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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by gadzooks I just turned 36.

    That means half my age is 18.

    Legal as fuck.

    Thats legal. I wouldn't' the mental issues of dating someone that young. not knowing half the shit you're talking about. but whatever.
  2. Bugz Space Nigga

    Bing, google or duckduckgo "Age disparity in sexual relationships - Wikipedia"

    Age Disparity is the key words here. key reference. It is a real mind fuck on a 13-14 year old to team up with your old ass. They can't mentally process this during a very delicate time period in their life. they might become abusive, prostitute and do drugs later on. you might groom them for some Pimp to sell them later on. they may run away. Hopefully they will go get a sample of your DNA (god forbid you ever) and that will be that for you.

    But I'd rather it not happen. I thought you were doing good and sticking with the MILF and art life. go meet an Art dealer and bang on that and maybe she'll make you look "Special" in the art world.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by gadzooks I stopped reading there because it felt like a good time to stop.

    A good rule of thumb, I must say.

    10/10. Will follow.

    What the goddamn hell.. §m£ÂgØL? or is that Mexican. Stop trolling on a serious topic.


    dude, Don't come back to California. Stay in Poland or Germany. I really thought you were a troll until someone posted your mug-PI

    you're a danger to our state. you seem to have a unlimited amount of travel money. like your Mom gave you a Carte Blanc Visa and you think this also reflects you life and the rules. Is your Mother Rich? Is your real Dad with her? What does your Mom do? She a Doctor or Tech Startup Guru or a Gold digger or what?

    How did you become like this? in your replies it sounds to me like you're Jonezing on your early teen years.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Luigi be glowwiggan
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I live in it and we don't have meth heads in the countryside

    That's usually where a lot of them live. I have been looking in Nor Cali (Yes you can find fixure uppers for under 100k still in good foundation condition) as well as Nevada and Arizona and Utah (So far) and most of these homes are trashed by meth heads. Hell they live in the country, the desert, the suburbs, big cities, in parks. you name it.

    Slab city was a huge disaster for Eastern LA (or San Bernadu?) they call it that because they laid the concrete slabs and tension cables and all the sewer and mainlines set in. and then bailed. these slabs have become home for huge Bohemian types who love to do poor man's cocaine.. aka Meth.

    its a CIA safehouse and Luigi tried to trick me into going there and being a Boho Mania with him.
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    By the way, it was adjusted to 8 in the US. but after 21 years of age I guess it applies at half and 7.

    So stop arguing with us. You're both arguing against a wide accepted rule for decades
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Max O’Rell

    Half your age plus seven is an unofficial rule of romance often credited to French author Max O’Rell (Léon Paul Blouet) in his 1901 love manual with the incredibly romantic title of Her Royal Highness Woman and His Majesty Cupid. In it, Blouet’s mathematical formula applied to the ideal age of a bride as half the groom’s age plus seven years.

    Over the 1900s, half your age plus seven became a popular dating rule for sexual partners, not just marriage partners—but don’t miss it’s gendered undertones, as the age being halved is almost always the man’s. The French entertainer Maurice Chevalier referenced half your age plus seven in an interview with Detroit News in 1931. By 1951, the American play The Moon is Blue and the 1953 film based on it both mention half your age plus seven.

    The rule was so well-known by the 1950s that even Malcolm X is quoted as being a staunch believer in half your age plus seven.

    Many decades later, the rule remains widespread. In 2007, the poplar webcomic XKCD referenced the rule, though brilliantly recast it as the “Standard Creepiness Rule.”
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    seems someone is leaking or has the heads up on whats coming.

    prepare because it's still around. someone at archive left a few lose ends and contradict their version of "What is fact"
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    people decades ahead made the real money.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Just the twin towers in the opening scene after John Goodmans part. Showing the WTC.. just for the visual. and that this movie was made in 2000. it's 20 years old now.

    But I digress. as technology was being created by the architect and designers of all of these tech components, people were getting in and demanding for them to push faster to make more reliable processing power from graphic cards to CPU and more mem to store or some new concept.. as this was happening people had plans decades out. everyone else rode along as it in completion with delays on how to profit or utilize it in their lives, the others were looking how to exploit it decades ago.
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    the entire thread is a word spin
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by gadzooks Thanked, because I know you mean well…

    But church…?

    Of all the places to find a broad…

    Then again, you might be on to something…

    Get me a God-fearing Christian type and just live within our own little world… Start attending mass on Sundays and participating in bake sales to spread the word of Christ…

    I could almost get behind that kind of life.

    its not meant to be mockery. they have potluck and everyone brings comfort food but there is always 2 or 3 people that bring weird jello salad-molds with things in it

    Jesus is Sweet
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    iphonez are for uppity hipster queers
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    i dont think theyre legal in cali but you can sport a 2 foot lockblade if you could hold it up and have a belt sheath to put it in on your side.

    muslim knife?
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    yoga-hoser is his film i guess
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    who the fuk is this palbo

    is this a corona virus hoser-promo

    coronavirus choronovisor

    there is a hidden lightwave spectrum that mirrors light but instead of 180,000 miles a second it move slower than time and allowing us to witness the choronovisor which the simular sounding homophone is a shell game of covid19 to keep us sheltered while the elitist test out their choronovisor.

    so if someone hears about choronovisor, theyre told theyre skitzo and they must of overheard coronavirus.

    you dig, my man?

