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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed LMAO

    Dude you become a liberal just by breathing the air.

    Hollywood - liberal
    Music - liberal
    'trusted news sources' - liberal
    School - liberal
    University - liberal

    You don't need parents to indoctrinate you into it.

    right but the level she's at, often a parent was an old school from the 60s or 70s
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Meikai Enter is in jail for attempt murder on a female coworker.

    He opened up to me and then got fired afterwards.

    he worked for something like FVEY Aussie division and told me there sure was some interesting shit about the totse thing. He started to see the truth in what I was saying, helping me with it. then suddenly says something to contradict it and never came back.

    Now why wouldn't he come back. And the logic is , it wasn't him responding the last time. Someone logged into his account and said a counter then shut his account down.

    and if he did kill a female worker instead of that just being a silly joke, he probably did it before posting on here or on tinychat live, and they said "you won't go to Jail as long as you work for us, and he was reprogrammed and shit but then fucked up so off he went.

    thats how the reporgramming works. I know someone who was in it. he has to be a fucking informant for cops. and when I say INformannt its not just for listening to bad guys but often setting people up too. people that might have the dirt on someone in an agency or some other group.

    The program needs to be shut down
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Lanny That’s cool but what about the 6 gorillion?

    I smashed their little heads with the butt end of a Bowie Knife.

    wounded 6 others.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Aldra is a GlowNiggas

    Protecting his friend Trippy McGee

    Aldra, where is Enter?

    Originally posted by rabbitweed DTE seems OK.

    I think.

    IDK if she's aldra-tier. But she's certainly not §m£ÂgØL-tier.
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz guess you're unaware of all the experiments they did on people who had no skills/resources/intel

    google colonel aquino's 'from psyop to mindwar'

    they're interested in people for jizzillions of weird reasons, same with US army intelligence, nsa, etc

    Literally Lt Col came into my store in San Francisco (he lives in North Beach or did until his death in Sept 2019) and fucked with me.

    there is a lot to this story.
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by The Head Nigger In Charge You are mentally ill.

    Your Momma, Chief
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I already know it is just a urine test I take there at the staffing agency.

    urine will pass pot in 3 days. blood it might take longer. Isn't pot legal in your state? if it is. then they're not going to deny you a jOb because you have pot in your system

    just in case don't leave the other job. do it piss test. stop being afraid. if they ask if you smoke pot, say "no, But I eat edibles because of my liver problem due to my HIV"

    if they deny you employment because you're an HIV positive fuck, they could get sued. LOL
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Lanny⠀ You know you'll always be my skyline chili.

    Stringy Chili Mac
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    the only thing good with Chili is Macaroni, Bake Potato, Crackers or a tortilla
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by frala I might be a piece of shit too and if people have nasty things to say about me after I die then so be it. I mean…they’ve said nasty things about me while I’m alive so…

    It’s par for the course when you’re an asshole.

    My point is…it’s fucking retarded and I take pleasure in the outrage.

    Did you mother raise you the Liberal you are? was she a WUO member? a supporter of CHicago 7?
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    I'm sorry for you Rush L. Loss but things are much bigger than just one passing.

    the passing of many just 20 years ago. and the false war to follow. killing another half a million Civilians in Iraq alone and 8-9 thousand US Soldiers and a number of ally soldiers to go with it.

    this aint no Joke.
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    And my friends.

    I don't know why Kr0z invited her here.
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Fucking hell these people are legitimately trying to blame Biden like he didn't do enough as President before he got inaugurated.

    Is this gaslighting?


    Get Back To Your INfected Friends AIDS Party.
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra LOL ok

    they wont. no one is ever going to build a new nuclear power plant on top of a fault line. they want to shut down the one in California (if they havn't already done so) which I believe is Diablo

    and again. the Russians wouldn't of had their problem had it been encased in 50 feet thick of reinforced concrete. they shouldn't have used cooling rods like a car's radiator. but rather a pool inside shitloads of concrete.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Did I say Nebraska? I meant Central Kansas
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    How come we don't build multiple nuclear power plants in Nevada where they tested nuclear bombs. Hardly anyone lives there and if a meltdown occured (which it wont, and there is a reason why) it would be on soil already full of fall out from 3/4th of a century ago.

    a nuclear accident can't happen because the 3 that occured wont happen again. 3 Mile Island can't happen again. the Computer fail safes of today are too advance. and the truth is, the Accident wasn't as bad as they made it out to be. The irony is that the film The China Syndrome was released just a month prior to the real thing. hyping its story. the amount of radiation released wasn't as bad as people believed it to be. and contain inside and very little war released from the silos.

    Chernoble happened because they placed their reactors in a flimsy Airplane Hanger like building. and they were replacing the coolent rods with cranes from the outside and no one was monitoring how high the RAD level was. which was like 100 times more than considered lethal. now Russia uses the western methods of building reactors in 50 feet thick reinforced concrete.

    Fukashima was just asking for it. Put a Nuclear Reactor on a fucking Earthquake Faultline. they just had another 7.1 quake 5 days ago.
    also their reactors containment rooms had very little concrete and caught fire when the water drained out of the pool and they flushed it with Ocean water. which has salt in it. which conducts to energy which exploded and then poured into our oceans for eternity

    The closest Fault to that part of Nevada is the San Andreas but it's south west of Vegas. this is 80 miles north of vegas. its not sitting directly on top of it like Fukashima was.

    Perfect place to build like 5-6 New Nuclear Power Plants, one next to the other. the other great place would be Nebraska
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Biden wants to close down the Central Keystone Pipeline from the Dakota's and Canada. This happens. HAARP or Coincidence?

    Natural Gas are gases that vaporize off of crude oil. ridding the Pipeline rids natural gas as well.

    DUMB AS FUCK. There is no Green Replacement as of yet.

    Where will all the Batteries go when they can no longer hold a charge? Where will the new metals come from to replace the older ones that can never hold a charge again? The element loses its polarity for good.

    Solar Panels. the Plastics or film used in Solar Panels come from Plastics made from Petro. Not Peanuts or other Veggitable plastics.

    What will grease the Windmill turbines? They require crude heavy oil and not synthetics which still have part crude mixed in.

    the Batteries for Hydro stations also require massive batteries. the size of a building. when there is a drain on the metals to make electric car batteries then the cost of Hydro electricity will shoot through the roof.

    Nuclear Power isn't popular but even if it was, it doesn't solve the need for massive batteries to be replaced.

    Coal isn't going to solve the problem neither unless we make engines that run off of coal. so basically, shutting down the Keystone Pipeline is a big fucking mistake.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed⠀ ⠀ my butt doesnt hurt.

    you should remedy that travesty by fisting my asshole until your elbow gets stuck in my transverse colon

    Oh Snap. he's going after other users now and not just Lanny
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe He's clearly pissed about something. Does his original account need unbanning or something? Don't see why he has to ruin it for everyone else if he can be appeased by something so simple.


    He said something about "if all "handsome and well tanned individual" people would move out of his Queens neighborhood so he could move back home" he would be too busy to post on NIS ever again.

    he's angry because he was chased out of his NYC home town. This is why he was forced to move to Florida with all the other elder J'ews
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fonaplats TL;DR?

    OP's bonus this year was just enough to fill a motorcycle with oil once.

    4 litres
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