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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Question. Why did she leave the window open in the first place? it allows cold and moisture to gum up those components and corrode? remember, water is a virus to electronic boards (I learned this while working at an electronic store) you can dry it out and clean it up but the parts will oxidize and the component board gets incurable form of electronic AIDS. it will die with in 6 months on average.

    good job Fona. go take classes and get a job fixing electronics in peoples cars. get certified.

    CHEERS EVERYONE HAPPY HALLOWEEN. Its a rare Halloween. Blue Moon and Fall Back is tonight as well.

  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Splam According to the "survival of the fittest" theory, if applied to langauge, English is obviously the superior language, as proven by it's 2 billion speakers. Germanic languages mostly share the same thought pattern. Notice how well off all Germanic countries are? Could this be in part due to their languages? People in France, Greece or Mexico act a certain way, vs Sweden, Canada and Germany, etc. Could language be intertwined into culture?

    Its called the Latin branch. Latin (the language is usually a way for doctors to communicate of different language speakers), Then comes Greek, Spanish, Italians, French and a few others. the Germanic Branch is a High German and Low German. I think Norwegian is Low German as perhaps Danish or Dutch? i forgot what the Germanic-Branch languages are. English is a mut language split between Germanic and Latin and some Hebrew and arabic (also uses the Arabic number system) in its vocabulary.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung because the probability of that is high, huh bugsey?

    Wow, A realistic moment. You really hate me for some reason. I mean you're retarded skit is just for fun and trolling I'm sure. I mean I hope you're not really a racist person but the repetitive bit is only funny for some for a certain amount of time.

    No, the probability is not high. I agree. But you never know. but you can tell them about all the black friends or family members you may have and it's just a type of reverse-racism bit by saying it. I just thought you might find a new tagline to "Shock" people with.

    I 'aint try'n to hate anyone' is my tagline now. but yes, shock humor is funny. you just got to change out your material once in a while. or just keep it but use it every now and then and hope some lurker doesn't see it and remember you.

    I have no clue as to where you're located now. Canada, Indiana? at least you keep that a secret.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Most well known Stephanie Courtney is said to make about 800k a year for Progressive Insurance. But she is a union SAG-Aftra card holder.

    The Minimum Card holder makes 69 dollars an hour. (For noobies)

    Next most well known (For his voiceover) is British actor Jake Wood (Geico). he only made about 3 million for all of his commercial time. which was one of the longest runs. yet they actually wanted to give him a major pay cut to continue on that he rejected (most likely tactic the studio wanted to use. bits get old over time?)

    Dennis Haysbert for Allstate (The deep voice guy) 'Demands' 2-3 Million a year for his commercial time. and he probably has made half of what the most well known commercial star (Courtney I mentioned already) does. but he's a famous actor and voiceover.

    Justin Guarini (The prince'esque guy Dr Pepper commercial) gets 250k on average a year. I think he made like 4 commercials (used but perhaps dozens were made and not chosen). but he's a noobie

    CAPTAIN OBVIOUS Brandon Moynihan (
    180k a year on average for his spots.

    LOL this guy. I love his character.
    Dean Winters "Mr Mayham" is only said to get 5000 USD, every-time his commercial is shown. usually it's a national spot so its not like he's getting paid for every metro region. but that's a lot of money because his commercials were playing all the time.

    SNL Star Beck Bennett was doing ATT commercials prior to SNL in 2011 (it says)
    He was making 250k (as the Dr Pepper guy was) on average per year for those spots.

    Older 70s commercial Mr Whipple (Dick Wilson) made 300k a year back then. thats probably like 1.2 million in todays money.

    "Where's the beef" Clara Peller (who died in 1987) was making half a milllion a year back in the 80s. 1.4 million a year in todays money.

    Cocaine guy Billy Mays spent his own money making Oxyclean spots (his product) but it pulled in 10 million over the few years he did so. He raked it in.

    "Can you hear me now" Paul Marcarelli made about a million a year for his Sprint spots or about 6k per airing.

    The Snapple lady Wendy Kaufman made 100,000 a year starting in the 90s. but she worked for Snapple answering fan mail which the company put her in the commercials. See, good things happen to good spirited people who are usually spokes people.

    Hollywood A'lpha male Colin Ferguson gets 1mil on average a year for MayTag repairman.

    UK British actor Jonathan Goldsmith who played The Most Interesting Man in the World; Dos XX (A Mexican Gont played by a brit?? Wuuuuu) made about 1 million a year and brought sales up for the company' an extra 16% annual profits. (good tagline does well)

    Sham-Wow guy made about 20k a year. Peanuts compared to other actors. But Im guessing he had no SAG-Aftra union card. :( but it must have been enough for a crack whore who nearly bit his lip off?

