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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Dregs i've MIGHT have eaten a baby judt come from the womb. think it was my kid too or one of my bros. any ways babies eaten will make America great again. You just have to decide on dry rubbing it or BBQ sauce over many a hour. I prefer bold and spicy or sweet and sour. The rest of you that disagree I will cook yo mommies and daddies for breakfast. Oh shit has gottn that personal

    Oh Bugz my PEOPLE KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO THEM…you're wildly and viciously fucked.

    Listen asshole. I'm not playing your fucking bullshit.

    Johnny go eat a fucking Goatse Danish.
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    this is very depressing

    cheerful music.

    Sorry couldn't find any.

    Bird are sensitive to knowing when a grid surge is about to happen

  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    What in the fuck are you guys talking about?

    what babies?
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    I just remembered this.

    Jeff Hunter said "Stop talking about totse dialup. Does it make you cool?"

    now that I think of it. Yeah, he's kind of a contradictive asshole and snob.

    Studies TM and Full Transparency with James Comey and Ray Daleo and the rest of the Bridgewater Associate Billionair Cult
    Reminds me of that movie The Master

    not really
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Please stop sharing my trade secrets.

    Screw you. You're just like Totsean. some Paki kid living in the Filipine Island or Hawaii by now claiming all knowledge.

    what 4 years of spotlight?
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Well you derailed topic

    Trippen the Rift is what it was called

  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood ReBoot is an old show from the early 2000's or 90's, I watched it when I was a kid.

    I think it was made in Canada or some shit, it was really janky but cool. We had some weird fucking cartoons in this country

    Yeah, I think I saw this before on youtube. I mixed it up. I wish I could remember the other one. it takes place in a Space craft. the lady looks kinda like this (memory fail most likely) and a gummy candy looking alien and a robot. been a long time ago.

    you missed the point of Sultan. fuck off scron. stop being a deflector of facts
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    lets see.

    Silverstein was in State of Israel and while in SoI he was speaking before an Audience in SoI and mentioned (this was in 2000 before 9/11) he was going to replace WTC7.

    I mean the building was built in 1986. Who in the fuck tears down a 13-14 year old highrise like that. It is very similar to the Bank of America Building in San Francisco. 48 stories high (BofA building is which oddly Im told is a Trump Tower right now.. he pitched in. I think its AT&T now)

    one of the tallest buildings in San Francisco which is dwarfed in NYC suddenly fell. It would of been huge news for years.

    But it was never mentioned in the official report. WTF?
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    FUCK Stop derailing my thread. This isn't play time anymore.

    Im living in hell. i feel like I have walking Pneumonia now I cant cough this shit out of my bronchial area.

    RC Planes clearly had advanced from 1984 to 2001

    perfect corkscrew right into the Pentagon on the one area not Kevlar'd and were the only other copies of the 2.3 Billion DoD funding gone missing (source: Rumsfeld September 10th 2001 speech regarding it gone missing) and I think Enron shit or whatever.

    Actualy that was the main server and Building 7 I read was the only other server. Cloud Servers weren't largely available yet.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    maybe thats not it scron. The one I was thinking looked like that female character but it takes place in Space and was on the Cartoon Network for a while. Maybe Adult Swim. the aliens and the hot woman. 3D


    that was probably 15 or more years ago now
  11. Bugz Space Nigga

    I met the original creator of this online. I made the mistakes of asking if it was cheating to use a premade poser model to tweek and reshape to speed modeling up.

    I think what was conveyed was something like "I dont know if its cheating but it's lazy af"

    got bood out of several of the forums after that.
    fuck everyone
    I like working in a way I can save time for more creative script writing for animation. then I burned out on the thought of doing animation.

  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    God forgive me and all for mocking the captains and crew and passengers like that. the sarcasm was of anger.

    im gonna recreate 9/11 with 3D printed shit or with the software itself.
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    at least during 9/11, the Shoulder Harnest kept the Captain and his flight crew from going through the windshield.

    because the Windshield went through him instead. all 3 times plus Cheney lies for 10 years then admits he shot down flight 93 which was headed for San Francisco. Then says he did.

