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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra then why do we have railguns but not replicators

    railguns are badass. whats a replicator?
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra it was originally a question but I'm in no mood for empathy so I thought I'd save us both the trouble

    maybe another time

    You didn't direct the one line. i figured it was directed at myself yet i understand during busy times its difficult to understand who it was directed at. I should of asked before replying. even if it was at me I should have replied who you were replying to.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by joe biden I'm a kitchen table and no one is better than me.

    and on top of you is 3 nut shells and a black eyed pea.

    do your little shuffle game.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra ***don't respond to this it won't go anywhere good

    that is just a very oddly specific statemet
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I literally turned 21 this year… Wtf? Why are you calling me a liar?

    OK so You're not §m£ÂgØL or the original one. If you literally turned 21 you would of been 2 years of age when 9/11 happened and I used to talk to a §m£ÂgØL back then. Someone else had that name. but then again you have made statements that seemed you were the same guy and the youngest back then would of been 15 (or whatever the minimal age was not that teens were being honest when making an account)

    What is realy scary is if you LITERALLY turned 21 you're young than my own kids. by chance did an older friend or family member (father?) was an original member of totse or zoklet? You were 10 years of age when Zok took over totse and created a new forum board? you're in no way the §m£ÂgØL I used to talk to.
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    ignore me again. what the fuck do I know anyways.

    right after a major period in history where something like the Gulf war with a period of Bill Clinton not taking advantage of opportunity to kill that fucker Saddam Husain, it leads to a point where Suddam gets murked by proxy of something unrelated to him and complete lack of involvement that the Saudi Arabs in charge of the country had funded.

    Poppi Bush got his revenge through his son. and the Saudis have been sleeping with the elitist that the ignorant as fuck Americans keep voting into power.

    When is Trump going to "Clean the swamp". Why would he? he's friends of saudi Arabs as well. Why didn't we punish these fuckers. Why was Mossad Attempting to blow up GWB in NYC and then suddenly "Oh it never happened" when shitloads of people witnessed and heard this.

    Because in a strange turn of logic. This false state of israel created for J'ews and Athiest "Cultural Only/Russian Communist and backed by the UN" are buddies with the Saudis (Regardless of religious indifference) because Iraq, Iran and Syria and other countries have threatened the Saudis and State of Israel. so one of our closest Allies (State of Israel) sends in its version of CIA/NSA to create panic?

    No this is not anti-semitic. it is pro semetic that the powers have nothing to do with God but their own self interest of control.

    And when you guys say "Fuck Kikes" it only adds to their defense of control. which makes me wonder if you guys side with this State of Israel or are non religious "J'ew by bloodright" and care little for the real J'ewish people who many are compassionate and or hate the State of Israel but in a different way. because it doesn't represent their religion but a secular power and controll.

    All I can do as one individual is sit back and smh. it is sooo fucking transparent these days. they don't even hide it anymore or it's because of the adventitious or advancement of technology fact; that we have phone cams everywhere in the world now, or webcams or dashcams with audio on, watching other individuals that they caught; something showing people involved in these groups saying contradicting things publicly to, that of their real agenda or as statements that made prior.

  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I feel like they only take in retards or something. It's always the dumbest people.

    Then there's a small percentage of people who are actually cool. But overall the douchebag ratio is much higher in the military. Most of them abuse their wives and drink a lot

    They're not Retards

    a retard is more of an action you do to yourself. You did a retarded move by drinking yourself to the point of blacking out and then drove your car and killed someone or multiple people.

    The Military can not take in Mentally Challenge people if it is obvious during the interview or medical examinations. So no. they may suffer mental disease of depression or anxiety but not physical challenged or have something severe like down syndrome.

    So they're not stupid or retarded but ignorant. this just means they're uneducated. we're all ignorant regarding something. everyone is or has been ignorant. children are generally ignorant as fuck. unless they're some savant of some sort like a blind child starts playing the piano like a master pianist (and this has happened multiple times in history)

    The military just wants machines to kill or has a long history of this. but one thing that happen most recently is to give them a life long skill. in radio communications, or web designing, IT, coding, Medical field and so on.

    So you took ignorant kids either from the suburbs or even urban regions (which was happening a lot and critisized for using poor blacks or hispanics or even whites, asian etc to go to war for "The Man".

    this isn't new. but also, on the flip side. the peaceful Democrats of the hippy era were poisoned by people like Jane Fonda and Robert Redford and the WUO. go to the airport and spit on the "Baby Killers" coming back from NAM fuck!