    Anyways, I believe non union actors starting out get an average 50 dollars a day. That is the same amount given out when 50 dollars a day was worth something. I got an extra in a film in 1980s where I was in a bar scene in the opener of the film. I got 50 bucks but we came back the second day as well. I was shouting outside which should be counted as a speaking line :D thing was I never wanted to be an actor. i wanted to get behind the scene and make films or do editing for films. Just by chance they were also filming a Made for TV (Or HBO) a film in Santa Cruz and I was talking to the director in which I asked if I could watch (and told him about the film I got to be in) and he asked me if I wanted to ride along with the Janitor driving a golf cart or utility cart. So I guess a film I never seen I am in the cart driving past the actor looking for his daughter abducted. The guy I sat with kept telling me how to sit but I didn't recognize him. he was probably none union as well. but he was really into coaching me. I laughed inside but acted all serious with him and was like 'you mean like this" and he was like 'no you're too stiff'. anywho

    50 bucks? Sure, "You should feel blessed you even got this part"=the same amount has been given out for decades. just never changed. Free lunches are often given (or one meal) which usually is pizza in a box and maybe some fruit or snacks and sodas or bottle water for non union workers.

    they're separated from the union people. like a curtain on a plane. there own outdoor tent like first class versus coach. well planes got rid of first class and created business-coach vs coach and they got rid of that lame ass curtain.

    so (My professional Average guy speech) The industry should rid this feed table for the extras and beef up the one day pay. (Actually it might be 300 a day now). Same as Jury Pay. Jury pay is still 15 a day (lol). I think it was this amount going back to the late 1940s and has never been raised. I mean this is slave labor. "But it's your civil duty". its basicly parking reembursment. Its funny how the state or Federal level gets away with this pay.

    both the states, feds and hollywood should up that minimum pay scale to at least 200-300 hundred for non union workers (if not already done. this is Babysitter pay) or minimum-wage hourly pay for new actors.

    everyone has to cut their teeth but people have to pay for their plane trips and hotel or whatever to get to the sets.

    anyways here is the source page. has more people on it.

    tl:dr look at the pretty pictures here
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Go ahead and end your life. I'm waiting

    why are you mean to guys who reject your homosexual advancements?

    I thought you were a nice guy when I met you. I mean don't get me wrong. I'm not being a little (Nonhomosexual) Faggot here but I figured you were someone I could have somewhat of a conversation on a basic level before us trolling each other as usual on this site.

    I'm sure you're a decent dude. But don't cast me into your web of friendness and then get angry at me and make threats and "I don't know you. We aint friends" like some tough guy. maybe you're a tough guy. But don't let my real friendly side fool you into thinking I wouldn't go full on rage and pound your ass (non homosexual) into the curbside.

    I am not an advance or first strike kind of person. but like the pre-hulk guy says "You don't want to see me mad" is worth heeding.
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    I thought a nonce was like a pleb. a nub (Noobie) shit, I may have used the word incorrectly. is it a pedo of some type? LOL if so.
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Also Narc. did you lose your room you use to tell me about (I think I saw a video of it. it has old red carpet in the hallway?)

    something about you screaming at someone shitting up the place and yelling in the hallways. maybe that was someone else. You have a buzz cut or bald head? big tall white dude? Hows things, My Man?
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Narc Welldungs constant racial comments are very immature. Gives us a perfect view of his mentality tho.

    Is like comfort food for him to belt out a "Nigger" daily. wait until some black dudes who just lurk on this site see his face and go "oh, That cat lives just up the street. Lets go pay his hotel room a visit"

    also. "The Internet is a time machine" (Unless says otherwise)
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you would know considering your mentality is that of a 14 year old

    Zing kr0x earns a double point for that one.

    Originally posted by Kev why were you in a nut ward?

    Probably for attention. and free drugs. some drug addicts think psych meds are fun. they're not. they often cause muscle pain and cramping af. I turned into a pretzel (Leg spasms like fuck) one time in one of those wards. they jacked my shit up when I was 15 or 16 years old and my mom asked Kaiser for "help" and off I went.

    I can't tell you how many people have told me that the guard guys who strap you down day 1 will take polaroids of you like in the film Terminator 2. The doctor probably used to have it done but they just use digital cameras to watch you. but those Man Nurses probably take it for fapping later on. or trading on the dark web.

    the whole system is askew if you ask me. Thorazine is a fun drug. LOL it's not. LOL "The Thorazine Shuffle"

    The Thorazine shuffle is when they want to make sure you don't try to run into a door trying to escape but let you walk around the hallways. newbies on it (Like my first experience) you have to hold onto the wall behind you and everything is like doing a space walk and your eyes or tweaking or twirling or some shit. it's beyond being drunk af. The old timers on Thorazine have it down better. they can walk semi-norm but usually flap their arms about.

    I would give a months pay to see Hikki on this shit and being let out for recreation time. him trying to play ping pong. fuck.. that image alone is worth a thousand laughs.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls If you don’t know who he is fuck you faggot suck my balls

    Best known for James Bond and The Rock

    "Isn't that like a Genie-Wop to bring a knife to a gun fight"
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bugz Squids and Octipi have Blue Blood.

    Blue is Silver Oxididation and Red is Iron Oxidation

    Silver is a softer metal than Iron is. So therefor Republicans are stronger based on your color analogy
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Why can't you make Grylls happy for once and put his name on the list?
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    oops and that bully shark as well
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Merzcat Have you considered becoming a suicide bomber?