    20 years later, kicking it on his massive property somewhere near Montana or some shit. on a boat. with his wife and his one Secret Service agent having to listen to that fucking Penguin with his fishing line all tangled up and the Mrs cheney telling him about his 8th heart he stole from a young person on the waiting list who ended up dying

    fucking guy lived on an artifiial heart for 2 years while most people die in a week? I dont know if that part is true but something something Penguin gripe and the Secret Service agents begging for reasignments.

    SHUT UP you fucking treasonist cunts.
  14. Bugz Space Nigga


    Those who paid for 9.11 and we should crush them and take their oil as spoils of war.

    pussies. kissing that mother fucker knowing his relative black sheeped Osama and cut checks to 'terrorist' while not being able to learn how to fly a plane out by Lanny

    they were from San Diego? heard or read something about one of them taking classes at Berkeley. would it matter if I could time travel and accident him whatever that word means?

    non of them ever flew the planes into the buildings? what does BUAP mean?

  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood you can't see the forum it's set to secret you gotta be high IQ and use incogneato mode to view

    fuck that site. Is lanny shutting this down?

    What are you guys doing. I knew you were something more than just a bunch of fuckers from Zoklet.

    Go Betweens or Triangalism (What ever that means) Cult members.

    no doubt. The Revolution with The Totse Army of Destruction and something something purple penguins. Which im told is now the name of a Pedo group fucking with Chris Hanson. he was talking about them. I just cringed so bad know who started that shit up

    I just figured you guys thought it was funny triggering with the pedo shit. at least most of you. with some of the real ones goggling it up and finding their kind.

    I think it's weird knowing the modern day Silk Road Dark Web shit.. is the name new name of what Cafe Italiano was changed to.

    maybe it means nothing but sometimes hiding shit right in front of everyone as some ancient roman/green/mediterranean menu?

    I was over there video taping shit to make a little vine and not so much documentary but just associate the shit where I first came to a social event. after that it was mostly Parks and Todo Santos and shit.

    I was even video taping the AT&T building where I still believe &T has some connection to. and a security guard thought I was casing the building out. Just in time for the Nashville event.

    Yeah.. haha Come knock on my door. We'll have lots to catch up on.

  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jesus is king Btw bugz I'll read your huge reply latter

    I'm doing some stuffs atm

    Do what you want. Ill push your spine in for you if you like.

    Keep asking me to do so. I got my real ID. I Can come visit you and CRACK your back if you like.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    they take the issues of Freedoms and their Rights to bear arms and freedom to express themselves very seriously down in the south. it used to be pretty much the entire US but California is becoming a giant pie, being sold in thinnly cut pieces to anyone with money around the world.

    A lot of countries dont allow foriegners to purchase property or business

    What the fuck USA? this should have been regulated better. it would be better if everyones property was worth less to stop pricing out home ownership and renting. or should have made sure every American had a house or Apartment to live in . before allowing an open global market to come in and buy in. then when homeless goes up, they shut it down and dont allow outsiders to buy land or real estate.

    work out the bugs, I dont give a fuck. California isn't America anymore. and the fuckers running this place into the ground would love to break off from the USA.
    And I bet Biden will allow Texas and California to succeed from the USA. the trend might break the country into 4 or 5 nations. it would be easier to govern. we've become way to big to Govern properly. California wants to succeed and then split into 3 Statehoods for the Nation it becomes. California Nation of Republic?
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood you're a racist and a bigot that thinks it's cool how people like cock nose work for the government and fuck with mentally ill people like you

    Yeah there is a new forum it's

    to see it go in incognegro mode or clear your enchanted cookies, secret forum for real pipe hitting jeff hunter did 9/11 motherfuckers, motherfucker.

    what? is this scron or hts or who the fuck is this? only demons try and confuse people
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Set off an RV bomb downtown, there has been a few copycats and if someone does this again people are going to freak the fuck out.

    who are you? Ghost?
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Solstice You and your people are the true scourge upon this country and your kind is not wanted nor needed anymore. Your four years in the spotlight are over. Now tuck your tail between your legs and sulk home like the sore losers you are. You failed. You lost.

    4 years in the spotlight?
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