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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    I used to drive through this town I lived in. every mile or so on this one road had like 5 areas with flowers. that many people died in one year on the same effen road. people often leave it up and keep bringing flowers to remind people as well. the traffic signs dont do shit. but seeing a stack of flowers on the ground or ties to a tree/pole will work more effectivly.

    Now, people place these White Bikes at the scene if its Bike related.

    and it's 10 times harder on the heart strings to see children's teddy bears and a white tricickle
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    If you live in a place like Ireland or England, it seems it's a sin to say You're giving up drinking" because it's so woven into their culture. how about, stop drinking so fucking much every weekend and just have a few with the guys at the pub and if you get hammered here or there then It's just moderation of drunkeness. it's not an every fucking day situation. its not even an every weekend thing.

    I think if you're in your college years, its to be expected that you studied hard all week, time to go blitz on the weekend with the ladies (or whatever your kick is)

    but once you're 30. it's time to cut it back a bit.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Independent means no party. As soon as you make it a party and join it you are no longer independent.

    In true definition that might be correct but I was trying to label it as a third choice
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Lol I had no idea but just googled it for

    ASDA stands for Associated Dairies. The company was founded in 1949 when the supermarket-owning Asquith family merged with the Associated Dairies company of Yorkshire. It expanded into the south of England during the 1970s and 1980s.24 Oct 2018

    It's good to know these things. You could spark it up with a lady at a ASDA store while she's looking at a can of ASDA brand Cream Corn.. and then ask for her number and then bap that ass while she's yelling Ohhhh tell me more about ASDA cream corn
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cigreting

    Watched this like 5 times with my girlfriend. couldn't stop laughing.

    there are people like this out in the world. who the fuck wants to ride on welfare? but then they started giving out vouchers in cali for up to 3200 if the mom had enough kids. and they were renting some big ass homes far out in the boonies on Welfare.

    I mean FUCK ME. not to mention getting 200 dollars per kid in foodstamp, err I mean EBT (electronic food stamps) in which these cards with "Restrictions" weren't being monitored and some people were using them to take plane rides to Hawaii and shitttt

    Obama Days were GOOOOOD
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls We also have a supermarket called Asda which is owned by Walmart

    I heard they do well though. asda stands for?
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Safeway is probably the most well run Large Store Grocery. I mean they're not a Box Store like Sams Club or the others but they do really well. I go to Lucky's sometimes and I get depressed as fuck and just want to get out. I go into Safeway, I take my time buying shit.

    I asked myself this and I honestly believe its the color schematics in the store. Lucky's used to be a nice green color now they're is blue or a weird color on the walls it seems. they say this calms people. I hate Blue walls. Walmart uses it. it isn't nice.

    Target uses Red. I feel comfortable. Safeway wall colors is Red. I feel comfortable. is it the color? I go into Ross. it feels like a shitty train wreck of a store. not worth my time being in there. it seems to smell funny. Blue. why blue? its not a good color for interior walls. not any fucking shade or variation of it. I think it tells the brain it's cold like you're inside a giant iceberg. Why would you want that?

  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls You have safeway there?

    They went bust here a loooong time ago, I think morrisons took them over

    I get my cooked chickens from costco

    Yeah. It started in Idaho (American Falls) in 1913 by a family with the surname Skaggs (Which is a word for a skanky person) and their HQ was moved to Oakland California and Charles Merrill from Merrill and Lynch was hired to run it. then He came up with Safeway name and they expanded to Europe (I knew the UK had them, didn't know they left) and is now HQ in a new location in the SF bay area in a town called Pleasanten. I used to work for them. a couple stores actually.

    Also their store brand items like Chili is called Skaggs Chili.. LOL the name makes me laugh but the Chili is damn good. way better than Dennison or Hormel. it's like real Chili.
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by POLECAT do you know what a SUV is?

    I didn't contradict myself I "LOOKED it up" I said (Seat) it's kind of a SUV or Van like an odyssey (or even closer to a crossover) and then I looked up the golf and it was kind of the same. but there is a Golf S which is like a cross over and a Golf which looks like (as mentioned) a honda civic or an older Saturn Ion

    I had to LOOK it up to see what it was (The seat) I never said the Golf was an SUV. I thought I knew what a VW Golf was. but I was thinking of something small like a rabbit. like a smart car.

    and if you mean an original SUV like a Giant Bronco size truck. yes but now adays the SUV has got smaller and the crossover is a SUV/Sedan which are simply being called SUV now. they dont even call them crossover. they're just the new SUV size.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo you're literally the dumbest person on the internet.

