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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer--....-.....--........................................................................................(b­anned) youre all kinds of full of shit. i walk into federal buildings all the time.

    i also fly and dont show any ID. at a major international airport, i (and many, many others) park fifty feet from the terminal and maybe 75 from the actual aircraft parking area, walk through the terminal, go to the flight area door, the security dude opens the door, i walk to the aircraft, get on it, and take off…with the only ID ever presented is the aircraft call-sign given to the tower.

    So two things. Its not being demanded as of yet. You can currently enter them. You may have a security level clearance for all I know. but people who don't wont get in next year. it was supposed to happen this Oct. but they moved it up to next year.

    Next, Only Commercial airlines require this. There is a private airline that has Commercial Size jets and planes that don't require TSA Preflight. and they have these companies all over our country and probably others too. but In Israel and the UK, I'm pretty sure you have to go through a type of TSA Preflight of theirs as well as clearly Customs.
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal My hangovers are the worst.
    I am talking sickness where you feel like you're on the verge of dying, deep depersonalization, totally numb.
    When I'm in that state the only thing I can do is lie down and try to sleep.
    Then there is the detox, involuntary jerking of the arms, waking up in the middle of sleep yelling, severe carpal tunnel .. Yeah nothing serious just a casual once a week occasion right? *face palm*

    Alcohol is a horrible drug, yet the euphoria and mental state keep me coming back.

    Like wariat said watching movies while drunk is so fun but for me my go-to activity is getting drunk and listening to music until I black out and fall asleep.

    Alcohol is a depressant. it makes you feel good for a short time and then starts to make the bad feelings ooze out. You're only drunk and numb for a short time. that's the poison having its affect on you before moving to different areas of the body and when you come down you're neurons are agitated as fuck.


    Next week, go on make it an open room, no rules. buy some plywood and name the room "Building a train set and run it live for a few hours, taking suggestions of what to add. and then every weekend go buy or make buildings for it, add a few more tracks. paint model characters, model cars, model homes, stuff. play music videos while you're working and once in a while look over and read what people are saying. boot people are are harassing others. maybe you'll meet some cute lady on there who likes trains too.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung No one is allergic to cannabis. Cannabis allergies dont exist.

    You can be allergic to your boyfriends cum. You can be allergic to anything, Mr Wellhung. even your own body.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    So, I have seen plenty of videos of Chinese people getting into fights in the streets. they have little fear. I saw a shorter dude getting beat on and he finally loses it to a guy nearly a foot taller and licked him right in the jaw and the tall guy fell on the ground and looked like a mannequin having a seizure.

    I try and to look at it as maybe they were emotional from the Patriotic song they were singing. but then, I thought. No, that sounds like a pop song added to the soundtrack. I dont think anything was playing.

    It's OK to be scared and cry inside that Hey I might die young and never get laid. but I mean come on. WTF.
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Today I saw a cop in front of me and everyone in front of him driving slow because they must have been pussies.
    At the next light I pulled up next to the cop and once it turned green I got ahead of him and changed into his lane and keep 10 mph over the speed limit. All the other cars in the other lane must have thought I was nuts as I passed them and didn't give a damn about the cop.
    I got nothing to hide. If he wanted to pull me over he could clean out my car for me but beyond that nothing.
    I'm on Chantix and would have leveled his ass.

    sounds like you got a new bulb for your projector n looking to show it off.

    btw, had a cop pull me over because some queer said he thinks i had a gun and cleaning it. the cop tore through my truck... they dont clean up the mess. he told me he didnt think i did but he knew the guy. their nickname for him was King of the block"

    i was homeless at the time.

    i think he swatted me for being parked outside his condo, and i was killing time on my laptop, watching youtube before my shrink apt next door to his apt cmplx.

    maybe he meant i was cleaning my cock off.
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 What do you bet if you get in trouble and have to go to court they don't throw the case out because you're ineligible to enter the building. Noo, oooh no, talk about the fleecing of America 🐑

    you cant enter a federal building.

    county or state court houses are different.

    i care about not being able to fly. covid might be around next year but when you must have a real ID to fly, I may want to fly to Palestine/State of Israel and visit both Bethlehem as well as Jerusalem.

    Ireland first. County of Claire Dysert O'Deaghaid O'Dea Castle.

    maybe have MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING come meet me for an off the wagon pint.

