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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by 🐿 Well I never thought it was a hoax ya twat.

    That's hawt you talking like that. send me personal PMs of photos
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Technologist Sure was, Kyle is not a cop.

    He wasn't. he was a Jr Officer Trainee.

    and even a Probie Volunteer Fire Fighter

    and a Junior Lifeguard.

    He probably would of been a good kid. but the weird thing is that fight. he got beat up by a girl? or was that someone else I'm confusing him with.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    So how come When I bring up the Leftist Racidalist that Totse memebers were from Dialup Days to the early years of in bragging about family members being apart of WUO and knowing people Church of Satan's Anton Levay and SET members. and all kinds of love for communist leader Che

    but now you guys are shittalking Leftist here.

    Totse was a radical to the left. Not sure what Zoklet was. very strange
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Crossing the Deleware that year happened on a warm day. most of the 1700s was warmer climate while the 1800s had a much colder one. Many Volcanos erupted in the 1800s, lots of Siesmic Activities on the Circle of Fire Fault zones. but the 1700s was said to have been a mild year, year round.

    So what if our Forefathers were mainly guys just talking up politics but then drank a lot. had crazy parties. maybe indulged in hallucinogens and people like Ben Franklin just like fucking with Lightening and science shit more for a learning rush than writing serious documentations on it.

    What if it was more like the 1978 movie Animal House but not a college Fraternity just a Party every weekend. at least until the Revolutionary war, where they didn't fight every day. they had women and booze and joked about shit.
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    I saw DA on Slash posting in 2018 in search

    this is from TOTSE/ARCHIVE on Wikipedia

    from the user name Digital Avatar

    "That would require Jeff to actually give a shit about what happens on his board. He never has, and he never will. That's why TOTSE went to shit back when it was a dial-up board -- Jeff just didn't give a damn what happened on his board. It was just a place for him to hang out 'whenever', and he expected it to magically run itself. That only worked when there was a community of users who wanted to be there, and who were capable of shouting down idiots when they showed up. Once TOTSE got 4 nodes, then 8, and then NirvanaNet moved beyond the SF Bay Area and became a nation-wide network, the number of clueless fucks multiplied out of control. The signal-to-noise ratio became unacceptable, and the good folk left, which made the SNR worse, accelerating their departure. The classic flood/flamewar by Greenspam in its last few weeks exemplify everything that's wrong with that attitude. Ultimately, TOTSE will probably collapse again after Jeff realizes it will never be 'cool', most people have never heard of it (or him), it's not making any appreciable amount of money, and it's more trouble than it's worth. Until then, enjoy the downward spiral.-- Digital Avatar 05:28, 20 December 2005 (UTC)"
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo OP was literally never on Totse

    I started Telnet dialing in back in 1992-93. just 3 years into its existance. but There was some experimentation with RIPTERMinal

    Rip Term was a lot more exciting and made the BBS a more colorful experience. TOTSE dialup never got into it. so I stayed away for a bit and came back. then was a regular for years before getting kicked off

    Go look up Digital Avatar issues with me (Greenspam) which wasn't my first fucking name on there. I had a couple others
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by nychris22 Can I join the new Totse web forum? Also, Fuck Robert Mugabe, Spectral is kinda cool, outdated and prehistoric in a nostalgic sense.

    It's said he likes to stick straws in his pee hole
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Shut up you fat faggot

    You smell twice as bad as you did at your worse.

    You're going no where in life. Loser.

    die boyish whore
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra no officer

    Because I said I wanted to play the part of a racist cop in a movie about San Francisco History?
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    I'm waiting for Z-Chan Killings movie to have auditions. I wanted to play a Cop in that movie. They Green-lit it and pulled out last minute back in 2017 from what I read.

    Jamie Foxx was going to play a lead roll protagonist (I think a black cop) in San Francisco during the early 70s around the time of the Zodiac but it turned out to be a different group.

    I was hoping to get to play one of the racist cops they were trying to make it into. not sure it was racist though. but some cops probably were
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Jan 20th is 9 days away. fuck.. stock up

    DO IT
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby youre butt hurt about phillip k dick, the butt hurt never ends in space. I have a lot of stories and I've never had a wyfe or multitple daughters, at least not that I know of.

    Go sit sit down with your flagrant lies about me and If you don't stop I'll do the worst thing possible to you peedy.

    Give me teh AIDS?

    Still. .doesn't matter, little man. Your generation sucked. and Mine was Awesome
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    N O W W H A T

  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    There seems to be a threat of a Million Man March on Jan20 on all 50 state Capitals over that of showing up in DC.

    now what?
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    I mean.. don't break laws if they exist but are you grabbing extra bottle water or filtration systems or canned foods? I still have those 30 year meals but the fucking vacuu-seal didn't work right. air got in. I don't think it matters because the food is freeze dried but I should go to a store and stock up some protein and snacks.

    maybe some bottle water
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Uh oh looks like peedy is mad again making up flagrant lies! Im shaking in my boots.

    Ill mind my own business when you mind your own and quit posting here.

    Go sit down

    Ahh You sound scared. I'm sorry Kr0z. it's cute when you play tough though. keep on the keeping on.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    i havn't tried toying with Python except one full day. I made something like Snake (the old flip phone game from early 2k)

    it made it move but at first it occupies a space without exploding. then it teaches you how it blocks each other to move

    i forgot what the hell Im saying. i have a visual memory. just slight. something like that. there is a name for when objects have to stop when they hit another 3D object (or 2D scroll type)
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    This whole website and all the users (which I guess is me) will be blanketed blamed as a radicalist group. which is because Government Agency's have the power to arrest and haul off no questions asked. Why? Because the nearly 20 year old Patriot Act is still a thing.

    That law needs to be printed in in triplet and shoved up G Walker Bush's ass. fuck him and fuck it.
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by blaster master Better to lose an election than lose ur erection as George Herbert Walker Bush always said.

    i think u made that up

    in Chris Griffin voice.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra he's the schizophrenia benchmark that other schizos like DTE are measured against

    is she some kind of physicist or studying quantum programming or design?
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