    And drives a ford. kek
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Does your local Grociery have those?

    Safeway does in Cali. or used to. you can't even buy raw chicken for that cheap. and have to put it in your own oven capable of doing that kind of cooking.

    So whats the underline story here? is there something wrong with the chickens? substandard? yes they're small but can still feed 4 or get 4 meals out of it.

    I love them because the meat is super moist and dissolves in the mouth. throw them on tortillas and shiiieeet

    make nachos with them too.

    but why so cheap?
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Anyways, Wario, JIE/IIE, Kr0z.. I tried and failed and tried again. it really just has to come to STOP. and mean it. dont say it because this morning you're hugging the "porcelain godess"

    I want to say Dont give Up. but rather Hey. Stop. just say I'm done with it. drink coffee or energy drinks to get a buzz. I know they're not healthy in large numbers but have a couple of energy drinks. get a jolt and chat online with people not drinking. kek
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat Bill Krozby you need to get it together as well with alcohol tho.

    Says the angry guy at bars who smashes beer glasses over peoples faces then sucker punches them.

  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker According to Wikipedia the American Independent Party is far right.

    It is. And Green is probably more Left. but there are several others. the AIP I think is seen as a White Nationalist party as well.

    really there can be an unlimited amount of Indepedent parties while only one Democratic and One Republican? I'm sure there could be more though
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by POLECAT things will get much better after TRUMP gets reelected and puts all the political treasonist's in Guantanamo to await beheading,, its gonna make one hell of a reality show

    Really? why do you think he would wait to be reelected?

    I would think he would of rushed to do so in case he doesn't get reelected. It was all a show. left or right, these guys sleep with each other. big names dont go under the bus. they have Olly North and MIchael Cohens to do this.

    Take one for the team Guys

    Like uhh No Thanks, I don't get paid 100k a year like Secret Service guys might get.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    In all truth, these pandemics last about 3-5 years before they fade off.

    we have newer strains already.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby quit being a cock ryde all the time, its not even scron, you're dumb.

    next thing you know like clock work smeelhung is going to be trying to hit on teej, because he's a chicken hawk. I've met guys like smeelhung before and they will totally try to be cool and give you some drugs but then will glide their hand over yours while you reach for the pookie, then as soon as you tell them you're not like that, their standing teary before a mirror crying by way of god by way of themselves, "if you really loved me, why'd fucking make me like this?"

    Or is it? did he slip up? are we doing the Carousel thing again? rotating users names?
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Did you wake up yet?

    Ross Perot

    remember the short guy from Texas? mr Billionair. his numbers came in pretty high for an i-party candidate. it can happen. "Its a throw away vote" is the way both left and right use to cause fear in the Independents.

    and naturally there is 1 in 5 people that are questioning why even vote well i vote for the lesser evil. this is where you come in. "Why Vote for the Lesser of 2 Evils, There is a third party you know" that should be the tagline to get it boosted
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by POLECAT 14 cords of firewood in log form and a trucker to deliver it,, $1620.00

    Is that a good price? 110 or so for a cord of wood? that's 4x4x8?

    logform so you get more wood? I would think if they break them down and stack them in the cord right you would get more not less weightage. also I guess you like chopping wood?

    I'm only asking because I do want to live off grid, but then again I hate smoke from fireplaces. a woodstove is cool though. some people like that ancient smell of having a normal fireplace. but it isn't healthy to breath in.

    After talking to little Loogie-sportster I might buy a gas or propane/methane charger and a portable one with a modified SINE wave inverter that can recharge 2000wh in 3.5 hours (instead of 12) at 80 percent effiencienxy (did more research on Amazon and other sites)

    shits getting better and better. the Battery Technology is. downside, batteries also cost a fuckload to replace. but they only need replacing like every 3-5 years.

    and also you can't live in it part time and not recharge or the battery life degrades. so if its a 2 week out of the year home, take your shit with you and recharge it every 2 months to keep the battery cells flexing they neefd to flex. they dont flex they get weak.

    yeah. things are going to get pretty fucking bad in the next years to come. We might get rid of Covid or our imune systems might handle it better yet politically and civility will be on the decline.
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