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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat aso you are a hypocryte as well Bugs? You find it no problem if gadzooks fuks an 18 yr old only because you said its legal but in other states and most countries 16 is legal but for eome rewosn you have a hard on if i was rucking 16 yr olds once in a while hard while calling them bitches and kinky sluts? thats called being q hypocryte because your original response was the legality argument which you adressed wuickly then went on some wild rant going off tangent.

    I wouldn't call me a Hypocrite. that's not the proper term here. and we're busting on you for going back to your '14 year old" rant. That's sick. Fucking SICK!

    yeah, I guess in Canada you can marry or have sex with a 16 year old? (or do they have a 4-5 age dif rule?)

    but mentally she would be annoying for most 30 year old guys. and you're a violent sex offender. So I would imagine her father would make you go missing somewhere.

    stop trying to split hairs on the rules of engagement here.
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Yeah I just found it funny. it's just so messed up and stereotypical of Incest of whites folx.

    but stepmom, Showing dad who the new A^lpha is in the family. Make that mother fucker cry.

    I dont have any sons so I can say that.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    I don't really hate him. I hate shit he has did. the wall (though honestly Obama did the same thing) and cringy shit he says.

    sometimes its so bad it's funny.

    The one thing I absolutly hate that he is talking about is removing Social Security Benefits. or entirely.

    Do that with Section 8. what the hell.. people like me coming up in 10 years and paying what like 2-5% from each paycheck. It's not a tax. I'm paying for the seniors now and when I hit 65 the 20-40 year olds pay for my gen. No? Whaaaaaaaa???
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Number13 Kike is the most accurate word for the average jedi
    You don't get expelled so many times for being good people

    Yet those were just people in the day (J'ews) who weren't like because Racism was in fact heavily practiced. Polish were hated. J'ew and Non J'ew Polish.

    Irish Need not apply. and when the non Christian Polish moved into an area, they were often hassled. but that was just because everyone hated everyone else if suddenly a group moves in.

    But Russian Athiest J'ews (How this came about is??) formed the communist movement in 1917. The Movement was their new religion. they were chosen to move to State of Israel First is my guess. But there were already J'ews of other sects living there. getting along with Palestinian Christians and Muslim, for the most part. scrap here or tension there.

    1947-48 comes along.
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by trippymindfuk Well that makes sense I guess…good thing I've tainted all my "spare parts" with decades of heavy drug use. With the hep and who knows whatever other contagions are lurking in my body I assume I have no organs worth anything as far as black market organ trade…

    Did I flatten the curve???

    You missed the target but not by much I guess.

    I just meant, there are working class J'ewish people who truly practice the religion and have said "State of Israel is not Israel" and even many state they live in occupied Palestine. its not that they're rejecting an Israel. they're rejecting the force occupation that was supposed to be a small state for J'ewish people to live in. now it's become "ISRAEL"

    and they are playing this reference of anyone who protest against is an Anti-Semite. such horse shit. and like I said for any country running out of land. Build up and not out!
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Preety much peedy, we're all ooooone big melting pot! We're all in this together fam!

    Europeans be hella Jealous n shit.
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Data Mining.
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by stl1 Damn. Get back on your meds. Please!


    There is a hell of a lot more shit involved too. I suppose you're OK with Collateral Damage to US citizens?
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby That justin long dough is one pretty funny hoser

    I liked when he got a monkey wrench thrown at his face in dodge ball haha

    My kids would tell me the boy down the street from us way back in the early 2k would cry when playing dodgeball. he couldn't catch or get out of the way. kids then went brutal as fuck on him.

    I've been hit with harder things than wrenches to the head. but there is nothing funny about a wrench kissing your skull Bill Krozby. well maybe yours.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Its Friday night. I might find it and run it on my google stick connected to our projector.

    I wish I could mount the 100 inch screen they gave us with it. but I have it on a chromakey screen pole. its like watching a drive in movie quality but still fun.
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat yes, it started as pixel art.

    You didn't draw a castle and a knight and then use Jpg to ANSI/ACSII and screen cap it did you? like the photo online ap that turns the photo into digits?

    that's kind of cheating but not really.. its a enhancement of sort. but whatever.
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by gadzooks Just say that you are mixed race, and if they ask for proof, accuse them of hegemonic microaggressions and psychosocial gaslighting.

    my doctor said "You're 1 shade above Albino" and I have greyish blonde hair and blue eyes. the truth is there is truth to this. I'm not 100 percent white. some native American and whatever.

    but then again, it's America. Who doesn't?
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood schizophrenia is a hell of a drug

    You want to battle me, Pal?

    come to California and say that to my face tough guy.
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    their "Facts" are faulty.

    they scrubbed a potential, virtual crime scene of sort. evidence of 9/11/01 and the manifesto posted on totse (and no doubt mirrored on other sites of NirvanaNet and possibly Cult of Dead Cow aka CDC BBS out of Texas.)
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I chose this location because people here don't put up with nonsense


    sounds like Paradise. you're close to Vegas too?
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker The left loves labels because they divide people.

    I agree.. but its weird how you have to remember at the same time they're screaming at white males for even trying to Label in the first place but Middle Age Whitey Male (me) needs to up and die and everyone else (including white women) get to go on.

    First they bitched about boomers living to long and not leaving the planet so they can buy a house and now, even though I grew up with friends of all ethnicities and gave little shits in the day .. I'm suddenly apart of the "Whitey Rednecks Clan"

    I said this before and I'll say it again. I've hated people equally my whole life. regardless of race, I'll find a reason I dislike your asses. but love usually comes with the package.

    Why the fuck is Oregon so got damn expensive now? it's hell of expensive.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Solstice My dad abandoned me which means he must be black and my mom is white so I know all about mixed race

    Cly is that you?

    I wish I was half black, I could play on emotions both ways. is that Politically incorrect of me? Tuff-Shid Sardonic all the way.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kev Hapa? what is that?

    I think it's Japanese for half.

    and like Amerasian for Vietnam.

    He's quarter. He's just an American Mutt. like the rest of us. Half is one thing, but a quarter or less is just "Welcome to being an American"

    Get over it IIE (why did you change your name?)
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by gadzooks I'm mostly being glib.

    I actually do agree with you that too much of an age discrepancy can lead to compatibility issues, and maybe even present certain ethical issues regarding possible manipulation or other power imbalances.

    But trying to strictly formulize it is where I take issue. Half your age plus X will always mean that X is arbitrary and therefore an essentially useless constant.

    No, they're saying its best not to go under that age. I mean once you hit 30 there is some room for adjusting.

    but its stricter on the younger kids and their vibe. like under 20 or so.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by gadzooks Ok I am now on a mission to snag me up a Yoga expert.

    I've never seen so many "come hither and penetrate me" positions in my life.

    Whaaa? You never picked this up at the local library or book store and just grazed through it?

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