is still hope if you are still alive, when you die its over no hope.

    ur a fucking weirdo livingelegy and i dont particularly like you but i dont ever want to see someone die like that. your worth saving bro

    pm me and ill help u get ur stupid id man

    Is your name a threat to me?
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mashlehash miz.dur~TWANNY.THR33

    Do you need a hug, you crazy fuck.

    Happy Birthday, Kwanzza and 8 Days of crappy gifts Chaunnika

    the oil lasted 8 days. faith brings miracles. Release the doccier Glow Worm
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo can you not tell that article is fake news? What's your IQ?

    it's happen before. i got sick from the thought of what he did and didn't read the entire thing. It seemed straight forward.

    nothing really shocks me anymore.

    Stop yelling at me Got damn it
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by livingelegy If this really happened do u really think it would get past every major news network?

    I hardly watch TV or log into news sites anymore. I sometimes go on a local stattion website called Kron or KTVU but I figured maybe I missed it. Plus it was posted recently and I figured the Covid19 has pushed it down the page

    Stop yelling at me. FuCK IS WRONG WITH YOU Livingelegy
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Another shitty Government Shutdown.

    Checks will be late for ever and ever
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