    I want to visit North West UK try not to get robbed in Madchesta
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal That's how I would ingest marijuana.
    Even small amounts make me feel like shit, my breathing gets heavy and my heart races.

    you could be allergic to it. i might be alergic as well.
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Erekshun That sounds like a high as fuck thought.

    could sell it to hollywood but they log onto sites like this and steal them anyways.
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    i went to take a piss at an old doctor office building i used to go to.

    came back, swarm of yellowjackets buzzing my car trying to sting it and then turned on me.. i got stung on my back and then the back of my arm, i got in the car and they were pelting off of my window.

    i had pulled over first to spray some quick car wax you just wipe off and parked under the tree out of the sun.

    I think perhaps it had bees wax in it? it drove them insane. they lived inside the tree i parked in. but after i wiped it down i went to take a piss n came back to a swarm.

    so i pulled over and down wind and snuck up and sprayed like 5 times at the tree hole with the little fuckers getting frothy on their own home.

    Man wins another battle against the savages of Man's Earth
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Folks, i can still feel the venom in my right breast.

    have infinity suck it out and then tell him it also stung your cox n balls too
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    What if say, youre too from America ( to simplefy this) and you went to bed, and woke up the next day soaken wet with people pulling you onto a ship. they speak english but no idea what America is. there is a canada and mexico but no usa, including alaska and hawaii not existing. they take you to a doctor in canada and tell you, that you may have bumped your head hard and your brain has made up a story to fill in your amnesia.

    and you yell at them and curse yet theyre just so friendly and say stuff like " ok, that will be aboot enuff uf that, ehh. would you like some meat pie n sausages.

    n u say, Hey fuckhole. Im not lying.

    n they say. thats aboot enuff, take off you hose head. but they cant find any records on u with your fingerprint. and added u to the dna research data bank for closest relative and find out your dna is not human.
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting What's wrong with Fords?

    well. if its a 65-66-67 Mustange Shelby.. not a lot, but if its a 2000 n above. theyre kind of pieces of shits that are assembled in us or mexico but with shitty asian made parts with the lowest grade material allowed and often rattle apart.
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    ^perv in denile
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by POLECAT I'll never get one,, I aint flyin no where unless I build my own flying machine

    next step is u get a real id or forced a chip implant.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Isn’t the driving age in some states like 15?

    That’s fucked up, it’s 17 here

    for a permit but you have to have an 18 or over in the car with you who has a drivers license
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Long Live Ned Beatty.

    He's one of my favorite Film Stars. So Was Burt Reynalds. RIP

    They should make a sequel to the film Network. but this time about the Internet and big corporate start ups. with Ned Beatty (same character) who is now head of NSA or some shit and the corruption used to peer in on people and their addiction to the net.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ORACLE Shut your cock holster nigger

    I'm gonna fly into your country, find you and wrastle you out in a poppy field somewhere. then treat you like my own personal Ned Beatty in the film Deliverance.

    Am I getting through to you Mr Beale? err I mean Mr Trippe.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga

  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    I just got mine. line was wrapped around the DMV all year long.

    I couldn't find the damn place yesterday. fuck GOOGLE and the mapping shittery

    I finally saw a shitload of people and realized this building that didn't stand out very well was in fact it.

    But I saw all of those people at 2pm yesterday and was like "FUCK THIS SHIT" and went home. this morning I got up at 6 and got there at 7:45 before it opened up. Guess what, I was farther back than had I went yesterday. it was already lined up. People going there at 5am to be first in line.

    Why we have the Real ID this year. Trump accused Obama of not being born in the USA. so Obama on his way out made sure a former proposal of the Real ID (That I think Bush Jr first came up with) was implemented by 2020, Trumps final year. "You force me to prove my birth in this nation, I'll do the same to everyone else"

    and so on top of it, I had to pay for the damn thing. and it doesn't stop there. You need a Social Security Card and as well as a tax return or 1040/1099 thingy, and 2 utility bills and a bank statement with your current address on it.

    people scrambling to find all this shit.
    And trust me. No one can cheat the system (like they fear) as far as walking in and not having every one of these requirements will send you back out the door. the DMV workers physically enter each one into the system. if you didn't bring everything but they cant do shit. the system will kick them back out. and they're being watched closely. unlike before.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal I wish there was a safer alternative to alcohol.
    I can't do weed because it makes me psychotic and feel like shit.
    DPH is kind of boring.
    I haven't tried kratom.
    Opiates are too dangerous.

    do small amounts of vaping weed. otherwise it just makes the SSRI pointless. but small amounts will stop the shaking SSRi can give. its better than benedryl for the shakes.

    but yeah, I get bad acid reflux from vaping marijuana. mine is a dry vape too. I dont fuck with those oils. thats what is killing people
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