  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Big Bang. pushes matter out. something to do with amino acids creating cell structures that animate and come to life and eventually they're multi divided.

    but what started this. an intelligent design is most likely. so there is a creator and God means just that. its a title description. science studies matter (and anti-matter) and this is studying the residual affect. of what already happened. science is basically studying or reverse engineering the works of a creator. So in the simple form, there is absolutely a God.
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    It's hot. rare or just expect this more and more?

    the one day we were to get a clear blue day fell on september 9th. gigi and I talked the day before about getting up early and going up to the Berkeley' Hills to a place called Tilden Park and take a walk out in a field away from people and covid.

    but 9/9/2020 was the day I saw a crimson red through the closed blinds and jokenly said "What is it Armageddon and opened the blinds and saw the whole outside was red. not red in one direction like a sunrise or sunset. but everywhere you looked. and knew it was some forest fire somewhere. I had to turn on the tv to see where it was.

    as for the redish FX the news said it's the same as a sunset where the sun hits multiple atmosphere points over the horizon as the sun is setting behind different sphere layers that cancel out the blue and green spectrum and show the warmer red and orange spectrum's. giving it an almost crimson-sepia like color. crimson is the color of blood. and it's color scale in the red range or the nano-meter spectrum range of red is 666

    no joke. look it up.

    Violet: 380–450 nm (688–789 THz frequency)
    Blue: 450–495 nm
    Green: 495–570 nm
    Yellow: 570–590 nm
    Orange: 590–620 nm
    Red: 620–750 nm (400–484 THz frequency)

    Alexa Fluor 488 is where a neon green starts. but neon is not the brightest light range. its pure green I believe. on a RBG chart I believe it's 255 (but you might have to check on this)

    I also believe I just found the numerology game I often see as patterns ranges. sorry I didn't take advance math courses because I was a 'hyper head'. kek

    Alexius in greek (Alexios) means Bold or defender. Alexa (fem form) means Bright or flair often used for Girls where as Boys names are Alexius or Alex for short.

    Because I "Anchor" into patterns I often see 488 (which isn't random but purpose) in serial numbers as a subfix or just displayed around and about. (Window displays etc), and I see 664 a lot of the times as well. perhaps the true Crimson is 664 but 666 is very close on the meter range to what looks blood red.

    So add that to the "by chance" that the bible states 666 on the forehead, 6.6.6 as something to do with Genome sequences? and 666 on the nano-meter visible color spectrum chart.

    but there is always happenstance over that of the so called synchronicity that occurs. but is it possible nothing is random.

    and the Golden ratio i recently spoke about with a user on here. the Fibonacci and 5 5 5 in a math equation. is the point that light-waves get shorter again. the peak is 535-550

    this is an annoying "mental lock of anchoring" or habit I have had my entire life. it's a silly Eater Egg Hunt. but it is always branching out to things that clearly relate. it sucks how long one thing has to take without going to study courses in a traditional setting where I would be forced to study other subjects per the ore-requisite rule.

    there have been other light-wave metering chart rules. or how they measure on a number range. but I think the nano-meter is the most common? some of you are nerds, explain to me if this is worthy to note. and if not, why not.

    I'm sure Hikki can school me.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Gay tradition of a non-gay

    You got me.

    is that your car? is it a BMW Crossover? I notice the wood-side piece on her seat. where do you go to find black women to jizz on. are they Madams of the Night? I should do a documentary on your odd misadventures Grylls.

    but I do clip then file my nails because I'v always been a mr clean type of guy (until recently.. some days i just lay around)

  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    I thought you meant it's the end of White Folk (MEN) over the age of 30-40 in America. I might ask Canada to honor that thing 4 years ago and move to the Great White Northern Territory and become a ice cave gnome
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    PS Carmel was named after the Mission named after Spaniard Carlos Carmelo

    the food Caramel is a color which is a reddish brown. so when searing sugar or natural sugar on meats it turns this color which is why they called it Caramel.

    which also became the sugar treat as well. Carmel is not named for a color but a Missionary.
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost imagine naming a city after melted sugar

    It's spelled Caramel. Carmel is also a town in Central California.
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    I thought for a moment Hikki took my advice for the Japanese Porno Ladies Adult Amusement Park in Japan.

    Im guessing they're disease free. prolly expensive af to fuck
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Where can we view the positive test results?

    fuck Spec. ITS FUCKING REAL
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat I'll kill you

  17. Bugz Space Nigga
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Boris update

    Big man now 🤨

    Still a hansomoso but you should have a toy or treat near the camera lens to get him to look directly into it at his level but a nice portrait shot like this. and dont stick your finger in front of the lens.
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Can’t beat (or beat off to) a bit of scarlett johansson

    Oh look. A New Jersey Plate (Play on the "Oh Look a Duck" photo. lols)
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    turn your analog clocks back an hour before bedtime

    Yes, I am ordering you to do so. yet you get a free hours sleep-in tomorrow.
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