    Only if I'm chained to you and no one else gets harmed and we try and find that shark that turned you into a bloody stump. I'll end both of our miseries.. k?
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Wow. Just wow.
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by G Navy would be his only viable option they accept mentally challenged gays openly. He couldn't even push carts @ Walmart I think it's safe to say the Navy's a reach lol. He needs a halfway house w/ SSDI support,constant monitoring & medication, that's his future.

    Well maybe if he's in training in the navy and some freakish accident like him falling off the ship and landing on a shark taking off his arms and legs and leaving him a bloody stump will get him his SSI and SSD and some housing for the rest of his life. we can all pitch in for a special chair like Dr Hawkins had.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra did your brother bang Marina or the french friend? I'm having trouble following

    how did you meet demons, I want to meet one

    Let me try and articulate this better.

    Marina's french friend. and Im sure my brother met Marina as well and was in the kitchen talking with them. I saw my brother holding hands with her leaving the party. he told me the following day the details.

    Now, let me preface this for a moment. My friends father was kind of like what G does.he was a personal Body guard for King Mobutu of what was then called Zaire.

    something to do with CIA removing Leopold from power. Belgium king of Congo. but under the Dutch Ruling (not sure how that works)

    Lumbada was placed in power with Mobutu or some shit. Lumbada was killed because he wasn't working out? not real educated in their history. but I knew other families over the years from there. most of these people lived on the compound with King Mobutu and had nice homes of their own. the US Government pumped shitloads of money over to Mobutu which he kept it for himself and not shared it with the tribes.

    then Rhawanda's tribes Hutu and Tutsi (Totse?) went to war. just hacking each others arms off. again in the 1990s it started back up again Im told.

    I dated a girl around my highschool period who her family was friends with this family and she would tell me how scary it was these tribe people which one ran from the other into the Congo near their compound and they (the two tribal people) were killing the shit out of each other. I thought she was just making shit up because I was ignorant of this story back then.

    its weird how all of these people showed up. I'm told that Voodoo and calypso style dancing that is practice near the Virgin islands. or Haiti or the islands around. though it didn't originate in the Congo but more western Africa it's practices spread around. these also ended up in places like New Orleans. there is a film in which Charlie Sheen is in. the shit from Devils Breath used to make people zombies. The one that Finny denies exists. horse shit because it's documented. Sanitarian. Desi Arnez and his Cuban Santeria song on I love Lucy isn't an innocent Latin tune. it's about what all of this is. But again, it's their thing. and it's been brought into the elitist realm. and the Bohemian Grove types. its all over the fucking place. any libtown. Chicago, Portland Oregon, Austin, San Fran, Seattle.. etc.

    this might be why Dr Aquino was probably there for all I know. as a SET member or for the Dark Ops of the US Army. I had a chat with him who was also at the party. I never put much thought into wtf was going on. To sit here and read about Marina and Hilary today is a form of an epiphany?
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by G How long w/ Hiki's manic shit posting projection phase last ?!

    can you convice him to join the service and learn to be a better troll but with a job and better material
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Merzcat You keep avoiding such a simple question

    actually you are. you're projecting

    but I'll tell you a story. I stayed at a spa hotel.. fancy as fuck

    and the matress was super king. and they had like a dozen pillows you could build a pillow fortress. But i would bring my own pillow and lay inside of it on t his massive mattress that had memory foam and you sank into it like a womb. it was warm and probably full of many couples jizz but thats why you bring a pillow and put on a hoody to keep your face from contacting the cum pillows you're hiding inside of. and you can wake up and rub one out. felt so good. and at 3am just get up and spray lysol on the bath tub and then wash it out ans then fill it and it was a big ass sauna tub with jets. and rub out another one.

    you learn to love and become humble. and enjoy whatever you get that you normally dont have. Rich people are miserable beause they have exceeded expectations of ownership of nice things. they just have to keep feeding that lust for stuff. but you dont have to be homeles all the time. just part time if you have a job that doesnt pay well. you can still get a nice hotel room if you book in advance and call them for their best deals. sometimes they get you in that same day and you stay for 2-3 days. a mini vation once a month or twice a month in the winter.

    Now go down to your local Army store and sign up to be in the army
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Merzcat So are you schizophrenic or not?
    What have you been diagnosed with?

    it doesn't matter. Because I am doing better on my own than most people with 0 mental health problems. and many many people have some form of mental issues

    what does this say about you. I live out of my car like you, but I didn't weird out like you. I went to the gym, worked out, took a shower there. put my dirty clothes in a bag in a bin to keep the musty scent from attacking my car. I then usually went to a sandwich shop so I wouldn't eat junk food so much. or once in a while to a "Comfort Food" Diner to feel a sense of comfort. like Boston Market or Marie Calender.

    Once in a while I would treat myself to a hotel room. sometimes getting a deal (70 a night) for a room that usually went for 700 or more. it was pretty cool. room service and all.

    And get this. I went to work. I took the train into work. I walked 2 miles from the train station because it was faster then the overcrowded trolly car that would normally drop me off in front of my work. I mean they spent 5 minutes boarding idiots and packing them illegally in a small bus like trolly. like 120 people but I digress. dude, what is wrong with you?
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