  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    trippy, there is no Isreal. these are practicing or non practicing groups in state of isreal with the only intention is to control.

    just hearing "israel attacked" by the narrator at the start is a setup to look as if the goto "anti- semitic" will look legit. its a race card setup.

    those elected into power have a history of corruption and sacraficing humans to become collateral damage

    like our own WMD is reason for war in Iraq. nothing to do with suddam.

    those who have th collective wealth will educate family members to run the engine.

    the rest of us are spare parts.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    last post regarding..

    Originally posted by trippymindfuk

    In this video by Chapter 3, They show practicing jedis after they talked about the attack on USS Liberty and they say "J'ews" created this criminal organization. Not J'ew by culture, Elitist walking around in a suit/Politician of State of Israel"

    a few guys up in power in the State of Israel (Nothing to do with J'ews real Isreal which never came into existance) over and over I tell people to stop blaming the religous J'ews and beware of "Hey, I'm J'ewish but I am an Athiest and I'm only Culturally J'ewish" . now it's a crude generalization to blame everyone who says this. but HOW can you inherit the holy land if you don't believe in God? (OK I did it without the adopted G-d to not offend some practicing J'ews which I feel should be practice because God is sacred. I didn't make up this rule.

    But I Digress. this video is using the easy rout to accuse all J'ews either practicing, atheist or people who have converted etc. What kind of Hit'ler'esque fuckery is this? Blanketed. "All blacks are animals" This is so redneckish. blaming someone of ethnicity for everything. "Evryone of them must go". Holy Shit. yes I believe there is a game and abuse to falsely use the so called "Racist Card" to call everyone Anti-Semitic when it comes to corpote minded "J'ewish by culture but not practicing" to run the state of Israel. it will never be Israel if things keep going like this. If you don't believe in the creator God, you're not inheriting the land of Israel. because it is RELIGIOUS BASED!

    And these people want to simplify their anger that State of Israel bombed the shit out of the USS Liberty. If Linden B Johnson pulled back rescue jets, then he's a fucking treasonous piece of shit. too bad he's dead. but he was working as a corporate elitist along with the leaders (or some leaders if not everyone in charge) to do this to push an agenda. most likely "Next stop Vietnam" this is such childish thinking. Sorry but you have to carefully dig into the soiled filthy lies and gently remove them from entangled truths. its not Easy. and we know it happened. they worked together.
    it's spinning gears of forged facts of inaccuracy by placing everyone in the kill list and let the Sacred Lord Sort things out.

    And the religous zelous (meaning they have some off track version of Christ. those Christians started the movement of Zionist for the J'ews. yet at the end of WWII, when J'ews, Muslims and Chrisitans have very few incidence of fighting in Palestine the Zionist movement worked with J'ews prisoned by that fucker Hi'tler but many where Athiest Communist J'ews from Russian and Poland. They're J'ews by culture. many may have got religious when placed in a small enviorment and fed very little by the Nazis yet when they got out, they accepted the State of Israel aid by the UN and backed by America and England? and of course, over time, corruption sets in. Politicians always abuse their fucking powers. and some assholes wanted to make Egypt look guilty and thought it would of been an easy sink on an American Vessel the USS Liberty. but it wasn't that thing wasn't sinking. I believe leaders of the State of Israel did do this. but many J'ewish people would of shook their heads and said this is wrong. WHY WOULD YOU ATTACK YOUR CLOSEST ALLY?

    you clearly will say its the elitist Agenda. DUH! Christian, jedis, Muslims, Gnostic, maybe Buddhist" but they all are apart of a much deeper secret society and the Arms Race and the MIC not just of America but the world makes shitloads of money.

    Poor people fight these wars for their country but are ran by treasonous scum bags. they killed Kennedy because he wanted to stop groups like Skull and bones and Masons (which I don't think most are bad at all.. very helpful yet always the person at the top) or any other groups

    this feels like a shell game of people writing books to make money. just like assholes who write UFO books or started UFO cults like the Heavens Gate, but that guy was dying of cancer and wanted everyone else to die with him. I mean wtf
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Some religions get offended .. i just adopted it. The lord and creator of all is sacred.

    Jesus you can spell out to Christians because were expected to.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    ps..mid 30s

    go to church, find a nice cutie to settle down with

    ball n chain thuggery
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